Fine Dictionary


  1. (v) tittup
    to walk with a lofty proud gait, often in an attempt to impress others "He struts around like a rooster in a hen house"
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
  1. Tittup
    The act of tittuping; lively, gay, or restless behavior or gait; a prance or caper.
  2. Tittup
    To behave or move in a lively or restless manner, as an impatient horse; to caper; to prance; to frisk.
Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia
  1. tittup
    To act or go in a gay, lively, or impatient manner; spring; prance; skip.
  2. (n) tittup
    A lively or gay movement or gait; a prancing or springing about; a canter.
Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary
  1. (v.i) Tittup
    tit′up to skip about gaily
  2. (n) Tittup
    a light springy step, a canter

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary Cf. Teeter

Usage in literature

Lord Minikin neglects his wife, and flirts with Miss Tittup. "Character Sketches of Romance, Fiction and the Drama, Vol 1" by The Rev. E. Cobham Brewer, LL.D.

Do you feel inclined for a tittup? "Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 101, September 26, 1891" by Various

Jezebel was tittuping along behind, thinking only of her next feed. "Letters to Helen" by Keith Henderson

Seen from the nearer point of view, the tittuping horseman seemed curiously out of harmony with his environment. "Empire Builders" by Francis Lynde

But when Mr. Mackintosh tittuped down the aisle with her, I did not think so. "Red Hair" by Elinor Glyn

Why, auntie would have just met them tittuping along. "Sir Hilton's Sin" by George Manville Fenn

Do you feel inclined for a tittup? "The Travelling Companions" by F. Anstey

Cantering along upon an old tittuping hack is merely taking horse exercise in a mild form. "The Barb and the Bridle" by Vielle Moustache