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Chart Visualizations in Excel Power View

Last Updated: 21 Sep, 2023


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Power View is an Excel Visualization tool that allows you to build visually appealing graphs and charts, dashboards for management, and reports that can be issued daily, weekly, or monthly. When we think of Microsoft Excel, we think of various tools such as Formulae, which makes an analyst’s job simpler, PivotTables, which allows the user to analyze data distributed across a vast number of columns and rows, graph library, which is as comprehensive as any other programming language and so on. 

This article will provide an overview of Chart visualizations.

Chart Visualization

There are several Chart choices in Power View. Power View’s charts are interactive. Additionally, the Charts are interactive in a presentation context, allowing you to emphasize the analysis results dynamically. Charts can have numerous numeric variables and series. A chart’s design choices include displaying and removing – labels, legends, and titles. 

The following chart visualizations are available in Power View:

  • Scatter Chart
  • Bubble Chart
  • Pie Chart
  • Line Chart
  • Bar Chart
  • Column Chart


To create any chart follow the steps:

Step 1: First, enter data in the format shown below.


Step 2: Navigate to the Insert tab on the Excel ribbon and select the Power View option at the end of the list.


Step 3: When you select the Power View option, a power view report will be loaded and generated within the same worksheet. As illustrated in the picture below, you will have a power view report:


Step 4: Within Power View Fields, pick the Month, Quarter, and Sales Columns from the Range1 section. The ∑ sign is in the Quarter, Sales, and Percentage of Sales columns. It is present because those columns contain numeric data and may be summed.


Step 5: We will now include a graph. Navigate to the Design tab at the top of the ribbon to explore several design possibilities under the Power View Report sheet. Switch Visualization is one among them. This option allows you to include graphs in the Power View Report. Select the choice from the Other Chart.


Step 6: Select the Scatter option from the Other Chart dropdown menu.


Scatter Chart

Scatter charts are used to understand the correlation between two variables easily. 

A scatter chart always has two value axes: one set of numerical data running horizontally and another set of numerical data running vertically

Each dot in the scatter chart below represents a month, with the horizontal X axis representing the Quarter and the vertical Y axis representing Sales. Power view can distribute these data points evenly or unevenly across the horizontal axis.  It is determined by the data that the chart represents.


Advantages of the Scatter Chart

  • Easy to understand.
  • Simple.
  • It does not get affected by external data.
  • It is the initial step in understanding the relationship between two variables.

Limitations of the Scatter Chart

  • Non-mathematical method.
  • Can’t be used for more than two variables.
  • It does not give results in quantitative form.

Bubble Chart

Follow the same steps to get the bubble chart of months and quarters. But in the bubble chart, you need to add the third numeric column that defines the size.

A bubble chart, a scatterplot extension, is commonly used to demonstrate correlations between three or more numerical variables. A single data point is represented by a bubble chart. The value of each bubble is indicated by its 1) horizontal position on the x-axis, 2) vertical position on the y-axis, and 3) size. In animation, the color of the bubble or its movement can occasionally represent additional dimensions. You may modify the Scatter Chart view to the Bubble Chart presentation by adding a third numeric column that defines the size of the data points.


Advantages of Bubble Chart

  • It can be used for the 3-Dimensional dataset.
  • Different colors and sizes of bubbles attract the user.
  • A bubble chart in Excel is better than a table format.

Limitations of Bubble Chart

  • The overlapping of bubbles is the biggest problem.
  • The size of the bubbles might confuse the user.
  • It might be difficult for the user to understand as compared to other charts. 

Pie Chart

Follow the same steps to get the pie chart of months and quarters. In basic Excel the main role of pie chart is to build a part-whole relationship. In Power View, pie charts can be basic or complex. You may create a pie chart that drills down when you double-click a slice or one that displays sub-slices within the bigger color slices. A pie chart can be cross-filtered with another chart. Assume you choose a bar in a bar chart. The portion of the pie chart that corresponds to that bar is highlighted, while the remainder of the pie is greyed out. The Pie chart clearly shows that there are too many slices of months. Pie Charts operate best when the number of categories is 8 or less. By filtering the data, you may limit the number of categories.


