Weapons are an invaluable part of a Guardian’s protection of humanity. From Swords to Sniper Rifles, they cover a variety of ranges, uses, and viabilities in different game modes. Some are more versatile than others. Some excel in PvP but fall behind in performance in PvE.
However, throughout a Guardian’s vast arsenal of destructive firepower, a few weapons climb the Chain of Command (see what I did there) to become the most powerful weapons in Destiny 2. Some belonged to gods. Some WERE gods. In any case…here are the top 25.
25. Skyburner’s Oath
Destiny 2 - You Need The Skyburners Oath. Super Fast Catalyst Tip! - YouTube
Although I liked this weapon better pre-rework, it’s still an interesting gun with a good bit of utility. In PvP, it was far better before, but it’s still fun to lob grenades through the air with a primary weapon. The scorch effect is nice but I think it’s still better for ADS in the Crucible. However, in PvE this gun is great for Cabal-infested zones and exploding things with Solar 3.0 ignitions.
Skyburner's Oath full details: www.light.gg/db/items/4255268456/skyburners-oath/
24. Falling Guillotine
PSA! Xur Has God Roll FALLING GUILLOTINE! [Destiny 2] - YouTube
Probably the trustiest legendary sword for higher-level content, Falling Guillotine (and especially with that roll Xur was selling a few weeks ago) is a fan-favorite among sword fans. It’s unique-looking and its DPS is second to only one other sword in the game.
Vortex frame swords are just pretty good in general, especially against champions. However, swords don’t really have a lot of usability in higher-end content like raids, but this is my go-to sword when I need one.
Falling Guillotine full details: www.light.gg/db/items/614426548/falling-guillotine/
23. Null Composure
A ritual weapon from Season 14, this gun used to be my ‘ole reliable for PvE. In PvP it wasn’t so great, as adaptive fusions almost automatically outclass rapid-fire frames in the Crucible. Even so, it has two really great selectable perk columns and is good for boss DPS and ad clear alike in PvE.
Null Composure full details: www.light.gg/db/items/1644680957/null-composure/
22. Main Ingredient
Xur selling a GOD ROLL MAIN INGREDIENT! Where is Xur 11th March 2022 in Destiny 2 - YouTube
Basically the more competition-viable version of Null Composure, Main Ingredient really smacks in the Crucible, even in the hands of less experienced players. Getting the right roll can be tough nowadays (most folks settle for a decent Snorri Fr5) but once you’ve got it, you can coast on it for quite a long time.
Main Ingredient full details: www.light.gg/db/items/253196586/main-ingredient/
21. Shayura’s Wrath
Shayura’s Wrath is no longer obtainable. Pray to the loot gods for its return in future seasons…
I’ve had a lot of fun with this weapon, even though you can’t get it anymore. Its Iron Banana counterpart, Multimach, is no longer obtainable either, so competitive-grade SMGs are in high demand.
I’ll be offering up some prayers to the loot gods for their return in future seasons. It doesn’t have too great a selection of perks for PvE, but it’s a trusty far-reaching SMG in PvP. If you’ve got it, flaunt it.
Shayura's Wrath full details: www.light.gg/db/items/3682803680/shayuras-wrath/
20. Jotunn
Destiny 2 - How to get Jotunn (Exotic Fusion Rifle) in Beyond Light - YouTube
Most people like to think of this weapon as a menace in PvP, but it’s actually pretty good in PvE, especially with its exotic catalyst. In that light, it’s also a pretty good gun for Gambit if you’re out of heavy ammo, and especially for invading. Just a fun weapon overall, and has great synergy with solar 3.0.
Jotun full details: www.light.gg/db/items/417164956/j%C3%B6tunn/
19. The Enigma
Reshaping The Enigma Quest Guide | Destiny 2 - YouTube
Easy to get, reliable, and strong archetype. Checks all the boxes, even for free-to-play players. A lot of people like to poo-poo on glaives, and those are the ones who are in need of more brain cells. Glaives are good, especially in Gambit. They’re also pretty good in the Crucible if you know how to use them. Plus…they just look so cool.
The Enigma full details: www.light.gg/db/items/2595497736/the-enigma/
18. Ager’s Scepter
How to Get Ager’s Scepter (Exotic Trace Rifle) in Destiny 2: The Witch Queen - YouTube
Normally, this wouldn’t be expected to make the list, but it’s actually a decent weapon overall. Trace rifles are actually a hidden gem in PvP, but PvE is where this weapon’s thunder is at. The synergy with a lot of Stasis builds is massive, especially with the Hunter’s Shatterdive aspect.
