Welcome to Fork and Beans!
I’m Cara, the face behind Fork + Beans, and I’m so happy to be your creativity facilitator. This is a place where your kids (and inner child) can come out and play! Originally I started this blog back in 2011 as a means to explore my allergen free baking skills. I grew this site organically and I even wrote a cookbook called Decadent Gluten Free Vegan Baking. It’s been over 8 years now and as you can see, things have changed. *I* have changed…
I no longer focus solely on allergen friendly foods but I still love helping parents out with creating FUN, kid friendly recipes. From meal ideas, snack recipes, and even ideas with crafts/activities, I have you covered!
I live in Chicago, IL with my husband, Matt, and our son, Jaxon. Both my husband and I are from Southern California originally and decided to make a trek to the midwest for a change of pace in 2017. We love it here so much! The seasons, the snow, the people, the city–it’s all been so healing for us.
I’m a sucker for all holidays and I love to make your favorite celebrations a little more festive and full of tons o’ fun. Here is a sample of what you find over here (you can also click here on the Holidays section of my recipe page):
Scarecrow Snack Packs
Don’t hesitate to ask any question–I’m here to help! You can reach me at myforkandbeans [at] gmail [dot] com.

We are interested to increase traffic to your website, please get back to us in order to discuss the possibility in further detail.
Thanks With Regards
My name is Hillary and I’m the Sales & Marketing Assistant at agricultural startup, AvoSeedo! You have a great story and blog here and I’d love to get in touch about a collaboration.
Hey Cara,
Amazing story, thanks for sharing!
For me, as a tall guy I always used to be incredibly skinny, and just ate complete junk. So my story involved getting a grip with nutrition and exercise to actually put on a lot of weight.(currently 35lbs heavier).
All the best,
Just find your websites, read you candida story. Because of long sickness from child till adult I´ve been scarfed for life with Candida and some allergies a side from that……the only thing I can say…..Finally a colorful website with good receipts….Thank you
Hey Cara,
What are you rules for sharing your recipes? Thank you.
Hi Dot
I ask for a link back to the recipe only, no reprinting of recipes.
Hi Cara,
I made the vegan fudge last night and the first batch turned out fine but the second did not. I added some raw cocoa butter and used sweetened condensed coconut milk. For some reason the cocoa butter would not incorporate and stayed oily on out side of the chocolate glob in the bowl. I put it in the 8×8 pan and put it in the fridge to see what would happen, and this morning it looks like a chocolate swirl block. I was going to put it in the double boiler and melt it back down and throw things at it to see if I can get it to incorporate.
Is there anything I can add to it to get it to come together? The first batch acted the same way until I gave it a real good stir and added the walnuts then it was fine.
Any suggestions??? Would hate to throw it in the trash.
So, so, so happy I found this site!!
I have many of the similar problems as you listed about, especially digestive issues and acne. I’ve been vegetarian for 10 years, but recently did two Whole30s and am slowly starting to realize what certain foods cause negative affects in my body–gluten, dairy, soy–as well as ones that negatively impact my mental health–sugar.
I’m seriously elated right now. Can’t wait to start trying ALL THE RECIPES.
Thank you so much for what you do!
Hello, Cara, finding your site is fortuitous as I just received my food allergy testing to find out dairy and eggs along many other foods are out. I was pescatarian before (oddly allergic to all meats except some fish – maybe some part of me knew), but I don’t know how to live with eggs and dairy. I’ve tried to transition to gluten free the past few years. Thank you so much for your ideas. They will be inspirational and life-saving!
Sincerely, April
Yesterday I made Blueberry and pecan blueberry muffins from your cookbook. I wondered if a whole cup of applesauce was correct? The batter was very liquidy and made far more than a dozen muffins. I ‘ve only seen recipes call for a half cup of applesauce. Also they just wouldn’t get cooked and as a result were too wet. It’s hard to make a good allergy free muffin without eggs, dairy and gluten. I was hopeful this would be the one.
What an amazing story! And yet more common than people realize. People that haven’t experienced what you experienced often think the whole thing is a joke, a marketing scheme, or a trend… obviously none of those things are true. I am SO happy for you. I am just beginning my journey of cutting out wheat and it’s only inconvenient, not even really difficult. It’s just hard to get others to understand. I’m on vacation right now and I just want to get back to LA so I can be ME. Eat the food I want, not be forced into “vacation” foods. Looking forward to meeting you, my new friend!
I stumbled upon your website when looking up Candida. I am currently fighting a case of oral thrush. But like so many I suffer from acid reflux. Thank you for this blog, I think my problems all have to with Candida and it’s nice to know there are others out there too!
wonderful stuff. I am new to the world of blogging but after discovering I am allergic to dairy (and a pescetarian) I am trying to find new and interesting recipes to keep things exciting in the kitchen. Can’t wait to try some of these out! x
Am so happy that i found your space Cara.. You are so inspiring for newbies like me.. i read your bio.. hope many can relate with yours.. innocent chilhood makes us obsessed towards unhealthy food habits and end in risk..I love many of your recipes.. even i wanna try and share you the feedback.. as i am basically indian but love to explore and taste world cuisines… hope i clear my doubts with u while trying your recipes.. Keep rocking..
Hey, I read your bio and I can really relate. I have been having such bed stomach problems, my mom found this web site. I am trying to become more vegan it has been kinda hard for me. thanks for all of your ideas and awesomeness!!!
So happy you made your way over here! Going primarily plant-based has really helped me with my digestive issues ZoeAnn, and I hope you find similar relief. If you need anything at all, just let me know…xo
I fpund your blog within surching a vegan taco receipe on pinterest and I so love your blog. Living vegan since 3 years I love beautiful blogs around food
Thank for this beautiful blog, very inspiring and teally beautiful! Warm regards from Austria
Thank YOU Sabine for the incredibly kind comment! Much love to you on your journey, xo.
I just accidentally stumbled into your blog – thank you so much for sharing! I’ve been living a vegan life now for a year and it definitely was one of the wisest decisions in my life

Have to hurry – fell in love with your clam chowder – gotta do some shopping
all the best,
Thank you so much for the comment Almut! So glad you are here
This blog is so special! You’re an incredible woman and I can’t wait to buy your book. Actually… I’m going to go do that right now.
Thank you so much for all that you do! I hope our paths cross someday
Much love,
This blog has been an life saver! Two of my kids have been diagnosed with eosinophilic esophagistis. They are very limited to what they can eat and you have foods that show them they aren’t loosing anything. We made the monster ding dongs last night, they were on point. Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for your story. I was having the same symptoms and finally found a doctor when I was 45 to tell me that I might have food allergies. I just had blood work done and determined that I am allergic to a minimum of 17 things (they only tested for 88). Of those 17 were my favorites….eggs, yeast, wheat, beans, tomatoes, oats. So much for my favorite Italian and Mexican Recipes!!! I was told I could eat nuts, but I know from past experience that all tree nuts and peanuts cause severe migraine headaches, don’t care what doctor’s say, I’m not going to test myself on that one!!!! LOL
Thanks for sharing the delicious sounding recipes. Can’t wait to start cooking.
I got here through a recipe for tempeh Buffalo tenders and been reading obsessively. I only have one food allergy and it’s a weird one, to peppermint. As in, better-get-the-Epi-Pen-allergic. Yeah. I’m just special that way. But I also have a strictly kosher kitchen so anything that makes cooking good food in ways that make it easier to stay within the kosher laws is great. Thank you!
Hi Cara!
So glad to have been directed to this site by fellow blogger/writer/health enthusiast Beth Hornback of Eat Within Your Means! You are both wonderful and inspiring, not to mention generous and caring
I am hoping to follow anti candida and anti inflammatory eating as well, so if anyone has any suggestions with recipe tweaks etc. please let me know. I am currenty free of gluten/all grain, egg, all dairy, soy, fruit/sugar, all processed foods, now nightshades. I eat nuts/seeds out if desperation bc cooked veggies and proteins sometimes leave me wanting.
Thank you and best regards,
Do you have a recipe for coconut whipped cream?
My recipe is as follows: Chill a can of coconut cream. Empty into a bowl and whip up with an electric mixer with 1 tsp. vanilla extract and if you want, a tablespoon or 2 of powdered sugar. Place in the fridge to get fresh for up to 2 weeks. xo!
Thank you so much!
