AngularJS filter Filter
The “filter” Filter in AngularJS is used to filter the array and object elements and return the filtered items. In other words, this filter selects a subset (a smaller array containing elements that meet the filter criteria) of an array from the original array.
{{arrayexpression | filter: expression : comparator : anyPropertyKey}}
Parameter Values:
- arrayexpression: The source array on which the filter will be applied.
- expression: It is used to select the items from the array after the filter conditions are met. It can be of String type, Function type, or Object type.
- comparator: It is used to determine the value by comparing the expected value from the filter expression, and the actual value from the object array.
- anyPropertyKey: It is an optional parameter having the special property that is used to match the value against the given property. It is of String type & its default value is $.
Example 1: This example describes the AngularJS filter Filter by filtering & rendering the name only having the character “e” in the name.
<!DOCTYPE html> < html > < head > < title >AngularJS filter Filter</ title > < script src = </ script > </ head > < body > < div ng-app = "myApp" ng-controller = "namesCtrl" > < h1 style = "color:green;" > GeeksforGeeks </ h1 > < h3 >AngularJS filter Filter</ h3 > < ol > < strong > < li ng-repeat = "x in names | filter : 'e'" > {{ x }} </ li > </ strong > </ ol > </ div > < script > angular.module('myApp', []) .controller('namesCtrl', function($scope) { $scope.names = [ 'Jani', 'Carl', 'Margareth', 'Hege Mathew', 'Joey Tribiani', 'Gustav', 'Birgit', 'Mary', 'Kai' ]; }); </ script > < p > This example displays the names containing the character "e"(filter) </ p > </ body > </ html > |
Example 2: This example uses an object to filter its element.
<!DOCTYPE html> < html > < head > < title > AngularJS filter Filter </ title > < script src = </ script > </ head > < body > < div ng-app = "myApp" ng-controller = "arrCtrl" > < h1 style = "color:green" > GeeksforGeeks </ h1 > < h3 > AngularJS filter Filter </ h3 > < ol > < li ng-repeat = "x in customers | filter :{'name' : 'e', 'city' : 'Patna'}" > {{ + ", " +}} </ li > </ ol > </ div > < p > The filter will give a match if there is an "e" character in the name, and the city is "Patna". Milk wasn't matched because the alphabet 'e' is not present. </ p > < script > var app = angular.module('myApp', []); app.controller('arrCtrl', function ($scope) { $scope.customers = [{ "name": "Chocolate Shake", "city": "Patna" }, { "name": "Hot Chocolate", "city": "Delhi" }, { "name": "Milk", "city": "Patna" }, { "name": "Coffee", "city": "Patna" }, { "name": "Tea", "city": "Pune" }, { "name": "Mineral Water", "city": "Mumbai" }, { "name": "Iced Tea", "city": "Bangalore" }]; }); </ script > </ body > </ html > |
Example 3: In this example, we are going to see a “strict” caparison that does not return any value unless it is a pure match.
<!DOCTYPE html> < html > < head > < title > AngularJS filter Filter </ title > < script src = </ script > </ head > < body > < div ng-app = "myApp" ng-controller = "arrCtrl" > < h1 style = "color:green" > GeeksforGeeks </ h1 > < h3 > AngularJS filter Filter </ h3 > < ol > < li ng-repeat = "x in customers | filter : 'Chinchwad' : true" > {{ + ", " +}} </ li > </ ol > </ div > < p > The filter will give a match for the array item(s) where one or more object values are "Chinchwad". </ p > < script > var app = angular.module('myApp', []); app.controller('arrCtrl', function($scope) { $scope.customers = [{ "name": "Mumbai Food", "city": "Chinchwad" }, { "name": "Gurgaon Catering", "city": "Haryana City" }, { "name": "Noida temperature", "city": " Chinchwad" }, ]; }); </ script > </ body > </ html > |
Note: If you notice that the last Chinchwad in the array is not included in the list, because the last Chinchwad contains space before itself.