
Lyme disease now in all 50 states

Posted 1:49 PM, Aug 08, 2018
and last updated 2:42 PM, Aug 08, 2018

Lyme disease isn't just a disease in the northeast.

In fact, people in all 50 states and D.C. have tested positive for lyme.

The tick-borne illness can cause a wide variety of symptoms, including joint aches, fatigue, facial palsy and neck stiffness.

This news comes from a report from the clinical laboratory Quest Diagnostics, which analyzed the results of 6 million blood tests.

Doctors had ordered the tests to diagnose lyme disease in their patients. 

The report found that Pennsylvania had the most positive cases last year with ten thousand.
Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Vermont -- accounted for about 60 percent of the country's lyme disease cases.

Also interesting, the number of positive tests spiked in some areas not traditionally linked to lyme disease. 

Florida, for instance, had about five hundred infections, up 77 percent since 20-15. 

California had close to the same number of people with positive test results.

The National Institutes of Health is conducting research into chronic lyme disease syndrome.