You were made for community.
Sunday LIFEgroups
LIFEgroups are offered for adults each Sunday morning at 9 or 10:30, running at the same time as our worship service. No need to register, just come!
9 a.m. LIFEgroups
Women’s – Rm 304 – Led by Ashley Smith
Men’s – Rm 305 – Led by Derwin Loverink
Heritage – Rm 306 – Led by Dr. Bill Smallman
10:30 a.m. LIFEgroups
Young Adults (after high school-28ish) – Room 304 – Led by Sam Larissey
Berean – Rm 306 – Led by Dale Holmes
Click here to let us know if you are interested in joining a LIFEgroup
Thursday Bible Study
Thursday at 10am, Pastor John Lurtz leads a Bible Study in the LIFEkids room. Check in at the Medina Christian Academy desk in the Lobby as school is in operation.
Home LIFEgroups
What is a Home LIFEgroup?
A Home LIFEgroup is 6-12 adults (individuals or couples) gathering in the home of the LIFEgroup leader or a home of one of the LIFEgroup members for the purpose of building relationships, studying God’s Word together, helping one another, corporate prayer and being on mission with God as a group.
How can I jump into a Home LIFEgroup?
How do I become a LIFEgroup Leader?
A LIFEgroup Leader must be a member of First Baptist Medina who is actively following Jesus and seeking the Lord. If you are interested in leading a LIFEgroup, please contact, Lee Anne Dyer at [email protected].
Men’s Ministry
Support Groups
Life can be hard, but you don’t have to do it alone. We all experience seasons of challenge, relational upsets, or sorrow. Whatever the circumstances, First Medina offers help to get you through difficult seasons, or if you just want to grow. Our Support Groups are safe, friendly, caring groups of people who have gone through some of life’s most difficult experiences and need others who have experienced those same difficulties to walk alongside them. No matter where you are at on your journey, you are welcome here with others who want to help.
If you have questions about groups for adults, contact Lee Anne Dyer at [email protected].