Also can we use frozen bananas, as I have a ton of them in the freezer;)
Wow!! I’m so glad I found your blog!! I found out I’m intolerant to gluten, cow’s milk and egg (and a lot of other stuff in minor degree) and was a really sad of the thought of all the delicious stuff I can’t eat anymore. So thanks to you, I see light and start cooking…. THANKS!!!! Namaste! xxx
Awesome blog- thank you!
Thank you SO MUCH Sara! Welcome, xo
I am grateful to have found your blog. I have always loved bread and baking. However, my wife is sensitive to gluten and that prompted me to to try gluten free bread baking. I baked my first loaf today and it turned out great. Oh, we are vegetarian ( no eggs). Thank you for sharing your story and your recipes. Blessings.
Rishi, blessings right back to you! Thank you so much for taking the time to comment here-so appreciated! Much love and if you need anything at all, ask away! xo, Cara
You are so adorable, compassionate, creative,funny, precious, inspirational… “whateverarian”! is soo cute. I believe all the people whose life touched by you are very blessed, myself included. Thank you for being you. I am a mom, have read a lot of food blogs, been trying to feed two teenagers and husband better. This is my first time writing a comment.
So this comment just blessed my heart in ways that I cannot even begin to express. All I can say is thank you and hope you feel the sincerity of how much you touched my soul with your words. Thank you Lin. If you ever need anything, please ask! xo
What an amazing story you have and You are such an inspiration for others. I am so happy to find your blog thru Pinterest. More happier to know that people do think of Vegetarian diet as healthy option. I have grown up being vegetarian and so are my kids and entire family and I come from a religion where even killing a bug is like a crime. Now to find a blog which totally promotes vegetarian diet…cannot be more thrilled.
Thank you for such a great blog and Keep bringing the good stuff for us to try out.
Hi DD! You are so kind to write these things–thank you! I hope you love what you find over here and if I can do anything, please don’t hesitate to ask. xo!
OMG.. you just made my day! My daughter is allergic to Milk, soy, and egg. it’s been almost impossible to find anything since most milk free products have soy. Now that she’s starting to eat regular food it’s been a nightmare. I’m hoping your site will make it less stressful for me.
L.o! Please let me know if you ever need anything at all–I will do my best to answer any question to help you out! So glad you made your way over here. xo, Cara
Wow. I am so happy I found this page!
I suffered basically the same digestive problems you discribe since I was about ten. I weht to several doctors, had lots of examinations but was never Diagnosen with any allergies or illness. When I was 15 they supposed mental stress to be the reason but my medical condition became worse. A year ago I was diagnosed with 22 foods that were making me sick, also gluten and dairy products in top of my list.
Thank you so much for all these creative and delicious recipes!!! I love your food!!!
Love your story, congratulations on the lifestyle change. I have severe eczema, if i switch to eating a gluten-free, egg and dairy free diet will it help me with my itchy and unflattering symptoms?
Hi Chloe! Thank you so much for the comment. In regards to your eczema, I can’t really say that your diet will help. I suggest consulting with a doctor that you know and trust (or at least comes with a great recommendation) who can best help you. I wish you well! xo
I seriously teared up reading your story. As someone who suffers through an autoimmune condition and has multiple food allergies, I am SO happy I found this site, and I will be ordering your book! I too have been taking the easy way out with food and it is still hard to not cheat when your making buying decisions. Thank you for what you do!! <3
I am so happy you made your way over here, Kari! Thank you for taking the time to read my story–I’m so glad that you can connect with others who are similar to yourself. Much love to you on your journey, xo!
oddly enough, another Cara struggles with the same issues you did. i just found your page today, but it will certainly be added to my frequently visited blogs list. thank you for doing what you do. your motivational words inspire me
Cara! (Great name, by the way)
Is it pronounced Care-ah or Car-uh? I’m the former… Regardless of name pronunciation, I’m so so so happy that you made your way over here!! I cannot wait to hear more from you. Much love, xo! The Other Cara
Hi. I have to say I just found you via Facebook, and I love your attitude. Too many people are judgmental and push their ideas on people. I love that you give advice but that you are honest and open about it. That you don’t shove one way of thinking on people. (That has always been my biggest turn off with some of my vegan friends). I think it is really great and allows me then to be more open minded in trying out new things.
Thanks also for your honesty on your struggles.
Hooray for new friends! I am so glad to hear that you appreciate that open-minded attitude towards life. There is no need to judge anyone for anything, let alone for their food choices. We all have been at the same place at some point anyway so it’s ridiculous to be cruel and push your beliefs on anyone else who isn’t the same as you. It’s a total turn-off for me too! Thank you so much for leaving this comment Cass! Cannot wait to hear from you.. xo, Cara
hahah @ “whateverarian”
you’re amazing, thank you for sharing your story & inspiring others daily! <3
Glad you like that, Kat! ha. YOU are amazing!
Hi there! I love your site! I suffer from multiple food allergies and am a vegetarian. I have started my own site recently in order to share recipes with others like myself! I’m at http://www.veg4beauty.com. You’re awesome! Can’t wait to try some of your recipes!
Thank you for stopping by Meghan! I will definitely give your site a peek–cannot wait to hear more from you
LOVE the new picture!
I also love the new picture and I adore that your mother is your biggest fan! Makes me smile every time if see her comments! Your story is always an inspiration, thank you for sharing Cara. xo
Hi,I’m so excited to see your blog as I just recently got my blood test and found out that I’ve food intolerance (many foods,and 4 of them are very hard to avoid : wheat,egg white,corn&potato).So many food have been limitd to my dietary since then.
Thank you you make this blog with many details.I can’t wait to try some of your recipe.
PS.I’m in Thailand and it is not very common for this kind of allergy so it’s quite hard to find food fr supermarket that is gluten-free.
Hi Taan! Thank you for the love all the way on the other side of the planet–I love that the internet can bring us together! If you need anything, please don’t hesitate to ask. Much love, xo
Hi! I just stumbled across your blog. I’ve been doing my best to eat dairy and gluten free while also trying to eat vegan as well. It’s been a rough journey lately, but the new year seems like as good a time as any to buckle down! Very excited to try out many of your recipes…..they are the closest I’ve found to traditional meals; parmesan cauliflower and beer battered cauliflower!! SO excited!
Thanks for the recipes!
Hope you have been enjoying yourself over here Gina! Wishing you much love on your new journey and let me know if you ever have any questions!
Oh Cara, thank you from my heart of hearts for sharing not only beautiful/healthy twists on everyday faves, but also for sharing your amazingly transformational story!!! I am so grateful to know that there are others out there who have struggled with food addiction, body & soul discomfort, and the isolating feelings that accompany these imbalances…
And then the flip side -there is this beautiful world waiting to be discovered when we finally attune & allow the healing that our soul & bodies so desire
I’m 34 and have only learned to cook in the last 2 years, so, it’s been a journey… Thank you for being so real, and supportive in a uniquely modern way!!!
What a beautifully put comment, Kara. I don’t think anyone could say it better–thank you so much! (sorry for the delay in the response–these My Story comments get pushed way back and I don’t see them)
Regardless, know that I hear you and am so grateful for your thoughtful words. xo
Thanks for sharing with all of us Cara. I felt saved when I found gluten free dairy free caramel recipe and a Twix recipe (my favorite!) on your site. I also have gluten, dairy, and pineapple allergies along with bananas. But I feel lucky about all the things that I’m NOT allergic to! My big search now is the easiest way to make my own chocolate chips. The closest place for me to buy them is a 100 miles (one way) or I could order them online. It just seems like a hassle to me. Anyway, thanks again, you are really helping and inspiring a lot of people!!
I love that outlook of being grateful for the things that you are NOT allergic too! What great positivity to spread over here, love it! So glad that you are over here and am super happy to have read this comment. Much love to you! xo, Cara
I think your blog is amazing!` I have GERD all the time so I understand the reflux even though mine is bile
may I ask the other foods you can not have?
Hi Ni!
You poor thing–GERD is not a fun thing to deal with. Thank you for the sweet words!! I’m so glad you are here….
Here is a list of the foods I have a reaction to (though I don’t pay attention to avoiding all of them–naughty, I know. It’s just that some of these foods–especially the first one–are my favorites):
I think there are more but I don’t remember :/ The chicken one explains why chicken and eggs have a strange smell to me.
