Find operating manuals, how to tips and videos for lab equipment and lab supplies that are in most academic labs.
Find operating manuals, how to tips and videos for lab equipment and lab supplies that are in most academic labs.
Nothing is free these days -- or is there? Flinn Scientific has developed a wealth of free biology videos, tips and how to instructions to assist your classroom instructions.
When purchasing chemical storage cabinets online, you are unable to touch it and explore. View these videos to help you determine the best storage unit for your academic lab.
Flinn Scientific carries more than 1,300 chemicals; all the necessary chemicals for your academic chemistry lab and activities.
Chemistry teaching resources all in one location. Browse activities and videos to use in your chemistry classroom. Discover tools to implement for a safer lab. Find answers to your questions about chemical safety and disposal; tips for chemical storage and professional development.
Unearth the rich resources that Flinn Scientific has developed for you to incorporate in your next earth and environmental science class.
Pretend your classroom is the forensics lab for the local crime solving unit. Incorporate these videos and resources to engage your students in solving a "crime."
Lab furniture is one of the most expensive items in your academic lab. Learn to maintain it and extend its life.
General guidelines and care guides to improve your academic lab, lectures and student experience.
One location, multiple resources in physical science covering the four major areas of physics, astronomy, chemistry and earth sciences. Science Laboratory Chemistry Hot Plates
Flinn Scientific provides numerous safety references from Safety Data Sheets, safety courses and safety demonstrations -- all resources to help keep your academic lab safe.
Flinn Scientific is your source for all your academic lab safety supplies and needs. Because safety is so important to us, Flinn Scientific provides free references on how to maintain and use your safety supplies.
Flinn Safety Data Sheets (SDS) contain valuable information about potential chemical hazards, chemical composition, proper storage and handling, recommended disposal and personal protection information. Contact Flinn for all your chemical safety questions.
Teaching tips, both videos and resource documents, to help you transition and implement Inquiry in your science classroom, how to increase student engagement, inspire critical thinking and so much more.