Teachers are saints
You stock your own classrooms, give tirelessly to your students, and endure the wildest scenarios. Simply put, music teachers are a whole new level of holy.
You do this and more while also attending state and national conferences, joining community & professional ensembles to refine your own craft, dreaming up top-notch community engagement opportunities (i.e. - concerts, virtual choirs, fundraising galas), and are most proud when your classrooms are busting at the seams. However, you often do this on your own time and your own dime.
You have enough on your plate.
Let us help you advocate to your admin/committee to INVEST IN YOU by paying for your Forward Motion online learning.
Download the FREE Admin Toolkit to get started, and as always, let us know how we can help!
Forward Motion provides a singular source for music and education content led by a world-class faculty representing colleges and universities across the United States. As such, it is an excellent provider of Professional Development opportunities for teachers. Forward Motion offers certificates of completion which we encourage teachers to submit to their administration as evidence of completion for any of our video courses, interactive sessions, private study, and/or master classes.
We offer a word of caution that requirements vary regarding the course work or professional activity that fulfills obligation in your home district, counties, and state. Therefore, it is incumbent upon Forward Motion patrons to qualify our offerings according to their local policies, associations, and supervisors. Patrons may be asked by supervisors to describe how the Forward Motion coursework addresses the objectives of local learning standards, student/educator content growth, student/educator emotional growth, a school improvement plan, and/or educator performance evaluations. Gratefully, Forward Motion content does qualify as Professional Development in most circumstances.
For the sake of clarity, we use Professional Development as a descriptor of the continuing education required of teachers in all states. We also want to differentiate the label of "Professional Development" from our use of Graduate Credit - - those courses offered on this site for one, two, or three graduate credits that enable teachers to increase their salary levels. Such graduate credit is awarded in conjunction with our partners at Dominican University of California and does not accrue to complete a degree.
Further questions regarding Forward Motion’s Professional Development Credit may be directed to info@fwdmotion.org