Thank you so much for replying! You’re such an inspiration I can’t eat any meat soya Shellfish Wheat peas beans bananas chocolate coffee alcohol or tomatoes at the moment. I never had my gall bladder out so they couldn’t explain it thanks for posting deliciousness so often, your fan from the UK
Oh you are so welcome, Ni! When I read alcohol and coffee, my heart broke for you. I’m massively addicted to coffee and I love me some red wine with dinner… Sending you tons of love as you figure out your health. xo, Cara
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Thank you so much for sharing your story! I also had stomach issues as a child, the doctor then called spastic colon, now known as Irritable Bowel. I am just beginning a whole food, fat free vegan way of eating a la Esselstyn and Dr. McDougall et al. I am wondering if you ate nuts, avocado or oil when you were losing weight? They all seem to agree on no added oils, but some say no nuts, avocado or olives while others say some is ok, but do not define some, other than sometimes they use words of condition as occasional. So many vegan recipes have nuts ( especially dressings/sauces), or add avocado, and many also have added oils, thinking “healthy oil” is good. However, according to the Doctors above and others, no oils are healthy. I want to feel better and also have a lot of weight to lose. As the years passed, I ended up with a severely low Vit D level ( almost 0 ) and Fibromyalgia, which cannot truly be diagnosed until your Vit D level is normal. It took me 1 1/2 years to increase my Vit D to normal! Now, I am feeling better ( not normal), but well enough to cook, it just takes me all day, because I have to pace myself with slow tasks 15 min maximum intervals. thank you for sharing your recipes and I would love to know if you incorporated nuts, avocado or oil when you first started and were losing weight.
I just found your blog recently and love it. My 20 year old is going through some testing right now for GI problems. She has a lot of the same symptoms you listed. I was just wondering what kind of doctor did your testing to determine you were allergic to 14 things? Was it allergy doc or GI doc? We are going to a GI doc and so far the have done blood test, stool study and sonogram. Her celiac blood test came back inconclusive and they are wanting to do an endoscopy next. Thanks for you help and your blog! We might be using it even more if she turns out to have celiac.
Kim, my internist tested my blood for celiac’s, but only a biopsy is conclusive. My blood work came back inconclusive, too. So I just cut out the gluten. Within 3 days felt much better. Over the next year lost 40 excess pounds. Still eat meat, avocados, nuts, fruits, veggies etc. But way less processed food and once in a while a small amount of gluten in a special treat. Best I’ve felt in years! Try it for a couple of weeks before the endoscopy. All my symptoms -same as Cara’s- have disappeared!
I recently found your blog and I love it! Thank you! I am very new to even actually cooking, normally I would just eat whatever I could get fast or eat out, not so healthy… but I am learning to love food through cooking vegan foods and I feel great. I know I have a long way to go but I love your recipes and your story.
Hi Jen! So glad you found your way over to this little space here
Let me know if there is anything I can help you with… xo, Cara
Wow! I am in my teens and found out I am not able to eat Dairy and Gluten as well! (And like you, some other boring things…) I had every single symptom you mentioned you experienced as well, and I’m sure many other people are suffering from the same thing, but don’t even it know it yet! This blog is very well done, and I look forward to incorporating them into my new eating lifestyle!
I came across your site from pinterest. So much of what you had said were symptoms for years are what I have been suffering from for years. Thanks for the education.
So happy I found you! We are going through an elimination diet here to determine allergies. It gets frustrating trying to find recipes that aren’t just gluten free, but dairy, egg, nut, soy, fish free too!
Cara, this is beautiful. I am rather late to the party (I’ve only just found your blog) but I am SO glad that your life has taken a positive turn! It’s a blessing that you’re sharing what you’ve learned with the world, one post at a time. I definitely relate to the self-loathing aspect. I hated my body and had various other issues for a very, very long time. It’s such a gift to come to a position of self-acceptance. You are gorgeous, inside and out, and I love the fact that you’re encouraging others through your experience
I’ve had a quick look through some of your recipes and the wholesome, healthy-but-balanced ethos is fantastic. Beautiful photography also! Can’t wait to read through more of your archives xx
Love your site, so glad to have found it. I recently just found out my 6yr old daughter has a gluten intolerance as well as allergies to milk, eggs, and soy! She’s been chronically sick for the last 2 years (low immune system, sinus infections, skin issues, gastro issues, etc.) I was bummed to find out she had gf intolerance but so happy to have answers now and know that she doesn’t have to suffer this anymore. Your story is an inspiration and I will definitely be following your posts!
LOVE your site, beautiful, fresh and fun! <3
xo love-fed
Thank you so much! xo, Cara
Way to go on getting healthy and your wonderful blog and site! As a health nut myself, it’s great to see sites that promote clean eating! Thanks for some wonderful NEW recipes to try!
Peace, love and wellness,
Hellooo, I have ‘nom’inated you for the “very inspiring blog award”. Love your blog you can see the post here – http://veghotpot.wordpress.com/2013/04/05/blogger-awards-thank-yous-and-nominations/ :)No pressure to take part! Just passing on the love x
Hi Cara! Me again! Just stopping by to say I ***really***, truly enjoyed following you in 2012 and have nominated you for a Super Sweet Blogging Award. If you’re interested in accepting, pop by http://missmarzipan.com/2012/12/31/100th-post-today-with-belated-yet-grateful-responses-to-18-award-nominations/ for more details. If not, no worries :)- I gave you a nice shout-out in any case… and I wish you a very happy 2013! xx
CARA!! What a cool blog! I had no idea! The pics of you from years past.. that’s the Cara I knew from HS. I had no idea you were struggling and in so much pain! Cheers to you girl with a big ol’ glass of greens!
Good for you, Cara! It takes a lot of will power to stay true to one’s convictions.. well done!
BTW… That last shot of you, donning the green ‘stash’, has got to be (correct me if I’m wrong).. a fine dose of Spirulina…?? Do I win??
I recognize that lovely blue-green vibrancy
Keep up the great work!
Judith, you are a true Spirulina champ
Once I got used to the taste, it’s now one of my favorite things to drink. Thank you for the love. xo, Cara
I am a health fanatic and I LOVE your site! So many creative ideas, not to mention DELICIOUS!
Hi Cara!
So glad to find your blog. February of 2012, I finally had an allergy test after being years of migraines and IBS issues. I found out I was allergic to wheat, baker’s yeast, dairy, etc. I was determined to feel better and I did. I lost weight and stopped getting migraines. I found a new way of eating. I love to bake and cook. Well then in mid September, I moved to Florida. It’s been almost 2 months and went back to my old way of eating since everything here was new and trying to find where to buy things was tough and I conned myself into thinking I was cured, I was fine. Not true!! Yes, I try to do things 100 percent perfect but that is impossible. I sit here with a migraine and severe stomach pain, old and familiar feeling and I know, I need to step it up and get back on my game! Your story inspirational as I have lost 90 lbs since 2003. Nobody is perfect and therefore, this is my 2nd day off the gluten though I had some dairy yesterday. I know how to do this!! I just need help. Thank you for your blog and recipes!
You are amazing! Wow! I am so impressed by your story… it’s inspirational!
It’s been YEARS in the making. I think the biggest lesson I am still learning is to not aim for perfection (man, that is the hardness thing for me to grasp but I try every day). This blog is the perfect example of not aiming for perfection too–my eating is never 100% and I still eat what I know makes me feel badly (though not as bad as it used to) but whatever. I’d be boring if I had it all done perfectly right? Regardless, I am so happy to share this journey of imperfection with you. Much love! xo, Cara
Ah, I totally agree with the whole “progress not perfection” ideology. That’s where I am at too. Really so happy to have found your blog :). Love and best wishes to you x
Hi again, Cara! Just stopping by to let you know that I have nominated you for a “Blog of the Year 2012″ Award. See http://missmarzipan.com/2012/11/22/3-award-nominations-200-follows-today-aka-very-grateful-and-surprised/ if you’d like to accept. If not, no worries- you have a nice shout-out on my blog in any case
All the best x
…..this is my exact story. Minus the fact I am having a hard time letting go of fish and take lactaid pills. But I’m very happy to know I’m not alone. Thank you so much for creating this site and I will definately be making these! P.S. you’re hilarious lol
Awesome…. So inspiring! You have come a long way! I love your cauliflower soup recipe – Thank you for posting it. After reading Matt Monarch and Angela Stokes Monarchs blogs and asuzanne Somers books (amazing) and Gerson therapy and people like you it makes me realze there are o many of us that want to get well and we are no longer alone!! When doctors told me there was no cure for astthma stomach problems And i had to take steroids my wholelife i went looking for answers and thank goodness I found them ! In addition to changing dietvpeople dont realize how importantvit is tonGET THE TOXINS OUT OF YOUR GUT HY DOING COLONICS AND COFFEE ENEMAS. Getting the toxic matter OUT of your body is the most important thing you can do other in addition to plant based diet. I got rid of severe asthma allergies stomach problems severe psorriases. And everyone else can do it too. Irs inspiring to read your story and thank you!
