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Array Data Structure Guide

Last Updated : 28 Feb, 2025
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In this article, we introduce array, implementation in different popular languages, its basic operations and commonly seen problems / interview questions.

  • An array stores items (in case of C/C++ and Java Primitive Arrays) or their references (in case of Python, JS, Java Non-Primitive) at contiguous locations.
  • It offers mainly the following advantages over other data structures.
    Random Access : i-th item can be accessed in O(1) Time as we have the base address and every item or reference is of same size.
    Cache Friendliness : Since items / references are stored at contiguous locations, we get the advantage of locality of reference.
  • It is not useful in places where we have operations like insert in the middle, delete from middle and search in a unsorted data.
  • It is a fundamental and linear data structure using which we build other data structures like Stack Queue, Deque, Graph, Hash Table, etc.

Learn Basics of Array:

Array in Different Language:

Basic Problems on Array:

Prerequisite for the Remaining Problems

  1. Binary Search
  2. Selection Sort, Insertion Sort, Binary Search, QuickSort, MergeSort, CycleSort, and HeapSort
  3. Sort in C++ / Sort in Java / Sort in Python / Sort in JavaScript
  4. Two Pointers Technique
  5. Prefix Sum Technique
  6. Basics of Hashing
  7. Window Sliding Technique

Easy Problems on Array:

Medium Problems on Array:

Hard Problems on Array:

Expert Problems for Competitive Programmers

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