As IIM Mumbai gears up to welcome its inaugural students, the institute unveiled its new logo on December 5, 2023. Crafted by the National Institute of Design’s Bengaluru campus, this emblem draws inspiration from the concept of ‘moving mountains.’
It's a mountain-shaped emblem with interconnected triangles forming a block-chain design, carrying the letters IIM Mumbai, hinting at a hand supporting the mountain.
Sanskrit Phrase Incorporated In Logo
In line with tradition, the logo incorporates the Sanskrit phrase 'Dyanam Jayati Sarvatra,' translating to 'Knowledge triumphs everywhere.'
The logo is a representation of the institute's identity with a blend of its hillside location, popularity in supply chain management, and support for the PM Gati Shakti Master Plan.
Shashi Kiran Shetty, the Board of Governors Chairman at IIM Mumbai, envisioned a logo that encapsulates the interconnected world of entities, a symbol that represents overcoming all impossibilities through 'Hanumat Prayas'.
IIM Mumbai Director Talks About The Logo
In an exclusive conversation with The Free Press Journal, IIM Director, Prof. Manoj Tiwari shared insights on the concept and significance of the logo.
Explaining the symbolism behind the logo, Tiwari expressed, “The mountain represents resources, magnitude, and the monumental task ahead. ‘Moving mountains’ is an idiom for managing an immense challenge."
The Design Element Of Logo
He further elaborated on the design elements, stating, “The interconnected triangles symbolize supply chain efficiency and order, reminiscent of Mumbai's iconic architectures. The letters forming IIM Mumbai portray a hand cradling the mountains, evoking the Herculean task, akin to Lord Hanuman lifting a mountain.”
Discussing the logo's role in establishing identity, Prof. Tiwari emphasized, “Each IIM has its unique logo, signifying its individuality within the larger system. This logo will be our emblem, fostering our distinct identity.”
Prof. Kulkarni emphasized the logo's motive i. e. to inspire stakeholders to work with the efficiency and determination of Hanuman.