On the 106th birth anniversary of former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, the Pune City District Congress Committee, under the leadership of city president Arvind Shinde, commemorated the occasion by felicitating her portrait and statue at Congress Bhavan in Pune's Shivajinagar.
Shinde praised Indira Gandhi as the pride of the nation, emphasising her leadership in implementing the green revolution and poverty eradication, reducing the country's poverty by 50% in 30 years.
He highlighted her role in the movement to boycott foreign goods and her fearless activism during the freedom struggle.
The event saw speeches from various Congress members, recognising Indira Gandhi's significant contributions to women's empowerment, industrialisation, and nationalised banking.
Regional Representative Yashraj Parkhi Patil in her speech acknowledged Indira Gandhi's legacy in promoting modern technology, women's empowerment, and fostering equality and brotherhood.
Born on November 19, 1917, Indira Gandhi left an indelible mark in national politics and served as the third Prime Minister from 1966 to 1977 and again from 1980 until her assassination on October 31, 1984. The country's first and, to date, only female prime minister, she emerged as a central figure in Indian politics as the leader of the Congress.