You are awesome! I have to eat gluten free for Celiac disease, but I just decided to go vegetarian (and like you, no crazy strict about it) Anyway, very excited to have found your blog! Thanks for sharing
I think keeping an open mind about diet is so essential for your sanity, right? Good for you for taking steps to improving your health but also being realistic. Love it! Thank you for this comment, Maegan! xo
wow! what a transition! cheers to you!
Thank you for this! xo
Scheherazade’s got nothing on you, girl–talk about storytelling! I scooted on over here from Leanne’s blog and am thrilled to find such enthused writing. Finding such personal storytellers can be a real diamond in the rough deal (to continue the not-so-necessary-Arabian-Nights theme), and your blog is definitely a gem. I’m looking forward to more fun times and tales!
What a gem of a comment, Wallflourgirl! Wow. This was a real smile-putter-on-my-face…like this
(but bigger!) xo, Cara
Hi I just found you… and am so Glad i did.. my son is 5 yrs gluten sensitive ( my personal decision to get him on a gluten free diet as doctors said he was not sick enough to think the has some sensitivity .. his symptoms were endless and sick every single, on medication and antibiotics etc every month.. but i knew better and he has been for over 1 years on GF diet.. and his health improve incredible am still find it difficult some times.. but just seen how healthy he is .. make me work harder on his diet.. (the whole family) is getting the benefits of GF and NO processed food and almost vegetarian diet.. … thank for all the wonderful recipes my son will love them… Evelyn From Australia
Hi Evelyn! I am giving you THE biggest internet hug right now!! It’s so hard to change your diet but I am so proud of you and your care for your family. Hooray for improving health–there is no better satisfaction than that! So happy that you found your way over here. xo, Cara
What a story! I’m so happy you’re feeling better. I found your blog through someone’s pinterest page who had posted a recipe of mine. Gotta love pinterest! Ha! Happy to be following your blog and can’t wait to take some more time to read through your recipes.
~ April
Pinterest brings people together
So happy that it brought *us* together! xo
I am so happy that I found your blog. I am also intolerant to a lot of the same food… I have never felt better after I became vegan.. of course when I did become vegan, i didn’t even know what that meant.. i just gave up the food that hurt my stomach… and few years later in learning and self-educating, I discovered gluten-eating and raw foodism, which I love so much!
I’m still trying to balance between vegan “junk food” “processed food” and real whole foods. Sometimes it’s hard to give up every processed food such as gluten-free breads, etc. but I think it’s all about balance and not letting myself so tight up about it.
nice to meet you! I am already learning so many recipes from you!
That is a balance that I am continually trying to figure out too, AnAppleADay! But you are so right–it’s all about balance, not to mention just keeping an open mind and being gentle on yourself.
It’s so wonderful to meet you too and I hope you like some of the recipes you find here! xo
You are so lovley
Goodness, that is super kind! Thank you.
Hi Cara,
I am so glad I found your blog! I can really relate to your symptoms, and from the way you tell your story, to your inner journey in making such a big life change. I have gone through similar things in the last 3 months, but have been waffling lately, and consequently not feeling as good.
Your story was just the inspiration I needed!! I know I need to get more serious about it, including getting diagnosed – I know for sure I am allergic to dairy but I am not *exactly* sure about everything else. I have already felt enormously better not having gluten and for me sugar is also a big one. The key is to leverage that feeling of awesome to keep me motivated!
I also need to find more recipes that excite me so I LOVE your opening sentence in your byline. I’m hooked. I look forward to reading more from you!
Hooray! Isn’t it great when you find like-minded souls?! Keep doing what you are doing–it’s amazing how creative and motivated you become the more you open yourself up to new foods that are good for you AND tasty. Hope you enjoy what you find over here! xo
Wonderful story Cara! = ) Me and my boyfriend are vegan, GF and dairy free too…it’s a delight to find someone who’s on the same page sharing awesome recipes! I will definitely be using recipes on here to make~ and share! We are the founders of CrunchyHippie.com a new social network based around natural living! Come check us out~ we’d be delighted to have you be a part of our community sharing healthy cooking tips! = ) Keep on cooking girl!
Hi Amber! I’m looking forward to checking out CrunchHippie, thanks for that! Glad you are finding some good stuff over here. Much much love, xo
looooove this blog!
And I love you!
I just discovered your blog and I love it!!
Hi Danielle! Yay–so happy you found your way over here! Welcome
xo, Cara
Hi Cara! Just nominated you for the One Lovely Blog Award. Here’s the link: http://karistaskitchen.com/2012/08/10/strawberries-romanoff-and-two-very-belated-thank-yous/
Such beautiful words said, thank you!!
CARA Michelle REEd!! I just read “your story”. Amazing! I miss you! Had no idea how much I missed you until I began reading through your blog, which by the way I love!! I recognize some of those pictures ;). I am an instant fan, and will continue to follow your work! Xoxo
Um, you are fabulous. I left you a personal message so you know in further detail how fabulous you are! Love you.
I came across your blog today thru pinterest. I love it! Great job. I can’t wait to try some of your recipes
Thank you Kelli (and Pinterest). So happy you are here.
I have nominated you for two awards because I love your blog. Check them out here: http://madisonsmission2.wordpress.com/2012/07/08/my-blog-awards/.
What beautiful awards, thank you so much!! xo
I mean wow … I didn’t even know such food exist in the vegan world!
Thank you, Felicia! What a great compliment, really–so appreciated. Hope you like what you see in these parts
hi cara
came over to your blog from courtney’s blog. many things to learn from you…. it is so challenging for me to cook some indian dishes without diary or bake without eggs. most of the times there are disasters in the kitchen especially when making vegan or eggless bakes.
You are speaking the story of my past year
My garbage can is constantly full of failures! Glad you are in this with me–let’s journey together as we try to figure out the little secrets of eggless baking
xo, Cara
oh yes… i still have failures but now they are beginning to be less and less… guess i am getting the knack of baking good vegan cakes and breads
Hi..thanks God..finally I found deliceas food in you blog..
I am sensitive to GL , Milk ,egg….other thing but when I read about people like you
I feel sported ..and strong thank you
Oh Moza, you are so welcome! I am so glad that you found your way over here–I hope you find lots of good stuff that makes your belly happy. Much love to you, xo Cara
An, sweet mystery of life at last I found you…I adore your blog!!! Wobble clogs is my new favorite word and I intend to find a way to interject it into my conversations from here on out. What fun you are!
Hi Mel! You are fun for liking Wobble Clogs
Glad you made your way over here and hope to see your face around! xo
As someone who eats pretty much anything, I appreciate your blog for the excellent looking recipes for gluten free cooking. One of my daughters is celiac and I’m always looking for interesting things to cook for her. Because I like your blog so much, I have nominated you for the Sunshine Blogger’s Award. Details of the award can be found at timetobeinspired.wordpress.com Terri
Hi Terri! Thank you for the nomination!! Sooo sweet of you. And thank you for stopping by and leaving this comment–it put such a smile on my face! xo
Woah. Now THIS is what I have been looking for. I have almost identical symptoms to you (celiac, lactose-intolerant, vegetarian) and all the usual unpleasantness that goes along with it when you eat the wrong foods. *So* looking forward to poking around more for some inspiration. Thanks for blogging!
Thank YOU for this incredibly kind comment! I am so happy you found your way over here–isn’t it so comforting to know that there are others who are similar to our own situations?! Gives us hope really and I am always in the business of finding more hope. Much love, xo!
