The Heart Chakra is also known as the Fourth Chakra or the Anahata chakra in Sanskrit. It is located along your spine right in the center of your chest next to your physical heart.
It deals with issues of love, compassion, and belonging. All forms of grief, clinging, and loneliness weakens it. Physically, it supports your heart, lungs, upper torso, shoulders, arms, and hands.
The Heart Chakra lies directly in the middle position of the seven-chakra ladder with three below and three above. The three lower chakras are sometimes called the body chakras, and the three upper chakras are sometimes called the mind chakras.
The heart chakra is what links body and mind together. It facilitates the balance of emotion with logic and the real with the ideal.
Five Signs Your Heart Chakra Needs Healing
1. You are often guarded and closed
Therefore, you never or rarely allow yourself to open up to others and be authentic for fear of being hurt or rejected.
2. You are unable to let a situation rest because it didn’t go your way
until you have assigned fault to all you see as responsible. You assign negative motive to everyone whose actions impact you, judging their actions as intentional.
3. In your relationships, you may tend to be clingy and needy
You’re often anxious that your partner doesn’t need you as much as you need them.
4. Your expressions of love for another person are conditional
They depend upon them conforming to your expectations of how they should be. As long as they do, all is well. As soon as they don’t, you get upset or and possibly react with aggressive or passive-aggressive moves to try to manipulate them back into behaving conforming to your expectations. You see a need to try to fix other people and often try to do so.
5. You experience any of the following physical symptoms
on a frequent or chronic basis:
- Heart disorders
- Chest pain
- Asthma
- Allergies
- Pneumonia
- Bronchitis
- Emphysema
- Breast lumps/cysts
- Circulation problems
- Tension/pain between the shoulder blades, shoulder, arm or hand issues such as carpal tunnel.
Discover How To Heal & Align Your 7 Chakras To Elevate Your Life & Bring Your Boldest Dreams Into Reality in this FREE Masterclass>>
Five Things You Can Do To Strengthen Your Heart Chakra
1. Reflection
Do you have Jonah syndrome, or the attitude of “mercy for me, justice for you”? This refers to the story of Jonah, who ran away from his responsibility and ended up being swallowed by a whale. He prayed for mercy and got a second chance. Then after the people of Tarsus changed their ways and were not destroyed, Jonah was angry at God for not punishing them.
Desire mercy for all, including yourself.
2. Redefinition
Turn an annoyance into a reminder of privilege. For example, maybe you have a messy home that was just cleaned yesterday. Try to see this as a visible sign of how privileged you are to have kids at home who make messes, instead of an annoyance.
Or maybe you are annoyed by a spouse who squeezes the toothpaste tube in the middle or leaves the toilet seat up. Next time you get annoyed, catch yourself and see it as a reminder of how privileged you are to have them in your life.
Anything that annoys you can be the trigger for gratitude and love. This is true alchemy, the turning of the base into the precious.
3. Sound Vibration
Intone the “ay” vowel sound using the word “raise” and feel the vibration in your heart chakra as you hold out the “ay” sound. Imagine a bright green light radiating from your heart chakra and sending healing and balancing energy to your lungs, heart, upper torso, arms, and hands.
The word raise also has a meaning related to the heart chakra. Think of raising your sights beyond outside appearances to the deeper potential within all, including you.
4. Chakra Breath
Do the “Ten/Ten/Ten Breath.” Inhale slowly and deeply for a count of ten, then hold the breath in for a count of ten and then slowly exhale for a count of ten.
Repeat for as many cycles as you want. This is a balancing breath that helps restore the balance of body and mind.
5. Yoga Asana
Perform the “Sliding Doors” yoga asana (see illustration below).
Sit cross-legged on the floor. Press your palms together in front of your chest as shown. Now, with force, extend your arms out, palms facing away like two sliding doors opening from the center. Exhale with force as your arms go out, almost as if you are trying to break a board on each side with the heels of your palms.
Breathe in as you return your palms to the starting position. Begin a rather rapid back and forth motion bringing your palms together and clapping them as you breathe in, and then extending them out and you breathe out. Go for 30-60 seconds at about one cycle per second. If you want to challenge yourself, try going for two to three minutes doing this.
Unblock Chakras For Optimal Life Balance
How do you know whether an emotional blockage is keeping you from moving forward in life?Most of us carry emotional blockages. They can show up anywhere — in our relationships, at work.
These blocks create an imbalance in mind, body, and spirit but we can restore balance through an ancient energy system.
Recognising where an energy block has accumulated is the first step.
But leaning how to unblock chakras is what’s needed to restore balance in the body and mind.
If you want to discover how to heal & align your 7 Chakras to elevate your life & bring your boldest dreams into reality, then join this Free Masterclass with Leading Chakra Expert & Energy Healer, Anodea Judith, where you’ll learn:
✅ Discover the “architecture of your soul” through your seven chakras – and how each chakra impact key elements of your human experience (from your wealth, your love life, your ability to communicate, and more.)
✅ Rapidly diagnose which of your chakras are open or closed so you can identify which area of your life to focus your attention to most.
✅ The #1 mistake spiritually-inclined people make in their spiritual growth journey that actually makes them feel less fulfilled and whole in life.
✅ How to use the “2-Way Chakra Energy Current” so you can manifest your ideal life AND tap into a higher consciousness for inspiration – all at the same time.
✅ Ever find yourself reliving the same negative life experiences over and over again? Learn how to use your Chakras as a tool to heal even your most painful traumas and finally liberate yourself from a cycle of pain, frustration and anxiety.
Register Today And Discover The Art of Balancing Your 7 Chakras To Heal and Manifest Your Ideal Life