Advantages of the Pie Chart

  • Summarize large data in visual form.
  • More Visually appealing than other types of graphs.
  • Display relative proportions of multiple classes of data.

Limitations of the Pie Chart

  • It becomes less effective if too many pieces of data are used. 
  • It becomes complicated if more than one data set is compared, as this chart is used only for a single data set.
  • This may lead to taking more time to analyze and assimilate the result.

Line Chart

Line charts are used to compare data points from many data series. Line charts align all category data along the horizontal (category) axis and all numerical value data along the vertical (value) axis. Months will be presented to the left or right, and the Line Chart will be displayed appropriately. Months are shown horizontally, while numerical value data is displayed vertically.


Advantages of a Line Chart

  • They are easy to draw, read and compare.
  • Can be used for a huge range of data.
  • It can help us to show slight change also.

Limitations of a Line Chart

  • It is not suitable for plotting fractions or decimal values.
  • It can only be used for data that have values in numbers and total figures for example total salary of employees.
  • It can only be used for inconsistent scales on the axis, which can result in accurate data.

Bar Chart

Go to the Design tab and, this time, pick Clustered Bar from the Bar Chart dropdown choice inside the Switch Visualization menu. This option allows you to see all of your sales and months in a single chart.


Bar charts are used to compare data points from many data series. In a Bar Chart, categories are grouped vertically and values are organized horizontally. Consider utilizing a bar chart in any of the following situations: You have one or more data series that you would want to plot,  You want to compare data from several categories, and The axis labels are somewhat lengthy. There are three types of bar charts in Power View: stacked, 100% stacked, and clustered. Months are shown vertically, whereas numerical data is displayed horizontally.


Advantages of Bar Chart

  • Accessible to a wide audience.
  • Quick and accurate estimating results.
  • Summarize a huge data set in visual form.

Disadvantages of a Bar Graph 

  • It does not indicate the critical activities of a project.
  • Unnecessary additional information is required. 
  • It can’t be used as a control device, as it does not show progress in the report. 

Column Chart

A column chart may be used to depict data that is organized in columns or rows on a spreadsheet. Column charts are great for displaying data changes over time or presenting comparisons between things.

Column charts include horizontal axes for categories and vertical axes for values. There are three column chart subtypes available in Power View: stacked, 100% stacked, and clustered. 

The months are shown horizontally, while the numerical data is displayed vertically.


Power View’s charts are interactive. When you click on a value in one of the charts in Power View, that value is highlighted, and all of the tables, matrices, and tiles in Power View are filtered to that value.

Advantages of Column Chart

  • Helps when there are multiple values for each category.
  • Easy to compare the values of each category.
  • Useful for time series analysis.

Limitations of Column Chart

  • It is difficult to understand the stack column chart as there is no common baseline for measurements.
  • Key assumptions and patterns are not revealed.

FAQs on Chart Visualization

What are the various types of Column Charts?

Different types of column charts are as follows:

  1. Single Series column chart.
  2. Clustered /grouped column chart.
  3. Sacked column chart
  4. 100% stacked column chart.
  5. Column chart with Scrolling.

What is the difference between a Bar Chart and a Column Chart?

      Column chart           

 Bar chart 



 Time series analysis is possible       

 Time series analysis is not possible.

 Normal variables are used   

Ordinal variables are used.

Why Chart Visualization is important?

Chart Visualization is important as it helps the user to Gain Confidence and enhance their performance. The aim is to help you to see the data more clearly and understand it better and make better decisions.

What is Power View for Excel?

It is a Visualization technology that helps to create interactive visuals like charts, graphs, etc. It helps in analyzing data by looking at the visuals created. Power view makes the Excel data a new form and makes sit more meaningful so that users can make better decisions.


