By Natalie Burg
It's summer vacation season, and what American worker sunbathing poolside or hiking the Appalachian Trail hasn't had this thought? "I wish I could spend more time doing this. This is good for me."
Europeans don't have to wish. While Americans are legally entitled to zero paid days off, the European Union mandates its citizens have at least 20 paid vacation days per year, with some member nations upping that number to 30--plus as many as 13 paid holidays, according to a Center for Economic Research report. Many American employers do offer paid vacation as a part of their benefit packages, of course, but the research found the U.S. average for paid time off is 10 vacation days and about six paid holidays.
In theory, all the work that Americans do when they're not enjoying those vacations makes for a more productive nation. Or are we simply working more and being less productive?
Some vacation benefits productivity
To dig into those questions, it's important to begin with the fact that some vacation has be shown to be good for productivity. According to a four-year study of consultants at
Further, a 2008 Families & Work Institute study found that not only do workers with paid vacation time have higher job satisfaction and are less likely to leave their job than those without paid vacation time, but also that the amount of time away matters. Both workers' satisfaction and likelihood to stay in their job rose significantly when their vacation lasted 13 days or more.
HR professionals agree. According to a 2013 study by the Society of Human Resource Management and the U.S. Travel Association, 94 percent of HR professionals think that taking vacation is either extremely or very important for job performance. Ninety percent of them say vacation is extremely or very important for productivity.
Fewer hours worked doesn't mean necessarily mean less competitive
But when the average American has 10 employer-guaranteed days off, are those basic time-off needs already being satisfied? Could the 20 to 43 paid days off enjoyed by Europeans tip the productivity scale in the wrong direction?
That case is difficult to make when comparing European countries. For example, according to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Italians worked an average of 1,752 hours in 2012, while Germans worked just 1,393 and the Belgians worked 1,572. Yet when it comes to GDP per hour (a measure of productivity), the Germans outpace the Italians by $11.60, and the Belgians outpace the Germans by $3.50. After those 20 days off guaranteed by the EU, it seems, the benefit of a few days more is difficult to prove.
Taking fewer than 20, in fact, seems to be a bit better productivity-wise. In 2012, EU nations' GDP per hour worked ranged from $34 to $60 (with lone outlier Norway racking up $86.6), and averaged out at $52.9.Considering the United States' $64.1 GDP per hour, it would appear that--economically, anyway--the amount of vacation Americans are getting on average is still keeping us competitive.
Could that number go even higher if those 10 average American vacation days were handed out to every worker in the United States? Though the optimal number of vacation days is hard to determine, the connection between productivity and some time off is clear enough. And while working harder is certainly considered an American value, businesses should remember that working smarter is also.
As Derek Thompson points out in the Atlantic, it was Henry Ford who, in the 1920s, reduced the workweek in his factories from six eight-hour days to five, after discovering that productivity returns diminished when workers put in any more than 40 hours per week.
Two things are clear: Europeans are certainly getting more vacation days than Americans, and Americans who receive no paid time off are likely less productive than they could be, based on our knowledge that some vacation is good for productivity. If American employers took some time to learn about the relationship between paid time off and productivity, their workers and businesses could be the better for it.
A former downtown development professional, Natalie Burg is a freelancer who writes about growth, entrepreneurialism and innovation.