Cara, I love your blog. I am so glad I stumbled upon it. I loved seeing you transform. So inspiring. My daughter has had a severe wheat/gluten allergy since she was 6 mnths. She is now about to turn 9. I have been making her gluten free food for years and I’m always on the look out for new ways to make the food better. I have recently gone gluten free ( well for the most part) myself and in fact just today, I made some vegan brownies for my daughter’s birthday on Sunday. I agree with you 100%, there is always an alternative. I don’t go to Starbucks anymore, I don’t do soy either. I do get a cheaper alternative at Whole Foods with Oat or hemp milk. Your story is just amazing. Congratulations.
It’s such a game changer when you realize that you don’t have to suffer with bad tasting food just because you are might be limited, huh? Love hearing that you have found great alternatives and I am so happy that you are here! Thank you so much for the love, xo.
Here is your One Lovely Blog Award. Congratulations!
This is so great–thank you!! xo
Cara, you are amazing and I love your blog!
I’m allergic to dairy, Celiac, just about a full fledge vegan and had to fight to get my health back. You are an inspiration and I can hardly wait to try your delicious looking recipes! Glad I found you
(via Facebook)
Peace, Rocki
Rocki, I couldn’t be more happy to have you! Thank you for the love–how kind of you. I hope you like what you find over here and I look forward to getting to know you better. Much love. xo
You’ve been nominated for the One Lovely Blog award!
Here are the steps for the award:
Name the blogger who awarded you this fantastic award
List 7 random facts about yourself
Award 15 other bloggers this award
I just found your blog via findingvegan.com–those tempeh meatballs caught my eye!–and I’m really struck by your story. That’s an amazing accomplishment. Have you ever checked out the vegan/mostly raw blog choosingraw.com? She has a series called Green Recovery that relates so much to what you’ve been through yourself. It’s a great community that has helped me out an incredible amount–I highly recommend you check it out!
Hi Kaitlyn! Thank you for this community link–I am super pumped to check it out! I appreciate it greatly and am so happy that findingvegan brought you over here. Much love, xo Cara
Where has your blog been all my life? Seriously moving! Here is my own plant based conversion story http://goodcleanfood.wordpress.com/2012/02/19/sick-of-being-sick/ I’m don’t have gluten allergies, but many of my recipes are coincidentally gluten free. You can check them out here if interested http://goodcleanfood.wordpress.com/under-construction-recipe-page/
Thanks for sharing your powerful story!
I cannot wait to check these out, Somer–thank you for linking them
Do I smell blogging buddies in the air???
Totally, It’s gonna be fun! Thanks Cara! I need blogs like yours in my life!
Slumber party at my house
I often wish I lived closer to bloggie friends. That would be fun for reals!
Where do you live, Somer?
Utah. If you ever want to come visit and go snowboarding in the winter, we have a sweet pad with a guest room and plenty of spare snowboarding tickets!
Yesterday I stumbled upon oh, ladycakes blog and read it all within the day and I was overcome with joy when she linked the waffles to your blog. I love everything you have done. I am a vegan and toying around with non-gluten eating and I am so excited to try some of your beautiful recipes. Keep up the good work and please get together more with ladycakes and take beautiful photos and cook scrumptious food. x
Hi Natt! So happy you stalked Ash and found me through her. I love that girl sooooo much {who wouldn’t??!} I cannot wait to be with you in your newest adventures into the gluten-free world
Good Afternoon Cara, Patti Getty here. After finding you through the blog, link, blog, link, facebook, blog, link chain. I finally decided to go to your blog and read up on who you are. Me, I am a healthy mom of 4 that never like the look, smell or taste of red meat. For quite sometime I have been weaning my way to Vegetarian and then one day about 18 months ago while working a wedding reception the brides family came in with vegan cookies and such. I was like HUH, Vegan. It expected people dressed like characters from Star Trak to walk in. I then asked the Uncle of the family “Ok I’m sorry but what is this Vegan thing?” He proceded to tell me. (Throwing my hands in the air) Yes, I finally found the missing link of my chain I was carrying around. After many searches online of what and how this works January 1 2012 I decided to like my life as a Vegan along with my husband. As I am not one to grab a book and read all about it. I wish I could but I just can’t. II love your blog and contune to look forward to all the exciting things I can learn. Now if you can help me with my 14 year old daughter that would be great. Patti
PATTY! It’s about time you made your way over here and read up! hehehe. So you have made the vegan switch, eh? Congrats–sounds like you found something that perfectly fits you. I have the solution for your 14 year old: feed her the vegan Samoa cupcakes and she will be hooked. That’s all I got. Live long and prosper, my friend
xo, Cara
So happy to have found you
I have also ‘healed’ with foods. I was diagnosed with a neuromuscular autoimmune illness and since I changed my diet, I’ve been getting better day by day.
I am not thrilled I am on this dietary lifestyle ~ what’s so great about bleached wheat flour anyway? ;D
It was great to read your story – you are very inspiring!
Hi Ella! I am so happy happy Heather introduced us
It is such a difficult thing to have to change your diet overnight but hopefully you are feeling better and at least that is a consolation prize right?
I can’t wait to check your blog our further too–from what I see, it is super cute! xo, Cara
Great blog. Thank you for sharing your story. Congrats to your beautiful/healthy self!
Thank you for this comment, Julie, and for taking the time to read a little bit about me
I want to say thank you! I just found out my allergies to gluten and being a vegetarian I thought it was going to be impossible. It has been about a month now and I’ve been feeling hopeless towards it, but reading this has helped a lot and the recipes look amazing. Thanks!
Hi Sammy! I am so happy to hear that you are finding a little glimmer of hope in the midst of a rough month. I completely empathetize with you and remember that feeling very well–learning a whole new set of skills can be such a daunting task. May you find joy in the creativity this new lifestyle will bring you. If you need anything, please ask! I am here to help…
xo, Cara
Found your blog through one of your posts on Rachel Jane’s “Two Loves”… glad that I did. My wife has recently discovered an allergy to gluten, so I’m sure that your blog and recipes will become a big help at our house! AND your weight loss story is inspiring. Thanks for opening up and sharing!
Hi Barry and wife! I am so glad to hear that you found your way over here–it was a fateful occasion, seeing that your wife has a gluten intolerance as well! Hope you guys find some good stuff around here. If you need anything, please ask!
I love your story. That is very inspiring. You are absolutely adorable! I would have never guessed the journey you have traveled by just looking at your current pictures. I love your picture of you eating the red pepper stuffed with yummy-ness??
Thank you so much for this comment, Lilly! That was so kind of you to say, truly! It kinda makes you wonder what everyone’s story is when you first meet them, doesn’t it? You just never know. xo!
It is so true. I knew someone (not super closely but she was a friend of my family) for the longest time before I found out she had been quite overweight in her past…she showed me an old photo ID and I could hardly believe it was her…she looks great now and is a massage therapist but she obviously went through a lot of changes from her teens through her twenties.
I guess that is also the beauty of people…we are all unique and come from such various backgrounds…if we only ask we may find the hidden secrets
So glad I found you and your blog! Mum’s just found out she has to cut out gluten and is a bread and cake lover like me. I can’t wait to try your recipes to show her she can still enjoy eating:)
Sorry to hear about your mom’s recent diagnosis but like you said, she can still enjoy eating without a doubt! Hope you find some good stuff over here…I couldn’t be any more excited to have you! xo
You’re so amazing and inspirational thanks for sharing your story!!
Wow, thank you for that Annie–such an incredibly kind thing to say. So appreciated! xo, Cara
HI Cara,
My mom sent me your site, and I am happy to have found it. Over the past year I have gained 40 pounds even though I was having massive stomach problems and barely eating, After exploring many different avenues I have found out that I am gluten intolerant. I am hopeful this diagnosis will help me get healthy now.
Hi Leah!! Tell your mom THANK YOU for sending you over this way–so happy that you stopped by
Thank goodness you figured out what is going on in your body–how frustrating that must have been for you! Here’s to a new year, a new diet, and a new you. Much love. xo, Cara
Hello Cara,
I just found your blog via FB! So far I’ve read your “About me” and I’m excited for you and to see your recipes. I’ve had many of the same issues. I look forward to seeing you in April at Lina’s wedding! : )
Oh how excited I was to see your name over here, Karin! Thanks for stopping by–that means the world to me. Hope you enjoy what you find over here and yes, I am excited to see you soon!!! xo
Hi Cara,
Great blog and amazing story! I just found you through Jessi’s blog slotheatz – your journey is an inspiration, and what a great blog! Well done and thank you!
