It's time to rebuild America
This year at E3, Bethesda Game Studios announced Fallout 76, the next game the in ever popular Fallout series. If you didn’t know, Fallout is a post-apocalyptic RPG game which takes place in what remains of the United States after a nuclear war destroyed the world. The stories will usually start in one of many “vaults”, which are underground bunkers made by the United States before the “Great War” in order to sustain life despite nuclear destruction. The last game in the series, Fallout 4, was extremely popular, received the BAFTA Award for Best Game, and was also the fourth best selling game of all time on Xbox. Fittingly, Fallout 76 was unveiled this year at the Xbox conference, and will likely be one of the most highly anticipated video games of 2018. Here are five key takeaways from the E3 presentation.
1. Completely Online
Back in 2015, many fans wanted Fallout 4 to be multiplayer. It made sense to them. But Bethesda disagreed, claiming that multiplayer would distract from the single player experience. The studio had in fact been working on some multiplayer modes for Fallout before it scrapped the idea decided to focus on single player. Bethesda explained that they had tested the game with multiplayer, and it simply didn’t work well. But just because multiplayer wasn’t implemented in the last game doesn’t mean all that work went to waste. From the remains of Fallout 4’s multiplayer rose Fallout 76, the first Fallout game playable completely online. Yeah that’s right. This means that the entire RPG can be played on a server with all your friends. You will be able to build a base, go on quests, or fight with anyone who is online. Or, as the reveal trailer says, “rebuild America” with your friends. For those who prefer solo: don’t worry, Fallout 76 will also be available offline.
2. Nukes
In addition to multiplayer, Fallout 76 will also bring nuclear weapons to Fallout for the first time. Yeah, that sounds scary, especially because the game is online. But you shouldn’t have to worry too much. Finding and using nukes will be extremely hard, as a launch code will be required first. The launch codes will be found in pieces and each piece will only be found by killing multiple monsters and players. We can make a safe bet that getting a complete code will take quite a while. Using nukes will be dangerous and could get you killed, but will reap great benefits. Players can obliterate their enemy’s bases, as well as find precious and rare loot in the blast zone left by the nuke. This should make for some interesting gameplay videos.
3. A Prequel to the Series
Fallout 76 will be set before all other Fallout games, making it a prequel to the whole series. Fallout 76 takes place in Vault 76, a “control” vault, which was designed to be the first vault to open up after the Great War which tore the world apart. 25 years after the last nuke dropped, Vault 76 will finally open. For the first time in any Fallout game, players will be able to know what happened in the aftermath of the Great War. The story will probably let players meet characters who survived the Great War, either inside a vault or out.
4. Massive Open World
Fallout 76 will have a massive map that is four times the size of Fallout 4’s map, located in West Virginia. This means that players should have enough space to get around without bumping into each other and triggering wars. West Virginia was never nuked in Fallout’s timeline, so the map won’t have pre-existing bomb sites, but the region’s remaining infrastructure will show heavy deterioration. Over all, it’ll look scary and abandoned.
5. Complex Home Base System
Along with a massive map, Bethesda will let players be mobile in Fallout 76. This means that players can build bases, take them apart, and rebuild them elsewhere. This revamped build system promises to be fun and easy to use. Best of all, once you log off the game, bases you have spent hours building with your friends become invisible on the server, so you don’t have to be worried about losing your stuff overnight.
Fallout 76 Official E3 Trailer