Hi! I’m Chrissy…
and I’m the fun-loving mom behind this blog.
When I’m not working on this blog, I try my best to parent my two amazing, independent, headstrong girls.
I’m constantly looking for ways to have fun and make special memories with my kiddos, and I want to help you do the same.
Be a Fun Loving Family
We all know that parenting is challenging.
As my kids have grown, I’ve learned that while the challenges become fewer, they definitely get bigger.
We’ve gone through highs and lows. And periods of lots of stress and times that feel like we’re just coasting.
But, through it all, the one thing that remains constant is the fact that when my kids feel connected, our home feels happier. Everyone gets along better. There’s less talk-back and more cooperation.
So, how do we keep everyone connected? With fun.
It’s such a simple thing, but when we get caught up in the day-to-day activities of life, the fun quickly takes a back burner.
A few years ago, my family went through some growing pains.
My girls were entering adolescence. I was working more. And my husband had his own work issues going on.
We were all stressed, and that stress came out in our behaviors and interactions with each other.
Lots of tension. Lots of yelling. And buckets of tears all around. We were all losing control and, instead of spending more time together, we were isolating ourselves from each other in order to cope.
It was clear to my husband and me that we needed to get our family back on track.
We talked to counselors and read some amazing books and blogs that helped us change out mindset and habits in our daily lives.
Most importantly, we started making a conscious effort to stay connected with our kids.
Family Fun with Intention
Parenting is hard. Momming is hard. Finding ways to do “all the things” and still stay connected with everyone in the family and stay sane can feel like an unrealistic dream.
But, it is possible.
You can create your own family bucket list of activities to do each season.
Or, maybe just try to squeeze little moments of fun into the simple mundane moments of the day.
Ever had a themed dinner week?
Or played silly word games on the way to and from school?
These are really simple ways to create positive experiences that turn into happy memories and strengthen family bonds.
I know how busy family life can be. When you’ve got multiple kids, sometimes at different schools, with different schedules, and everyone just feels like they’re constantly running around, it can feel like everyone is just doing their own thing.
I’d love to help you find simple ways to keep your family happy, healthy, and full of love.
You can also
– > follow me on Pinterest
– > follow me on twitter
Still reading? Here’s some backstory to the site:
When I started this blog, it was only going to be list posts of great ideas I had found. Twentyfive Things was purposely vague because I thought I’d be writing about a broad range of topics that appeal to me.
I was wrong.
After a year of posts, it was clear that this blog was taking a clear direction: helping parents find ways to create meaningful connections with their kids.
At that point, the Twentyfive Things moniker didn’t make very much sense.
So, in the spirit of leaning in to this new direction, I decided to rename the blog and Fun Loving Families was born.