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Hopefully Destiny 2’s Trials Of Osiris Armor Looks Half This Good

Updated Feb 9, 2020, 08:26am EST
This article is more than 4 years old.

It’s an open secret that the next season of Destiny 2 will bring back Trials of Osiris to the game, and with it, players are expecting a new arsenal of Trials weapons and armor sets that are based on the Destiny 1 Egyptian theme, a far cry from the surrealist-futurism of the Trials of the Nine armor in D2.

We don’t know what that’s going to look like yet, but that hasn’t stopped fans from sketching their own ideas. And there’s one set of Trials armor from an artist that is blowing the entire community away. That would be the above Warlock/Titan/Hunter trio from Ranger Liz (@MomoDeary) that is a from-scratch series of sets that is just…incredible.

It takes a lot for me to feature fan art alone for an entire article here, but that’s how deeply impressed I am with this set, I can only hope that the actual Trials armor looks half as good as the concepts shown here. Let’s go through them.


I am loving the Mummy-meets-Aladdin-Prince-of-Thieves vibes here. The idea of a mummy-wrap-based robe is a great idea for this theme, and the bottom of it looks vaguely spider-webby, which is very cool. I love the clawed hands and curled shoes, and the understated, somewhat avian death mask.


We’ve gone with a bit of an insect theme here, I see. I originally thought those were rhino shoulders, the obvious standout, but now I think they may actually be rhino beetles instead, which makes sense. There’s another bug for the helmet (a locust, maybe?) and a scarab-based chest with blue jewels all over (that hopefully change color with shaders). Possibly my favorite set.


The set strikes me as a concept that’s like “What if Eris Morn was actually an ancient Egyptian Prince?” and I love it. That helmet is great. The boots and arms are fantastic. I like whatever that little spiked bauble is on the end of the cloak. Just a fantastic creation all around and I want it immediately.

We may get a glimpse at the Trials sets and gear in the next few weeks once Bungie starts ramping up promotion for Season of the Worthy. There have been some jokes that if this set was in the game, it’s too nice and would be sold in Eververse as a result. That’s not…necessarily that out-there of an idea, given recent events, but I think everyone is hoping that Bungie really goes all-out for Trials rewards, as otherwise, what’s the point?

It’s possible that the only set of armor next season that isn’t in the Eververse or battle pass could be the Trials set, as we’ve only had one Undying set and one Season of Dawn set, and armor sets are notoriously some of the most labor intensive things in the game to design. And yet with Trials being a permanent addition to the game, not seasonal, maybe there will be another set based on whatever the new temporary activity is as well. We’ll have to see.

As for this set, all I can say is that I hope Bungie’s artists do something anywhere close to this cool. Liz doesn’t seem to do that much Destiny art overall, but she does commissions and you can check out her site here. Just as a heads up she does do a good amount of NSFW stuff as well.

Anyway, I can’t rave enough about these three sets. Great job Liz, and I hope I can wear actual armor somewhere close to this cool soon. With uh, all the flawless runs I’m going to make. Yeah. Definitely.

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