Hi Shira
So happy you found your way over here–and thank you so much for that comment! That was so incredibly kind of you to say…
Okay, I just have to say you are seriously BEAUTIFUL! Your story is amazing, your energy is contagious, and I’m so glad that I’ve found bloggers like you that are so inspirational, smart, and just straight up passionate. Just had to put that out there. So thanks, and keep it up girl =)
Goodness, can I keep you on my shelf?? You will be like my little bundle of self-esteem so whenever I am feeling down, you can tell me all of those sweet things? Seriously though, Jessi–that just really touched my heart; I cannot even express to what extent, really. All I can say is thank you!! {you have me speechless!} xo, Cara
Cara! It’s Deb Price, and I’m loving your blog so far. It was a blessing to read your story, especially in light of knowing you during our college years. I have a million thoughts about how God is using you and fulfilling your dreams and aspirations even now, and how much more He has for you in the future. But for now, I’ll just talk about the food. =)
I don’t have food allergies, but I’m making some dietary and lifestyle changes. My son and I are almost completely vegetarian, just because I prefer it and find it easier to cook that way. I’m not ready to go fully vegan, for a variety of reasons, but being a vegetarian is not difficult. However, I’ve recently started to accept some realities about my own body (probable lupus diagnosis) and I am committed to managing my condition through my lifestyle, including a diet with all natural foods, whole grains, etc. I’m exploring the idea of experimenting with some gluten-free recipes, even though I don’t have gluten sensitivity. I’ve had to learn to love myself, even the parts (such as my body) that don’t work the way I wish.
Love you, and keep up the good work!
DEB!!! Wow, that means SO much to me that you would check out my blog–thank you, really!! And thank you for those incredibly thoughtful and kind words. I greatly appreciate each and every one of them. Funny how things change over time huh? I am definitely not the same person I was back at Biola {for the good, though}. I am so excited to hear about your new dietary changes–it has made a world of difference for me and I am positive it will do the same for you. Please let me know if you need anything as you transition into what seems like a more restrictive way of eating, but in reality is the doorway to so many possibilities!
Oh, and feel free to share what you think my future holds too
I’m always up for hearing that. ha. Much love, friend! xo, Cara
You’re a doll! So glad I found your blog
Um, I think YOU are the doll! Loving your blog Chandra–and so happy you found your way over here!! xo
So glad I found your post, can’t wait to try some candy bar recipes.
Hi Lori! Let me know how the candy turns out for you. So happy you found your way over here as well
xo, Cara
Wow Cara:
Quite an inspirational story, your so funny and I have learned so much about you from your little love story to your actual story than I learned when you came and stayed with Cynthia in our home. So happy to see your smiling face, and you look amazing keep up the good work, I’m gonna forward your page to my girlfriend she too is vegan not sure if she’s gluten free, but people need more info on gluten free foods.
Thanks for sharing your awesum story
Get out! Hi Diana!!! Ohmygosh, what a total delightful surprise to see your name over here
Thank you so much for the comment–it totally made my day! xo
Hey! Where did you get tested for those allergies? Your list of symptoms looks scarily similar to mine.. which honestly frightens me. I’ve been to a reg doctor who just said “avoid what upsets your stomach” but pretty much everything does. Would love your input! Thank you
Hi Katie! I got tested by an allergist here in L.A. county. As annoying as it sounds, your dr is kinda right about listening to your body and figuring out what works best for you (which is annoying because that can take longer than one wants to). However, if you go to a nutritionist/homeopathic, they could help you on the diet part and learning what it is that is truly bothering your insides. Though I went to an allergist, I’m still learning that I know my body best and knowing that, I like to play around with different things. Hope this helps! xo
What an inspiring story. I just stumbled upon your blog and I love it. You’re funny and your recipes are delicious… Will definitely be trying some soon.
Hi Margarita! How super sweet of you to say such nice words–thank you so much!! I couldn’t be more thrilled to know you found your way over to Fork and Beans. If you ever need anything, do not hesitate to ask
xo, Cara
What an amazing and inspiring story. I found your blog through frugalfeeding’s chain-blog post. I’ve subscribed and am looking forward to more of your posts. My daughter will be 5 in next month and I think we will make those cute candy corns for her party.
Hi Maia! So happy to hear that would made yourself comfortable over here. Thank you so much for this sweet comment. Very appreciated! Hope you enjoy making the candy corn hearts. xo. Cara
This looks like an awesome site! My boyfriend has gluten, egg, and dairy allergies, so this will become a go-to blog for recipe ideas!!!!
Hi Olivia!! So happy to hear you found Fork and Beans! Look at you, what a good girlfriend…I hope this provides a big help for you with your boyfriend’s diet
So glad you are here. xo, Cara
I made my first loaf of gluten-free bread and it turned out great! Unfortunately it had eggs in the recipe, but the next loaf I will try vegan substutions! YAY!!!
Eggs make GF baking so much easier, it’s true! YAY for you, Sue! You must feel so proud… Send me a pic!
Just found you via FPressed. I soo want to start a blog about clean eating and cutting down on processed food … but OMG where’s the time. One blog is enough for now. But you’ve inspired me… I’ll be checking out your other pages and recipes from now on! Thanks!
You can combine a little bit of both: clean eating and your little cutie! A great combination, in fact
So glad FP brought you here–hope you enjoy what you find! P.S. I love your blog name. Adorable. And rather fitting for your life currently 
Thank you! I have actually been thinking of doing that but part of me wants to keep the blog focused on the parenting stuff…as per my original WordPress brainstorming trying to figure out “my audience”. Although…the name of my blog IS half food, right? I’ll think on it. Also, I have been thinking about going vegetarian. See my latest post on “what’s really in a mcnugget”. But I’m sure you already know! It’s amazing how f’ed up the food industry is and how uneducated we as a society are. I watch “super size me” and I know how unhealthy this stuff is but I still eat it sometimes. What’s wrong with me?!
Nothing is wrong with you!
ha. Habits are difficult to change, even when habits include eating mainly corn/some chicken parts “chicken” nuggets. Trust me. I cannot let go of fries regardless of how bad deep fried things are for you. They will always be my first love.
It’s as if you knew…
My advice on the blog stuff is: what feels right for you? Because once you find that, the audience follows. The authenticity about writing/posting about what *you* want to, is what attracts people to you. You are right! Your blogname IS half food so you are already there
xoxo, Cara
I did it after all…
Thanks for the inspiration! I mentioned you in my first post and in my “about” page.
YES!!!!!!!! Good for you!! xo
We are a little limited here (as you probably know), but I think I have some buckwheat flour. I have ordered the other flours online, but had a hard time finding the rice flour. I thought rice flour would be one of the easy ones:). Thanks for the new source–I’ll let you know how my bread turns out! (P.S.–i LOVE all your recipe section!)
You would think that, huh? ha. You can even try grinding brown rice into a flour. Granted, you will need a very sharp blender, but it is possible if worse comes to worse
Fingers crossed. And thank you.
Hi Cara–Sue here (in IN). I am hunting for brown rice flour here in town (Win) and cannot seem to find it (for a bread flour recipe mix). What can I substitue for rice flour. It already has garbanzo flour, sorgum flour, tapioca flour and cornstach. Any ideas?
Hi Sue! I would try buckwheat, millet, oat or quinoa flour (if you don’t mind that flavor). You can even purchase flours online (I am a BIG fan of Authentic Foods Brand for both Sorghum and Brown Rice!) but I have a feeling you need it right away. At least you can buy it for the near future to have in stock. Hope this helps! Check out my Guide to GF/Vegan Baking section, that might give you some more help. xo
I am so, so, so, so happy that I found your site! My story sounds exactly like yours does — I’m a vegetarian (now vegan) who just found out that I have IBS. You have no idea how excited I am to see breakfast recipes on your site! Thank you so much!!! Keep it up!
This always makes me SO happy to hear! AND breakfast just so happens to be my fav meal of the day so there will be more to come… Glad that you found Fork and Beans and I really hope you find a nice, cozy spot over here, Harriette. Welcome!! xo, Cara
I’ve been a vegetarian for years, and a non-commital vegan on and off for a couple of years…BUT i just found out I have milk & wheat allergies so it’s like, guess I am a vegan for real now! But doing this PLUS giving up wheat is so looming to me. I literally just found your blog randomly and was like “WHAT. YAY!!!” I am so happy. I will definitely being following you as I learn how to eat better, dairy/wheat-free foods!
