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This Care Bears X Teddy Fresh Collection Is 80s Perfection

Updated Jan 28, 2021, 12:56pm EST
This article is more than 3 years old.

LA-based streetwear label Teddy Fresh is due to release its long-awaited capsule collection with the Care Bears today (T minus four hours and counting!), but we have your pastel-packed first look, below.

Steered by Teddy Fresh founder Hila Klein, design director Chiu Liu (former designer for Nike NKE and Champion SKY ), and director of production and development Augie Galan (Supreme, Acapulco Gold), the 30-piece collection blends the Care Bears’ nostalgic 80s aesthetic with modern streetwear staples for both men and women.

“The collaboration itself took inspiration from our childhoods,” says Klein. “A lot of us remember watching the series on TV when we were kids!

“From there, imagining imagery from the two brands that would fit well together was simple; from the bears to the bright colors and focus on vibrant designs, both Teddy Fresh and the Care Bears animated series are just a great match.”

Highlights include a Care Bear dreamscape denim set ($90 to $155), which is also available as loungewear, and Care Bear-ed versions of Teddy Fresh’s signature color-block suede hoodies, embroidered with both Grumpy Bear and the Teddy Fresh Bear.

Many pieces in the collection go above and beyond the expectations of traditional ‘merch’, too, using high-end textiles and sophisticated production processes (our favorites include a detailed jacquard weave heart-print sweater and a color-blocked angora wool Care Bears cardigan).

Additional accessories, including bucket hats, belts and socks, will also be available.

The Teddy Fresh x Care Bears collection launches today, January 28, at 10am PST, with 21 pieces in a full range of adult sizes.

A further nine pieces will be released at a later date, should you miss the initial drop, but it’s definitely worth setting those alarms/bookmarks now. If last year’s coveted Spongebob drop was any indication (read: a sell-out which helped the brand’s direct-to-consumer sales grow by 66% during a global pandemic) the Care Bears drop won’t be around for long.

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