AngularJS | angular.isString() Function
Last Updated :
12 Apr, 2019
The angular.isString() function in AngularJS is used to determine the parameter inside isString function is a string or not. It returns true if the reference is a string otherwise returns false.
angular.isString( value )
Return Value: It returns true if the value passed is a string otherwise return false.
Example: This example uses angular.isString() function to determine the parameter inside isString function is a string or not.
<!DOCTYPE html> < html > < head > < title >angular.isString() function</ title > < script src = "//" > </ script > </ head > < body ng-app = "app" style = "text-align:center" > < h1 style = "color:green" >GeeksforGeeks</ h1 > < h2 >angular.isString()</ h2 > < div ng-controller = "geek" > < b >Input1: </ b > < span > < code >123</ code > </ span > < br > < b >isString: </ b >{{isString1}}< br />< br >< br > < b >Input2: </ b > < code > "geeksforgeeks" </ code > < br > < b >isString:</ b > {{isString2}} </ div > <!-- Script to use angular.isString() function --> < script > var app = angular.module("app", []); app.controller('geek', ['$scope', function ($scope) { var obj1 = 123; var obj2 = "geeksforgeeks"; $scope.isString1 = angular.isString(obj1); $scope.isString2 = angular.isString(obj2); }]); </ script > </ body > </ html > |