Thanks for doing this and sharing your story!
Woo-hoo! We sound as if we are twins
Courtney, I am so happy to hear that you found this little corner of the blogging world–welcome! If you ever need anything, please feel free to ask. My heart goes out to you because it’s always a rough initiation but you will do fabulously. Find as much support as you can get, not to mention a good sense of humor. You are going to need it in the kitchen
xo, Cara
Wiesz …jakoś sobie radzę, co prawda czytam przez gogle tłumacz i nie rozumiem niektórych słów, które gogle nie tłumaczy. Czasami jednak idzie się nieźle pośmiać, jak w składnikach na ciastka nagle pojawi się “skarpetka” i zastanawiamy się co to za składnik. Jednak większość idzie przeczytać a resztę się domyślić
Yup, still have no idea what you said. Going to get a translator…I understand
This translation, per Google: “You know … somehow I can cope, it is true I read the goggle translator and I do not understand some words that do not translate goggles. Sometimes, however, goes a good laugh, as the ingredients of the cake suddenly “sock” and wonder what kind of component. However, the majority goes to read the rest to guess.”
My heart is swelling – look how far you’ve reached!
I think I have a new Polish friend in Agata! I cannot believe she translates through Google posts she wants to read. This is determination that I love in people. Definitely heart swelling over here as well! xoxo <–Hugs and kisses to you, Agata! And you as well, mom
Poruszyła mnie Twoja historia i droga przez męki uwieńczona sukcesem. Zamierzam wypróbować kilka Twoich przepisów nie koniecznie z mąki bezglutenowej. Pozdrawiam z polski i życzę sukcesów.
I don’t know what any of this says, but I sure hope it’s all nice words
haha. Thank you Agata for your comment, despite our language barrier.
Google translation (Polish): “Your story moved me and dear by the passion crowned with success. I’m going to try some of your rules is not necessarily gluten-free flour. I greet the Polish and I wish you success.”
I had to check
How sweet of her!
This is beautiful. I was going to translate this later but look, you did the work for me! Thanks mom
Following your blog is going to be a blast! Glad it was on the front page!
What an incredibly nice thing to say! Thank you so much for reading all of this–it means so much to me, and in return I really *do* hope you have some fun over here!
I just found your blog and love it. I have been vegetarian for almost 2 years and just 3 months ago went vegan. I was shocked as well when a month ago I found out I was allergic to wheat, eggs, milk and a bunch of other foods. I have lost 35 lbs in 3 months and have a ways t go but I will not turn back to my old eating habits, I feel so much better! Thanks for sharing your story and your recipes. It is hard to find vegan gluten free recipes.
HI Nikki!! So happy you made your way over here
Wow, how amazing for to have your health back–good for you for doing something about it! You cannot trade feeling good for food. It’s just not worth it, especially when food you eat makes you sick. I look forward to hearing more from you and getting to know you more! xo, Cara
I have a friend at work whose son is most likely gluten free (testing is just beginning). They like Rice Dream, but read that it has gluten. I use almond milk and can’t find that it has or is processed with gluten. Any advice on what her son could drink (short of making her own)?
Rice Dream is processed using a barley enzyme that is discarded after its use. There are minimal traces of it in the final product but if that is something her son cannot have (some are able to digest a minimal amount), there are a ton of other rice milk brands out there that probably don’t do the same sort of processing methods. The choices are endless: soy, coconut, hemp (which I love!), almond, walnut, oat (though not sure if would do well with oats), etc. Other than that, making almond milk is simple and easy…and I have a recipe for it here
But really, there are a lot of safe brands so he will be fine. Good luck with that!
Just read this and I think I may just be in love with you (in a completely heterosexual and platonic way, of course). Your transformation is incredible and I just love your outlook on life! The GF guide on your site is also awesome (even though I’m not GF).
Oh Nada, you are making me giggle! Thank you so much for reading my story and for your kind words… xoxo <—heterosexual hugs and kisses. HAHA
Wow! Just wow! I popped in as a stop-back from your stop-in to my home. You had me a ginger cookies. Then I read your story. Well, hell. Recently found food allergies. Check. Vegetarian life-style. Half-check. On the road to new life after years of battling low self-esteem and heavy weight. Check and check. Learning how to eat and live within the *confines* of a new life while moving forward ’cause ain’t nothing gonna keep you down. Check, check, check.
TWINSIES!!!! hehe. Sounds like we have *a lot* in common and that it was meant to be
I’m so excited to follow your journey as well. Going over there now to stalk your blog. hehe
I just found your blog and I love it! My name is Kara!!
Hi Kara! Blonde? Lives in California? And has the best name in the world? Look at that–this must be destiny
Love the blog!!
JAMES!!! Thanks for checking the blog out
Your story sounds VERY similar to mine. Although, I still haven’t given up dairy, or been tested for allergies. Denial, possibly. I KNOW I’m lactose intolerant, and lactaid pills are my bff. Reading this has encouraged me to call my doctor to get an allergy test. Why not? I try and treat my body well, and minimizing processed foods has helped me feel better, for sure. But if I have an allergy to wheat, or dairy, or gasp, peanuts, I should probably find out. Blah blah, all this to say, you inspired me, thank you!!!
You know, Julia, I so understand what you are saying. I really thought the same way but you would be surprised by your body’s ability to adapt. This is coming from a girl who LOVES bread more than life itself. I hope you start feeling better soon, truly–there is nothing worse than to feel perpetually sick. Please keep me updated as to what happens. *If* you find any allergies, contact me whenever. I know firsthand how lonely it can feel and will do whatever I can to help out! xo, Cara
Can’t wait to see what you do for Thanksgiving or how about something special for Veteran’s Day?
That is a great idea Sue!
Love the Oct 31 video—Ahhh–happy endings
Did you and the crew watch it? My mother would be so proud
ha. Bitter sweet, isn’t it? But thank goodness there is always another holiday around the corner…
I had a friend who was allergic to gluten and wheat. Untill then I never realised how much stuff that prevents someone from eating. You are an inspiration, and very, very beautful.
I don’t think anyone can prepare for how much their life is going to change when they are diagnosed with either an allergy or disease that prevents them from eating certain foods. It can be very devastating but at the same time, it makes you get more creative with how you can still have what you are used to, just a safer version. Thank you so much for your very sweet words! I am so glad that you stopped by!
Cara–love your recipes, humor and I just love your mom (she made me say that)
She IS bossy like that isn’t she? She makes me give her compliments all of the time too. Haha!! Just kidding. Love that woman so much. SUE! So great to hear from you
Thank you so much for being a supporter–I cannot tell you how much it means to me. Love hearing from you. Thank you x’s a million! xo
I just linked to your story from my Sister Vegetarian blog for my “WEDNESDAY IS YOIUR VICTORY DAY” post to my readers! You are amazing, and I love sharing VICTORIOUS stories as your story-proving that a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle can prevent, treat, reverse, and sometimes cures illnesses and diseases. You are amazing! Thank you for sharing your story with your readers!!! Congratulations on reclaiming your health through a vegetarian lifestyle!! You are VICTORIOUS!!! ~ Donna M Beaudoin, Author, Sister Vegetarian’s 31 Days of Drama-Free Vegetarian and Vegan Living
Thank you so much Donna for the kind words AND the link back! That is seriously so sweet of you–I really appreciate it.
I have recently discovered your amazing blog..,and reading about “your story” confirms everything I imagined about your intelligence, HUMOUR, creativity and on and on…The love and support pouring in from your readers and your crazy/loving-you-big time family is proof-positive of your wonderfulness…Keep spoiling us with your offerings…please!..
BIG admiring fan..
(Oh…almost forgot…I was tested a few years ago for celiac, milk and nut allergies…At the time they came up with: 1) missing one of the two enzymes necessary for correct lactose digestion; 2) walnut and macadamia nut allergies…and 3) no celiac disease…
I still seem to have problems with wheat (bloating, water-retention and lack of energy WHEN I do eat gluten..,Is it possible to have an assimilation problem or allergy to wheat/gluten without actually being confirmed as celiac? Should I be tested for a gluten allergy…if that (test) does indeed exist? I’ve noticed that I feel better when I leave dairy and gluten out of the equation..Is there any testing I should undertake to confirm this?…)
Until then, since I love to bake and make wonderful things culinary, I will be delving into your treasure trove of recipes that feed the heart, soul and tummy so effectively..Thank you again!