Ager's Scepter full details: www.light.gg/db/items/1833195496/agers-scepter/
17. Outbreak Perfected
Destiny 2 - How to get Outbreak Perfected (Exotic Pulse Rifle) in Beyond Light - YouTube
This definitely takes the cake for my personal top five favorite exotics of all time, but alas, it’s only in the “good but not incredible” category. It’s a strong weapon for PvE if the ammo economy is really bad, and good in the crucible. It can be a bit unforgiving in PvP, but I promise you this gun pays off in all kinds of fun ways.
Outbreak Perfected full details: www.light.gg/db/items/400096939/outbreak-perfected/
16. Osteo Striga
How to get Osteo Striga (Exotic Submachine Gun) Plus Catalyst in Destiny 2 - YouTube
This is possibly hands down the best add-clear exotic in the game. Outbreak does a good job if you can get a few precision kills, but Osteo Striga absolutely shreds up close. It’s almost too easy, and super fun as well. The catalyst is easy to get and so is the gun, so consider investing in this weapon for Vault of Glass runs.
Osteo Striga full details: www.light.gg/db/items/46524085/osteo-striga/
15. No Time to Explain
During this weapon’s recent and rapid rise to power, No Time to Explain absolutely crushes its competition with a great stat package, ready accessibility, and good potential for multikills. I really want it to be good in PvE like it was in Destiny 1, but what’s Bungie’s explanation for that? Sorry. They don’t have time to explain.
No Time To Explain full details: www.light.gg/db/items/1594120904/no-time-to-explain/
14. Dead Man’s Tale
How to get Dead Man's Tale and Hawkmoon in Witch Queen - YouTube
This one’s harder to get your hands on, but after scraping together materials, buying the gun, getting the catalyst, and leveling it up you’ve got a very decent weapon. It’s a good “intermediate” primary weapon for people who aren’t complete scrubs but still want to go Flawless. I main this gun most of the time for the Crucible, and to be fair…the gun just looks cool.
Dead Man's Tale full details: www.light.gg/db/items/3654674561/dead-mans-tale/
13. Funnelweb
How to get Funnelweb (Legendary Submachine Gun) Plus God Roll Guide in Destiny 2 - YouTube
Funnelweb is widely slept on after the VoTD day one raid race, but I’m here to tell you that it’s still good, even when going into the season of Arc 3.0. Being able to take advantage of volatile rounds was really good for this gun, but even after the Void 3.0 era this gun still has some good perks in both PvE and PvP.
Funnelweb full details: www.light.gg/db/items/3341893443/funnelweb/
12. The Chaperone
Destiny 2 - How to get The Chaperone (Exotic Shotgun) - YouTube
This weapon didn’t make my top five shotguns list, because it fills a way different roll than other slug shotguns. If you can consistently hit your shots, this gun is as good as a short-range dueling weapon, allowing you to end fights that submachine guns and sidearms would normally have trouble with. That being said, slug shotguns can be pretty unforgiving in the Crucible but very, very good if you can master it.
The Chaperone full details: www.light.gg/db/items/3413860062/the-chaperone/
11. Eyasluna
How to get Eyasluna (Legendary Hand Cannon) Plus God Roll Guide in Destiny 2 - YouTube
Hand cannons may be old (and boring, at this stage of the PvE and PvP meta), but no one can deny their trustiness and workhorse qualities. Eyasluna’s almost the best of the batch when it comes to Adaptive frame Hand Cannons, with nice perks like Perpetual Motion, Outlaw, Headstone, and Rangefinder. Plus, it comes from the best dungeon in the game currently, so be sure to snatch one up if you want it.
Eyasluna full details: www.light.gg/db/items/235827225/eyasluna/
10. Fatebringer
Destiny 2 - How to get Fatebringer (Legendary Hand Cannon) Plus God Rolls for PvP and PvE - YouTube
In my opinion, at least for PvE, Fatebringer outclasses Eyasluna. The troll factor of Explosive Payload is fun when fighting snipers and shooting around corners, but that perk paired with the Explosive Wellmaker mod will be a willing supplement to any solar ability spam build.
