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Attendance Fees, Expenses, Subsistence

Attendance Fees
Jurors are paid $50 a day as an attendance fee. Federal employees (except United States Postal Service employees) do not receive an attendance fee. Juror checks are mailed four to six weeks after jury service is completed.

Federal jurors are paid parking expenses, toll expenses, and round-trip mileage from their home address to the courthouse address each day they serve at a rate of $0.70 (automobiles) and $0.68 (motorcycles) a mile. The rates are subject to change. Juror checks are mailed four to six weeks after jury service is completed.

Jurors who live 60 miles or more from the courthouse may receive subsistence payments if necessary to spend the night closer to the courthouse.

Here are the rules for subsistence payments:

  1. You may stay in town the night before you are to report if your reporting time is before 11:00 a.m.
  2. You may spend nights in between consecutive days on which you are scheduled for jury service.
  3. You may not spend the night after jury service ends unless extraordinary circumstances exist that must be approved before your stay.
  4. Itemized expenses are not required. 
  5. Proof that you spent the night at a hotel is required.
  6. Subsistence allowances are set at a national level and are specific to the city to which you are reporting. Contact the jury administrator in the division where your jury service is to take place for the amount of your subsistence allowance. If you elect lodging in excess of the per diem, you will be responsible for the overage.