Ugh. Food allergies–so pesky! You know Donna, what I think (and I am not a doctor, so take this advice with a grain of salt!) is that you should just elminate the foods that make you feel bad from your diet. Thankfully you know you don’t have celiac’s so just removing gluten from your diet wouldn’t be a bad thing. Well, it is a hard adjustment, but that is about it. You can have an intolerance to it (which is different than celiac’s) or your body just might simply hate. What I tell friends is to just stop eating it for 2 weeks, see how you feel; reintroduce it, see how you feel and decide from there. While you are still baking though, send some to me will ya? haha
big loves atcha lady : ) send me some willpower vibes. giving up the dairy is hard. i crave cheese sometimes. i need willpower to stop eating vegan convience food and chocolate to lose my flub. Like u say u cry through it knowing u have to stop something but resenting having to do it : D lovin ur chocolate recipes
Aw, thanks Lou. I wish I could say that it was all about willpower for me… Since I’m allergic to dairy, giving that up was more of a necessity. Either eat it and suffer or avoid it altogether :/ It’s hard to turn away convenience foods when your time is limited, definitely. The thing that got me where I am today was telling myself over and over again to be gentle on me. I’m a perfectionist and think I should ridiculously be able to master anything in a day. It’s a continual learning curve for me to be gentle on myself and not demand perfection. One day I’ll master it
I love your pictures from childhood and high school! Your Before and After Shots are my favorite..was that prom? Thanks for sharing your story and maybe when I stop whining about my allergies, I’ll attempt to make one of your delicious recipes
Don’t yell at me — And btw Mike Reed cracks me up. So does Scott Meyer. And scene.
You like that? Makes it even better when you know them firsthand, huh? haha. And that pic was actually from my college “dance” (though no dancing was involved because dancing leads to jacuzzi-hopping, which inevitably leads to pregnancy
Love you and thank you for checking this out…FINALLY!!! hahahaha
Touche my friend. It has taken me ages to make it on your amazing blog but now that I’m here, it’s on!! In fact, you WILL get sick of me. I need more cowbell. And some more delicious caramels…(bet you regret you ever made them for me in the first place… he he!!
Hi Cara! What an inspiring story! I’ve been loving your freaky fruits series, and I just stopped to check out the rest of your blog. What an amazing transformation – physical and mental – that fueling yourself well can have! Thank you for sharing your journey!
Thank you Faith–that is so sweet of you to say! Truly. I’m so glad that you are liking the Halloween special and so appreciative that you keep coming back!! xoxo, Cara
What an amazing story, thanks so much for sharing! I look forward to your checking out your blog regularly
Aw, thanks Nora! I really appreciate you checking out Fork and Beans and am so happy you will be coming back! xoxo, Cara
I love your site, Cara! You are beautiful & courageous.
Seeing your name just made me smile from the inside out! Thank you Aunt Joyce–I love you!
Hey girlie, Loving your new site! I’m feeling very inspired reading about all your cooking & baking — I think I might have to break out the KitchenAid! When will I see some cupcake recipes on here?!?
Thank you Lara, that is so sweet of you to say! I really appreciate hearing this. About the cupcakes. Ugh. Baking. My nemesis currently. It has been difficult for me to understand gluten and dairy free baking but I haven’t given up yet (despite what I say on the blog). I just bought a new type of flour and am going to explore with it this weekend. Hopefully in a few weeks I can get my cupcake loving friend (ie YOU) a good recipe! xoxo Cara
Today, Psycho brought in the Chick Pea Sloppy Joe she made last night after she fell in love with a leaf and flew a kite (must be rough to have her schedule). It was edible. She obviously didn’t make a big enough batch to bring extra to work, otherwise I would’ve eaten most of it myself. The Lunch Lady can sure make the…
Sloppy Joe’s
Slop, Sloppy Joe’s
You were a hungry little feller, Scott… And thanks for the review! haha
ummm, super impressive blog.
LOVE it. And looking forward to sharing with my friends with food allergy issues!
THANK YOU! Yes, please! Forward along!!!
xoxo, Cara
This is stinking amazing! Awesome job my friend.
I’m following what you cook this week!
I love you!!! Thank you for being the best!
I too, think you are crazy. But, you are a fantastic designer, you are articulate, and beautiful and I’m happy to hear your story. I’m pretty sure I won’t have a problem grubbing a big old steak while you watch, or enjoying some ice cream after polishing off some deli sandwich on sourdough bread. But that is the role I hold – big brother. You make some of that stuff you call food look pretty good. I may have to try some of it. Love to you.
hahahaha!!! Hilarious! Thanks brother. And wow. I am saving this comment, embossing it in gold and hanging it on my wall. I had to double check that YOU wrote this!
haha. To say thank you for the kind words doesn’t even cut it. But THANK YOU!!!! Love you.
xoxo, Cara
Lovely story! Thanks for sharing! You are an ever evolving, dynamic, mystical woman and I am delighted to be in your company! Many bear hugs to you I have lots of friends I can share this with and plan to add it to my resource list!
Thank you soooo much for the love Chantel!!!
xoxo, Cara
So proud of you, Caraboo! What amazing courage you’ve shown through this intense, frustrating, exhilarating, adventurous journey. I know it’s been a very long haul–with lots of ups and downs. I love seeing you embrace your body and yourself…and even your allergies with so much determination and enthusiasm. You’re an amazing human being….and an awesome friend. I love you soooooooooooooooooo much!
P.S. You’re an amazing writer….your hilarious sense of humor comes flying through in your blog. LOVE it.
You are such an amazing encourager and supporter, Carolina! Thank YOU for all that you said! That means a lot to me!!!
xoxo, Cara
You have always been one of my favorite people! Your story is inspiring, I want to hear more.
Aaaaaawwwwww, I have nothing but the BESTEST memories of working with you, Lisa!! AND going to lunch
I hope you are well and thank you so much for checking the site out!! Whatever you want to know…I’m an open book 
xoxo, Cara
I am so proud of you for taking a hold of your life and being an empowered human being! I will definitely be checking your site to get tips for improving my own health! Wahoo for you!
Maria-Alexia! Thank you for saying such sweet words!!! It’s definitely a new life when you take control, that is for sure! I hope you keep coming back and find something you like here.
xoxo, Cara
You are my hero. . .the wind beneath my wings. Heart! Don’t forget me when you’re famous. . .
haha. I hardly think that will happen…EVER! Love love love you!!!!!!!!!! xoxo
Phenomenal. You are a nut job, and so is your father, yes, the sissy is in that line-up too … but somehow it makes us more connected … I love you dear girl. I am proud of your journey, your healing and your passion for wellness.
I guess it takes one nut job to know another
Thank you for checking the site out, Jess, and for all your love and support!! xoxo
You are beautiful and inspirational Cara! You are a talented writer. I just might have to try some of your recipes.
~Melissa Chambers (Ferretti)
Melissa! Thank you so much for checking the site out and for your really sweet, kind words! I appreciate it more than you know. Let me know if you try anything and how you like it!
Cara, Oh my goodness!!! We were just talking about this and here it is. and it’s amazing! You are beautiful, smart and talented…yes, that’s in the gene pool! Can’t wait to share this!
Love, Cara’s ma
thanks mom
love you!!
Hi Cara,
I never knew that you were going through so much. Your journey is very inspiring. Your baking looks amazing. We should get together soon.
all my life :/
thank you for checking the blog out, angie! i really appreciate it and hope you find some recipes you like here
u totally look like dad in that last pic! funny he called u a nutjob. ah. i heart our family so.
You are a “nut” job. The genetic pool that you drew from must be pathetic….
Love, Dad
dad–now i am beginning to wonder why i chose food over booze, with comments like these
haha. thanks for the love <3
Ah Mike Reed. The curmudgeon with a heart of gold. And yes, I know how to pronounce Ayn Rand.
*Opening up the palm of my hand to look up the word “curmudgeoun”….*
You are such a creative, funny, beautiful and talented woman. The blog is amazing. I have some peeps that are GF and will love this blog too.
Congrats and good luck!
wow sumer, thank you so much for that! everything else right back at you!!! i really appreciate all your support…
love, cara
You are amazing!
julie, YOU are amazing. but thank you