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How to Create and Use Alias Command in Linux

Last Updated : 03 Jul, 2024
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Imagine you’re lost in a maze of complicated Linux commands. You stumble upon a secret doorway marked “Alias,” and inside you find shortcuts to all your favorite commands! That’s what creating aliases is like. You get to make your own mini-commands for the long ones you use all the time, making things simpler and faster. This article guides you through building these shortcuts, turning you into a master of the Linux command jungle! No need for fancy tech words, we’ll keep it clear and fun, like chatting with a friend.

What is an alias in Linux?

In Linux, an alias is a user-defined shorthand for a longer command or sequence of commands. These aliases can be created and customized according to user preferences, making the command-line interface more user-friendly. The alias command instructs the shell to replace one string with another string while executing the commands. 
When we often have to use a single big command multiple times, in those cases, we create something called an alias for that command. Alias is like a shortcut command, which will have the same functionality as if we were writing the whole command. 

How does alias Command in Linux Work?

The alias command in Linux allows users to create shortcuts for long or complex commands, simplifying command-line usage. By defining an alias, you can substitute a shorter or more intuitive name for a lengthy command sequence. For example, you can set alias ll='ls -la' to make ll a shortcut for ls -la, which lists directory contents in detail. Aliases are typically defined in shell configuration files like .bashrc or .zshrc, ensuring they persist across sessions. This command enhances productivity by reducing the amount of typing and minimizing the chances of errors in frequently used commands.

Linux alias Syntax

  • The Basic syntax of the alias command in Linux is as follows:
alias shortname='longer command'


  • shortname – represents to that we can give any name we want.
  • longer command – represents to where we type our command.

aliasing with shortname variable

Options Available for Alias Command

The following are the some of the options available for alias command:

Option Description
alias Displays all current aliases
alias name='value' Creates a new alias with the specified name and command
unalias name Removes a specific alias
unalias -a Removes all aliases
alias --help Displays help information about the alias command
alias -p Prints all defined aliases in a reusable format
alias -t Temporarily creates an alias that lasts only for the current shell session (if supported by the shell)

How to Create and Use Alias Command in Linux ?

  • To create an alias, open your terminal and use the following syntax:
alias shortname='longer command'
  • The following screenshot illustrates on successfully creation of alias for shortname variable.

aliasing shortname

For example

  • If we want to create an alias for the ‘cd Desktop’ command (which is to move into Desktop directory using cd command), you can use:
alias CD="cd Desktop"
  • Here we have give shortname= CD and our longer command = cd Desktop
  • This alias allows you to type ‘CD’ instead of ‘cd Desktop’ for the same result.

setting the alias

List All Aliases in Linux

To list all aliases in Linux, you can use the alias command without any arguments. This will display all the currently defined aliases in your shell session. Here’s how it works:

  1. Open Terminal: Launch your terminal.
  2. Run the Command: Type alias and press Enter.

This will output a list of all aliases, showing their names and the commands they represent. For example:

alias ll='ls -la'
alias gs='git status'
alias ..='cd ..'

Each line shows an alias name followed by the command it represents, making it easy to see and manage your shortcuts.

How to Remove an Alias?

  • The removing an existing alias is known as unaliasing. It following is the syntax of it.


unalias [alias name]
  • This accurately reflects the process of removing an alias using the ‘unalias’ command in Linux.

Unaliasing the CD command

How to create an Aliases Persistent?

While creating an alias in the terminal is useful for the current session, users may want to make aliases persistent across sessions. To do this, add the alias command to your shell configuration file (e.g., ‘.bashrc’ for Bash or ‘.zshrc’ for Zsh). This ensures that your aliases are loaded each time you start a new terminal session.

echo "alias lsa='ls -la'" >> ~/.bashrc

Using Alias Command Effectively

Once aliases are set up, incorporating them into your workflow can significantly enhance productivity. Users can create aliases for commonly used commands, complex sequences, or even personalized shortcuts. For example, an alias like ‘update’ for the system update command could be:

alias update='sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade'

alias update variable

  • With this alias, typing ‘update’ in the terminal will execute both update and upgrade commands in sequence.

How to remove all aliases at once using unalias?

Step 1: Open terminal for accessing command line interface.

Step 2: Execute the following command to unlias all the aliases:

unlias - a

unaliasing all

Step 3: Verify Removal, to ensure all the aliases are been removed with the following command


aliasing all

  • On displaying no output confirms that all aliases have been successfully removed.

Commonly used Aliases Command Examples with Options

The following are the some of the commonly used aliases command:

1. Directory Navigation

alias ..='cd ..'

aliasing cd directory

  • This allows users to move up one directory level by typing ‘..’ instead of ‘cd ..’.

2. List Files with Details

alias ll='ls -l'
  • Shortening the ‘ls -l’ command for a detailed file list.

3. Clearing the Screen

alias cls='clear'

alising the variable with clear option

  • Typing ‘cls’ clears the terminal screen.

Best practices of using Alias Command

The following are the best practices of using alias command:

  • Keep the aliases simple and easy to remember for frequent commands.
  • Document aliases for clarity and future reference.
  • Avoid overriding system commands to prevent confusion or errors.
  • Ensure aliases are defined persistently in shell startup files.
  • Use aliases sparingly to maintain a clean and manageable command-line environment.


In this article we discussed “Alias” command which transforming long, winding paths into nimble shortcuts. This article equips you with the tools to craft your own mini-commands, making you a master of the command jungle. Ditch the tech jargon, this guide is like chatting with a friend, making things clear and fun.

So grab your machete of aliases and hack through directories, update systems with ease, and navigate this digital wilderness like a pro! Remember, the FAQs are your compass, always ready to guide you deeper into the jungle of Linux mastery. Step out of the shadows, wield your newfound skills, and make the command-line your domain!

Linux Alias Command – FAQs

How do I create an alias?

To create a basic alias, just type `alias your_alias="actual_command"` in your terminal. 

For example:

alias ll="ls -l"

How do I use an alias?

Just type the alias name as if it were any other command. In the previous example, typing `ll` would be equivalent to typing `ls -l`.

How do I see all my current aliases?

Type `alias` in your terminal. This will list all the aliases currently defined for your session.

How do I make my aliases permanent?

Add your alias definitions to your shell configuration file, like `.bashrc` for Bash or `.zshrc` for Zsh. This way, they’ll be loaded every time you open a new terminal.

Can I use spaces or special characters in an alias name?

You can’t use spaces, but most other characters (including _ and -) are allowed. However, it’s best to stick with simple names for clarity and avoid conflict with existing commands.

Can I have an alias that runs multiple commands?

Yes! You can chain commands together with semicolons within the alias definition. 

For example:

alias update="git pull; npm install"

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