Flew out this week to be with family for the holidays and get a little fishing in possibly. Well things might have changed drastically with the tornado that went thru our marina and Main Street last night. Literally passed south of the house by a few miles with devastating results. Trees down, power out, one dock broke away, destroyed the Sharpe Hook tackle shop (opened 6 months ago) but all friend and family ok thank goodness. Amazing how everyone is coming together, rallying to help anyone in need. Keep you posted.
Btw, last pic is my Mom last year in October as my screensaver when I got the tornado emergency warning
BassOmatic wrote:
Flew out this week to be with family for the holidays and get a little fishing in possibly. Well things might have changed drastically with the tornado that went thru our marina and Main Street last night. Literally passed south of the house by a few miles with devastating results. Trees down, power out, one dock broke away, destroyed the Sharpe Hook tackle shop (opened 6 months ago) but all friend and family ok thank goodness. Amazing how everyone is coming together, rallying to help anyone in need. Keep you posted.
Flew out this week to be with family for the holid... (
show quote)
Glad to hear all your family and friends are ok Bass. Tornadoes are the scariest weather conditions, IMHO. Prayers for all those affected.
Fredfish wrote:
Glad to hear all your family and friends are ok Bass. Tornadoes are the scariest weather conditions, IMHO. Prayers for all those affected.
Thanks sir, was just down in the area and the cleanup is in full force. Just glad so many are ok and the community has rallied together. God bless
Been praying for all affected.
Tricities Rick wrote:
Been praying for all affected.
Thanks Tricities Rick much appreciated