A Grand Tour of the Japanese Arcades in Akihabara, Tokyo: A Picture Gallery

Japanese arcades are what American arcades dream about.

Along the main street in Akihabara, Tokyo—the mecca for all things anime, manga, video games, and maid café—the major arcades which include Taito Station and several Sega/Club Sega venues are five stories high. Even with all of the local shops and throngs of tourists and Japanese locals, these arcades stand out with their bold-red facades and towering presence.

Each floor typically represents an entire genre of games (rhythm, fighting, digital card games, racing), and the major arcades try not to compete too aggressively against each other by offering different games, apart from the numerous UFO Catcher crane games that typically fill the first and second floors. The higher floors usually house the latest hardcore games with multiple, back-to-back cabinets for Tekken 7, Dissidia Final Fantasy, Pokken Tournament, and Taiko Drum Master (just to name a spare few).

Despite how packed the arcades are, especially after work hours, it's easy to find an open seat and plop down 100 yen (about one US dollar or less) per play, sometimes two plays. Every arcade cabinet is well-serviced and well-maintained with workers ready to help if a machine sucks your money.

Most of the arcade players were young men, as you might suspect, though there were a few kids and parents around. I only saw a handful of female players, with one particular photo-booth area that was actually female-only, I suppose because there have been unfortunate incidents in the past that warrant making photo booths (which are gender-neutral and perfect for couples) into female-only areas. The other thing to note is that, like everywhere else in Japan, there are vending machines throughout the arcade selling coffee, tea, milk tea, and Coke (there is no diet soda) for about a buck. Stay hydrated, people!

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