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Multiple Visualizations in Excel Power View

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Bar Chart Visualization with Excel Power View

Bar charts are commonly used to compare data points from many data series. The categories are sorted vertically, and values are organized horizontally in a bar chart. To learn more about bar charts please refer here. A bar chart, often known as a bar graph, is a type of chart that uses rectangular bars with heights proportionate to the values they represent to depict categorical data. The categories are shown on one axis of the chart, while the value scale is represented on the other. The bars are all the same width, allowing for quick data comparison. Bar Chart Visualization Let's consider an example of using a bar chart where we need to plot the curve with more than one data series. And, we need to compare the data from different categories, whereas the axis labels are rather lengthy. In Power View, there are three types of bar charts: stacked, 100% stacked and clustered. The country is represented vertically, whereas numerical data is presented horizontally. Let's take a dataset as an example in order to understand bar chart visualization. This is the major dataset that will be used in this case. Steps to Create a Bar Chart Visualization The following example shows how to creat
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Line Chart Visualization in Excel Power View

Power View is the visualization technology that brings our data to life. It is available in Microsoft Excel, on Power BI desktop or we can use it using an SQL server. With the help of power view, we can create on-the-go reporting using its interactive feature. It has versatile visualizations that enable to analyze of large data sets. In power view in excel, we can create lots of visualizations that best illustrate our data. We can start with any excel sheet or import the data from another source and convert it to any of the visualizations. Creating a VisualizationVisualization helps to handle large sets of data by performing drill-up or drill-down operations to extract the essential data. Various visualizations available are listed below: TableMapMatrixCardChart: Line, Bar, bubble, column, scatterWhile each of these can be used individually, we can combine all of these charts to provide interactive visualization. For every table or data that we have, we can easily create a visualization that best represents our data. We are going to create a Line chart using Power BI desktop. Prerequisites: Excel power view enabled via add-ins, or Power BI Desktop (for later versions)Steps for Expl
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Creating a Gantt Chart With Milestones Using a Stacked Bar Chart In Excel

One of the most common and effective methods of displaying activities (tasks or events) plotted against time is a Gantt chart, which is frequently used in project management. On the left side of the chart is a list of the activities, and at the top is a suitable time scale. A bar is used to symbolize each activity, and the location and length of the bar correspond to the activity's beginning, middle, and finish dates. The following elements are crucial to any effective Gantt chart: The task list, which can be divided into groups and subgroups, runs vertically along the left side of the Gantt chart to define project activity.Timeline: Displays months, weeks, days, and years horizontally across the top of the Gantt chart.Dateline: On a Gantt chart, a vertical line displays the current date.Bars: On the right side of the Gantt chart, horizontal markers indicate tasks and display status, length, and start and finish dates.Milestones: Yellow diamonds that identify significant occasions, dates, choices, and outputsDependencies are thin grey lines connecting activities that must occur in a specific order.The percentage of work that has been completed or the color of the bars can be used t
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Radar Chart or Spider Chart in Excel

Radar Chart is a pictorial representation of multivariate data. Multivariate data analysis in statistics is nothing but dealing with more than one outcome or observations. Radar graphs can be of two dimensions, three dimensions, or more on the basis of the multiple comparable variables used. The variables are represented on the axis starting from the same points with equal intervals on the axes. The number of axes in a radar graph solely depends on the number of variables used. The Radar Chart has various other names like spider chart, web chart, spider web chart, cobweb chart, irregular polygon, star chart, Kiviat Diagram, etc. The data from the observations in the form of tables are plotted on each axis and by joining all these points in the axes a polygon type structure is formed. So, the number of polygons is dependent on the number of observations. In this article, we will see how to plot a Radar Chart in Microsoft Excel for a given data set using two examples. Example 1 : Consider the table shown below which consists of the data of two Geek students who enrolled in our various courses. Our mentors have rated them on the basis of the student's performance in the individual
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Creating a Power Pivot Chart in Excel

Power Pivot is an Excel add-in that is available for Excel 2021, Excel 2019, Excel 2016, and Excel 2013. Power Pivot is used to create data models and performs high-level data analysis to establish relationships and give results easily. Power pivot can analyze large data rapidly and creates data models by building extensive relationships and calculations based on the given data. Creation of Power Pivot Chart Let's create a chart using Power Pivot on the following data model. Step 1: Click the Home tab, which is visible above, and click on the pivot table Step 2: Then click on the pivot chart. Then a dialog box appears. Select a new worksheet and click ok. Then it will appear like the image below, which contains all the table names in pivot chart fields. Step 3: Then click on the pivot chart fields (which contain table values) that represent the chart. So by clicking these fields, the chart will appear according to their relation. These are called value field buttons. Based on the data in these field buttons, the chart is prepared. This is called a Legend. In this area sum of values is given. We can remove the legend and value field buttons. The icon at the left side
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Table and Chart Combinations in Excel Power Pivot

