
September – Aster

Aster dumosus ‘Purple Dome’
Photo/Illustration: Michelle Gervais
Aster dumosus ‘Purple Dome’
Photo/Illustration: Michelle Gervais

Botanical name: Aster spp. and cvs.
Common name: Aster

The word Aster has its roots in the ancient Greek language, where astron meant star–other star-related words are asteroid, astronaut, asterisk.

Ssters shine like stars in the garden, with daisy-like flowers that attract butterflies. When many other plants are getting ready to go to sleep for the winter, asters are just getting started.

Be sure to check out the different varieties of aster in our plant guide and let us know which ones are the best to grow in your region (and to give to people born in September!).

See all birth flowers/plants:
January: Carnation, February: Iris, March: Daffodil, April: Daisy, May: Lily of the Valley, June: Rose, July: Delphinium, August: Gladiola, September: Aster, October: Pot Marigold, November: Chrysanthemum, December: Paperwhite

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