AngularJS ng-class Directive
The ng-class Directive in AngularJS is used to specify the CSS classes on HTML elements. It is used to dynamically bind classes on an HTML element. The value for the ng-class has either string, an object, or an array. It must contain more than one class name, which is separated by space, in the case of a string. If it is an object, it will contain the key-value pairs, where the key represents the class name for the class that wants to add & value represent the boolean value. If the expression inside the ng-class directive returns true then only the class is added else it is not added. If the value of ng-class is an array then it can be the combination of both strings as well as an array. It is supported by all HTML elements.
<element ng-class="expression"> Contents... </element>
Example 1: This example uses the ng-class Directive to set and reset the CSS class.
<!DOCTYPE html> < html > < head > < title >ng-class Directive</ title > < script src = </ script > < style > .edit { color: green; font-size: 1.5em; } </ style > </ head > < body ng-app = "" style = "text-align:center" > < h1 style = "color:green;" > GeeksforGeeks </ h1 > < h3 >ng-class Directive</ h3 > < div > < input type = "button" ng-click = "edit=true" value = "Style" /> < input type = "button" ng-click = "edit=false" value = "Reset" /> < br >< br > < span ng-class = "{true:'edit'}[edit]" > GeeksforGeeks </ span > is the computer science portal for geeks. </ div > </ body > </ html > |

Example 2: This example uses the ng-class Directive to set the CSS style to the class.
<!DOCTYPE html> < html > < head > < title >ng-class Directive</ title > < script src = </ script > < style type = "text/css" > .index { color: white; background-color: green; } </ style > </ head > < body ng-app = "app" style = "padding:20px" > < h1 style = "color:green;" > GeeksforGeeks </ h1 > < h3 >ng-class Directive</ h3 > < div ng-controller = "geek" > < table > < thead > < th >Select any sorting technique:</ th > < tr ng-repeat = "i in sort" > < td ng-class = "{index:$index==row}" ng-click = "sel($index)" > {{}} </ td > </ tr > </ thead > </ table > </ div > < script > var app = angular.module("app", []); app.controller('geek', ['$scope', function($scope) { $scope.sort = [{ name: "Merge sort" }, { name: "Quick sort" }, { name: "Bubble sort" }]; $scope.sel = function(index) { $scope.row = index; }; }]); </ script > </ body > </ html > |