Fatebringer full details: www.light.gg/db/items/2171478765/fatebringer/
9. Vex Mythoclast
Destiny 2: Vex Mythoclast full review + How to get catalyst (PvE/PvP/Tips) - YouTube
Ah, dearly beloved. How I’ve searched after you, but never found you…Ah, well. Vex Mythoclast remains a trusty primary for PvE and PvP, and especially in the latter. The one problem? Well, this gun has but one flaw: I still can’t get it, me with my fifty-one runs of Vault of Glass. I swear, I know the inside of that raid better than any other raid that I’ve run, and yet the loot gods frown on me. Maybe I should offer a few more god rolls on the altar…
Vex Mythoclast full details: www.light.gg/db/items/4289226715/vex-mythoclast/
8. Divinity
Destiny 2 | How To Get Divinity In Witch Queen?! (Fast And Easy) - YouTube
As any raider will tell you, this gun is mandatory for a lot of boss fights and extremely helpful for others. Its ability to stun Overload Champions is very helpful as well, especially so in Grandmaster Nightfalls. A good weapon to get your mitts on if you haven’t yet. (Also, thanks to the “div guys” who give up their DPS in order to shoot Divinity. You guys are the best!)
Divinity full details: www.light.gg/db/items/4103414242/divinity/
7. The Lament
Destiny 2: How to get THE LAMENT Exotic Sword! | Beyond Light - YouTube
As far as raw, destructive capacity is concerned, Lament takes the cake for pure annihilation. The weapon does an unreal amount of DPS and crams it into absurdly short bursts of time. The fun factor is also really high, and the quest to get it is easy and fun. I only wish it had a catalyst…
The Lament full details: www.light.gg/db/items/3487253372/the-lament/
6. Ace of Spades
Destiny 2 - How to get Ace of Spades (Exotic Hand Cannon) after Beyond Light - YouTube
You may have seen this weapon in my hand cannon review, and the Ace of Spades hasn’t changed since then. This gun has Firefly, Kill Clip, Outlaw, a gigantic mag, and radar while you ADS. A good gun for any scenario, be it Gambit, Crucible, anything. As if it couldn’t get better, it’s also an easy buy at the Monument to Lost Lights.
Ace of Spades full details: www.light.gg/db/items/347366834/ace-of-spades/
5. Arbalest
How to get Arbalest (Exotic Linear Fusion Rifle) in Destiny 2 - YouTube
I hardly use this gun, but you start to notice when everyone else is. This is the go-to weapon for stunning Barrier Champions, as it pairs incredibly well with a lot of energy weapons, has a ton of range, and is ultra-versatile. Even after its recent nerf, it continues to be popular in PvE, and even sometimes in PvP
Arbalest full details: www.light.gg/db/items/2130065553/arbalest/
4. Synthoceps (Bonk Hammers)
Who said exotic armor pieces couldn’t be weapons? Any Titan knows that a fist (or, more accurately, a hammer) is better than any gun. Solar is very good for Titan survivability these days, and Synthoceps paired with the throwing hammer can put red bars and majors on ice while conserving ammo. It used to be broken with Wormgod Caress (I mean, it’s still good) but as it is, it’s decent enough to warrant a spot on the list.
Synthoceps full details: www.light.gg/db/items/241462142/synthoceps/
3. Stormchaser
STORMCHASER is the NEW Best DPS Weapon In Destiny 2! God Roll! - YouTube
Imagine the destructive power of Lament but with the range of a Sniper Rifle. Ta-da! You get Stormchaser, currently the best (but not highest, I don’t think) DPS weapon in the game. If you get a roll with Vorpal or Firing Line, you’re set for the foreseeable future as far as damage dealing is concerned.
Stormchaser full details: www.light.gg/db/items/3652506829/stormchaser/
2. Witherhoard
Destiny 2 - How to get Witherhoard (Exotic Grenade Launcher) And Catalyst After Beyond Light - YouTube
Of course, no one gun can carry you to the end of the solo boss run. That’s why a lot of people pair legendary heavy weapons with something like Witherhoard, which deals a good amount of DPS passively. An Auto-Loading Holster rocket launcher or Stormchaser paired with Witherhoard is probably some of the best DPS you can output.
Witherhoard full details: www.light.gg/db/items/2357297366/witherhoard/
1. Gjallarhorn
Destiny 2: How to get GJALLARHORN! - New Dungeon & Exotic Quest Guide! - YouTube
C’mon. If you’re reading this article, it’s a ten-to-one chance that you expected the mighty Gjallarhorn on the list. It’s the answer to every problem: Enemy super? Gjallarhorn. Raid boss? Gjallarhorn. Invading in Gambit? Gjallarhorn. Buff your teammates’ rockets? Gjallarhorn. It may not be the BEST DPS in the game, but it requires very little thought for such a good weapon. Besides…it’s the Gjallarhorn.
Gjallarhorn full details: www.light.gg/db/items/1363886209/gjallarhorn/
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