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How AI Platforms Are Transforming Business Data Management

Forbes Technology Council

Antonio Valderrabanos-PhD in NLP, Founder and CEO at Bitext.

The rise of artificial intelligence (AI) has dramatically reshaped industries, fundamentally altering how companies manage and analyze their data. Valued at $196.63 billion in 2023, the global AI market is projected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 36.6% through 2030, reflecting the widespread adoption of AI across various sectors.

Before the advent of specialized AI platforms, organizations faced immense challenges in storing, processing and extracting value from their data. Training machine learning models and implementing AI solutions were tasks reserved for a few tech giants capable of investing in costly infrastructure and specialized teams.

The Past: A Fragmented And Costly Landscape

Companies have traditionally had to navigate a fragmented ecosystem. Managing large volumes of data required a combination of storage solutions, processing tools and, in many cases, custom development.

The global data management market, valued at $89.34 billion in 2022, highlighted the challenges businesses face in this area. Machine learning models were trained in limited environments, with workflows often involving multiple teams and disparate platforms. This not only slowed innovation but also increased operational costs, with poor data quality costing organizations millions annually.

Data analysis, meanwhile, was largely in the hands of analyst teams relying on traditional business intelligence (BI) tools. While powerful, these tools lacked the flexibility and processing capacity needed to handle the vast data volumes expected to reach over 200 zettabytes by 2025.

The Present: AI Platforms As Catalysts For Change

The introduction of platforms like Databricks, Snowflake and (Databricks and Snowflake are partners of my company) has marked a significant shift in the AI landscape, driving the broader data analytics market toward an anticipated value of about $550 billion by 2028.

These platforms have integrated and simplified the data management and analysis process, allowing companies to access advanced AI capabilities without the need to develop and maintain complex internal infrastructure. Databricks, for example, has emerged as a leader in this space, with a valuation of $43 billion in 2023.

These solutions provide unified environments where data can be stored, processed and analyzed efficiently. They also enable large-scale training and deployment of machine learning models, democratizing access to AI and opening new possibilities for businesses of all sizes.

Challenges And Best Practices

One key challenge in AI implementation is fragmented data across departments, which slows decision-making and reduces the effectiveness of data use. Companies can break down data silos by adopting unified platforms that streamline storage, processing and analysis, improving operational efficiency and insights.

Data quality is crucial for AI models. Poor data leads to unreliable outcomes. Businesses should invest in data cleaning, regular audits and monitoring AI performance. Choosing the right AI tools is also essential; industry-specific solutions, such as those for risk assessment or customer engagement, often provide better results than generic platforms.

The Evolution Toward Integrating Open-Source And Closed-Source Models

A key innovation these platforms offer is the ability to integrate both open-source and closed-source models within their environments. The open-source AI software market is expected to see significant growth, driven by demand for flexible, cost-effective AI solutions. This integration not only offers companies greater flexibility in choosing the tools that best suit their needs but also enhances interoperability and reduces development times.

For instance, a company might use open-source models to build conversational assistants capable of understanding and responding to basic customer inquiries. These models could then be supplemented with proprietary solutions designed for more complex tasks, such as assisting with intricate processes or interpreting financial data. This hybrid approach accelerates AI implementation while maximizing return on investment by offering solutions tailored to both general needs and specific requirements.

Verticalized AI Models For Industry-Specific Needs

An emerging trend in AI development is the verticalization of models—AI solutions tailored to the specific needs of different industries. For businesses evaluating whether they need verticalized models, key questions can guide the decision. Does your industry use specialized terminology that general models struggle to interpret? Are there unique regulatory requirements that demand deeper, industry-specific understanding?

High-quality, industry-specific data is crucial for training these models effectively. Businesses should focus on collecting, cleaning and annotating data that directly reflects their industry’s requirements. This ensures that AI solutions are accurate and aligned with the particular needs of the sector.

One of the trade-offs when choosing verticalized models is balancing specialization with broader applicability. Highly specialized models may deliver more precise insights in niche areas, but general models can offer more flexibility across different business functions. Companies must assess their specific needs to determine the right balance between specialized and general AI tools.

For businesses considering verticalized AI, successful implementation often hinges on seamless integration with existing processes and software systems. Practical steps include ensuring data compatibility, aligning model outputs with operational goals and involving key stakeholders throughout the integration process. This approach helps companies maximize the benefits of AI tailored to their industry while minimizing disruptions during implementation.


The AI platform market is growing quickly. What was once a complex and expensive process is now accessible and scalable. With open- and closed-source models, verticalized solutions and specialized providers, AI is democratizing and reshaping the future of data-driven business.

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