For data exploration, visualization, and reporting, Power Pivot offers a variety of Power PivotTable and Power PivotChart combinations. A Power PivotChart is a PivotChart that was made using the Power Pivot window and is based on the Data Model. Despite sharing certain functionality with Excel PivotChart, it offers additional features that give it greater strength. You will discover how to build the Table and Chart combinations from the Power Pivot window in this article. Creating a Pivot Chart and Table in Excel Step 1: Let's take a dataset as an example in order to understand the Pivot chart and table. This is the major dataset that will be used in this case. Step 2: Select the data. Navigate to the insert tab on the top of the ribbon then in the charts group select Pivot Chart and then PivotChart & Pivot Table. Step 3: Create a PivotTable dialog box appear. Here select a table or range and a select new worksheet and then click OK. Step 4: Now as you can see pivot table is created and the PivotTable Fields pane appears. Step 5: Now in the PivotTable Fields pane drag the month's field to the Axis area and the Sales field to the values area. Step 6: Now as you can see after sel
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Power View in Excel

In today's data-driven world, the ability to turn raw data into meaningful insights is a skill that can unlock countless opportunities. Enter Power View, a remarkable data visualization technology that empowers users to transform their data into interactive and engaging charts, graphs, maps, and more. Whether you're working with Excel, SharePoint, SQL Server, or Power BI, Power View is your gateway to bringing data to life like never before. In this article, we'll explore the world of Power View and discover how it revolutionizes the way we visualize and understand data across various platforms. Whether you're a seasoned data analyst or just starting your journey into the world of data visualization, Power View has something to offer that can enhance your data-driven decision-making processes. Let's embark on this exciting journey to uncover the power of Power View! What is Power View in ExcelExcel Power View is a data visualization tool that allows an individual to create dashboards, interactive reports, and presentations using data from various sources in Microsoft Excel. Power View enables one to create visually appealing graphs, charts, and other visualizations to gain insights
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How to Insert or Show Power View in Excel?

Power View is one of the features of excel, which enables us to visualize, explore and present large data sets and encourage ad-hoc reporting. The larger data sets can be easily visualized and analyzed in excel using the Power View and this data visualization is dynamic which helps to present the data within a single power view ad-hoc report. Ad-hoc, a Latin word used for "to this", is also understood to be "as needed" or "as required". When the reports are created on request it is termed ad-hoc reporting. Steps to Insert Or Showing Power View Let's see how we can insert the power view in our excel document. Step 1: Adding Power View. By default, Power View is not added to the excel ribbon (tools tab). In order to add it, we need to customize our ribbon. For this, we can use any tab(here, in this example we are using data-tab) Right-Click > Customize the Ribbon. Once we click on the Customize the Ribbon option, excel will open a popup window where we are required to set the Power View option. As we can see, we do not have a Power View option in our Data menu. Step 2: Creating A New Group. In this step, we will create a new group for our Power View option. For this Select Da
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How to Enable and Use Power View in Excel?

Power View is a sophisticated visualization feature in Microsoft Excel that enables users to generate graphs, charts, and reports. It makes it easy for organizations to produce reports and dashboards that can be shared on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis with stakeholders, managers, and other team members. Power View Excel is regarded as one of the greatest offline reporting tools, and it performs well when paired with Excel Formulae, Pivot Tables, and other functionalities that make data analysis a breeze. It includes analytical tools for doing statistical forecasts and forecasting. How to Enable Power View with Microsoft Excel? In this part, you will learn how to enable Power View in Microsoft Excel. To begin, activate the Power View feature in Microsoft Excel settings. Step 1: Navigate to the File menu, choose More, and then click on Options. Step 2: A new window called Excel Choices will appear, displaying numerous options. Click on the Add-ins tab to see all of the possible add-in options. Step 3: Within Add-ins, there is a Manage: option, which offers a dropdown menu with all of the Excel add-ins. Select COM Add-ins from the Manage: menu and press the Go button. Step
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