
About Us

Fuji Technology Press was established as an English language publisher in Tokyo in 1963.
It remains a publisher of journals of scientific essays, publishing four journals in the English language and two in Japanese.
Our mission is to publish to the entire world cutting-edge research findings from not just Japan and the rest of Asia, but the rest of the world as well.

1. Journal Publication

The advancement of engineering technology has significantly enhanced the quality and convenience of our lives.
Our Company, beginning with the publication of Techno Japan in 1968 and following with the editing and publishing of the Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics in 1989, has closely observed the dynamic evolution of Japanese engineering technology since its early days.

Building on this legacy, our Company remains at the forefront of disseminating the latest trend in engineering technology research to the global community. This is achieved through our publications the Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, the Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics, and International Journal of Automation Technology.

Moreover, since 2006, our Company has expanded its focus to encompass the comprehensive theme of disasters.
In that year, we introduced the Journal of Disaster Research, a scientific journal dedicated to the preventing and contributing to the reduction, of damage from all types of disaster (with the exception of those caused by war).

We are committed to continuing our important work into the future.

2. Free dissemination of stored works

Since the opening of our “finder” database in October, 2007, the works (full-text and data) appearing in our published journals have been made available online on an open access basis.
As of December, 2010, over 1,500 papers were available for perusal (after user login). Finder, besides being a further step in the promotion of a complete conversion to a Web-based environment, is en route to becoming a digital archive all journals and articles released in past publications.

3. Corporate Data

Company Name:
Fuji Technology Press Ltd.
Head Office:
1-15-7, Uchikanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0047, Japan
Ichigo Otemachi North Bldg. 2F (former Unizo Uchikanda 1-Chome Bldg.)
October 26, 1948
(predecessor concern: Fuji Marketing Research Co.,Ltd.)
Yonetatsu Matsumoto, president

4. Organization

organization chart
President Y. Matsumoto
JRM K. Uchida
IJAT S. Yagi,N. Tanabe
JDR Y. Ayansaki, S. Yagi
JACIII K. Uchida, N. Tanabe

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Last updated on Mar. 04, 2025