66' Barracuda Grills color



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FABO Gold Member
Jul 5, 2005
Reaction score
North Franklin, CT
Quick Question and I've yet to see it on here as of yet.

What color is the painted part of the Cast grills for the 66'

I sent mine out for re-chroming a while back and they returned all chrome ( I expected that) and the grey-ish dark blue color on all 10 of my spares (not worth saving mind you) is all over the place due to damage, sun fade etc. Does anyone have an idea what they were painted from the factory around the outer parts and inside the squares? It kinda looks like the dark argent grey on the Ralley centers but I just cannot pin point it.

After $1200.00 to re-chrome, I kinda want them the correct color if there is such a thing.
The argent looks close . Both pairs of mine look textured I guess from corrosion. Need to get my good set rechromed but damn that hurts
The argent looks close . Both pairs of mine look textured I guess from corrosion. Need to get my good set rechromed but damn that hurts
I went thru my entire pile to find these.
Sad part is about 8 years ago I sent a damn near perfect set minus water stains where the water ran over the grills from between the hood and fender to C.A.R.S. In Pittsburgh for rechroming. $1200 later and they closed shop before I got them back and I was threatened with a lawsuit for harassment because the owner filed chapter 11 or 17. Never saw my grills again. So it took me A long time to even think about trying it again. $1200 is a lot of money but just finding a re chrominance company who will touch that large of pot metal is very hard. I’ve actually got $2400.00 into not perfect rechromed grills- lol! They look good but not new good.
I got thinking about the silver. It is frosty aluminum with texture. High temperature 1200F exhaust paint would be a good paint. The example shown is on a custom VW exhaust right off header, several years old, with many 1000 miles. It has correct color and texture, but camera confused with focus. The blue look is my shirt reflection. The second coat seems to add texture. Rattle can purchased at Lowes.
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