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Interpreter Design Pattern in C++

Last Updated : 17 Jul, 2024
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The Interpreter Design Pattern in C++ is a behavioral design pattern that facilitates the interpretation and evaluation of expressions or language grammars.

Interpreter Design Pattern in C++

What is the Interpreter Design Pattern in C++?

The Interpreter design pattern in C++ is a behavioral design pattern that defines a way to interpret and evaluate language grammar or expressions. It provides a mechanism to evaluate sentences in a language by representing their grammar as a set of classes. Each class represents a rule or expression in the grammar, and the pattern allows these classes to be composed hierarchically to interpret complex expressions.

  • The pattern involves defining a hierarchy of expression classes, both terminal and nonterminal, to represent the elements of the language's grammar.
  • Terminal expressions represent basic building blocks, while nonterminal expressions represent compositions of these building blocks.
  • The tree structure of the Interpreter design pattern is somewhat similar to that defined by the composite design pattern with terminal expressions being leaf objects and non-terminal expressions being composites.

This involves defining the behavior of interpreting expressions, parsing input strings, building expression trees, and recursively evaluating expression nodes based on predefined grammar rules.

Components of the Interpreter Design Pattern in C++

Below are the components of interpreter design pattern:

1. AbstractExpression

This is an abstract class or interface that declares an abstract interpret() method. It represents the common interface for all concrete expressions in the language.

2. TerminalExpression

These are the concrete classes that implement the AbstractExpression interface. Terminal expressions represent the terminal symbols or leaves in the grammar. These are the basic building blocks that the interpreter uses to interpret the language.

  • For example, in an arithmetic expression interpreter, terminal expressions could include literals such as numbers or variables representing numeric values.
  • These terminal expressions would evaluate to their respective values directly without further decomposition.

3. NonterminalExpression

These are the also concrete classes that implement the AbstractExpression interface. Non-terminal expression classes are responsible for handling composite expressions, which consist of multiple sub-expressions. These classes are tasked to provide the interpretation logic for such composite expressions.

  • Another aspect of non-terminal expressions is their responsibility to coordinate the interpretation process by coordinating the interpretation of sub-expressions.
  • This involves coordinating the interpretation calls on sub-expressions, aggregating their results, and applying any necessary modifications or operations to achieve the final interpretation of the entire expression
  • Non-terminal expressions facilitate the traversal of expression trees during the interpretation process.
  • As part of this traversal, they recursively interpret their sub-expressions, ensuring that each part of the expression contributes to the overall interpretation.

4. Context

This class contains information that is global to the interpreter and is maintained and modified during the interpretation process. The context may include variables, data structures, or other state information that the interpreter needs to access or modify while interpreting expressions.

5. Client

The client is responsible for creating the abstract syntax tree (AST) and invoking the interpret() method on the root of the tree. The AST is typically created by parsing the input language and constructing a hierarchical representation of the expressions.

6. Interpreter

The interpreter is responsible for coordinating the interpretation process. It manages the context, creates expression objects representing the input expression, and interprets the expression by traversing and evaluating the expression tree. The interpreter typically encapsulates the logic for parsing, building the expression tree, and interpreting the expressions according to the defined grammar.

Real-Life analogy of Interpreter Design Pattern

Imagine you are traveling to a foreign country where you do not speak the native language. In such a scenario, you may need the assistance of an interpreter to help you communicate effectively with the locals.

Here's how the Interpreter pattern relates to this situation:

  • Language Grammar: Just like a clanguage has its own grammar rules, each spoken language has its own grammar and syntax. For example, English, French, or Mandarin all have their own rules for sentence structure, word order, and vocabulary.
  • Interpreter: The interpreter in this analogy is the person who serves as the intermediary between you and the locals. They understand both your language (the input language) and the local language (the target language).
  • Expressions: Your spoken sentences or phrases are like expressions in a programming language. They represent the information or instructions you want to convey to the locals.
  • Context: The context in this analogy could be the cultural background or situational context in which the communication takes place. This context helps the interpreter understand the nuances and subtleties of the conversation.
  • Translation Process: The interpreter listens to your spoken expressions, interprets their meaning, and then translates them into the local language. They may break down your sentences into smaller units (words or phrases), understand their meaning, and then rephrase them in the target language using the appropriate grammar and vocabulary.

Interpreter Design Pattern Example in C++

Suppose we have a simple language that supports basic arithmetic operations, such as addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (*), and division (/). We want to create a calculator program that can interpret and evaluate arithmetic expressions written in this language.

Benefits of using the Interpreter Pattern:

The Interpreter pattern can be applied to this scenario to provide a structured way of interpreting and evaluating arithmetic expressions. Its benefits include:

  • Modularity: Components such as terminal and non-terminal expressions can be easily added or modified to support new language constructs or operations.
  • Separation of Concerns: The pattern separates the grammar interpretation from the client, allowing the client to focus on providing input expressions while leaving the interpretation logic to the interpreter components.
  • Extensibility: New operations or language constructs can be added without modifying existing code, promoting code reuse and maintainability.

Communication flow of the Interpreter Design pattern using expression " 2+3*4 " :

  • Client: The client initiates the interpretation process by creating an interpreter object and providing the input expression (2 + 3 * 4).
  • Interpreter Initialization: The interpreter object is created, along with any necessary context object (if applicable). In our case, we'll assume a simple context object is created.
  • Parsing and Expression Tree Building:
    • The input expression (2 + 3 * 4) is parsed to create an expression tree representing the structure of the expression.
    • Each operator and operand in the expression is represented by a corresponding expression object.
  • Expression Evaluation:
    • The interpreter traverses the expression tree and starts interpreting each node.
    • For terminal expressions (operands), such as 2, 3, and 4, their respective interpret() methods return their numeric values.
    • For non-terminal expressions (operators), such as + and *, their interpret() methods recursively call the interpret() methods of their left and right sub-expressions and perform the respective operations (addition and multiplication).
  • Combining Interpretations:
    • The interpreter combines the interpretations of sub-expressions according to the rules defined by the expression tree.
    • In our example, the multiplication operation (3 * 4) is evaluated first, resulting in 12.
    • Then, the addition operation (2 + 12) is evaluated, resulting in the final interpretation value of 14.
  • Output: The final interpretation result (14) is returned to the client, which can then use it for further processing or display.

Below is the code of above problem statement using Interpreter Pattern:

Let's break down into the component wise code:

1. Client

The client provides input expressions and interacts with the interpreter.

// Client (Main function)
int main() {
    // Input expression
    std::string expression = "2 + 3 * 4";
    // Create interpreter
    Context* context = new Context();
    Interpreter interpreter(context);
    // Interpret expression
    int result = interpreter.interpret(expression);
    std::cout << "Result: " << result << std::endl;

    delete context;

    return 0;

2. Context

The context holds global information needed for interpretation.

// Context
class Context {
    // Any global information needed for interpretation can be added here

3. Abstract Expression

Defines the common interface for interpreting expressions.

// Abstract Expression Interface
class Expression {
    virtual int interpret(Context& context) = 0;
    virtual ~Expression() {} // Virtual destructor for correct polymorphic behavior

4. Terminal Expression

Represents basic language elements.

// Terminal Expression (NumberExpression)
class NumberExpression : public Expression {
    int number;

    NumberExpression(int number) : number(number) {}

    int interpret(Context& context) override {
        return number;

5. Non-Terminal Expression

Represents composite language constructs.

// Non-Terminal Expression (AdditionExpression)
class AdditionExpression : public Expression {
    Expression* left;
    Expression* right;

    AdditionExpression(Expression* left, Expression* right) : left(left), right(right) {}

    int interpret(Context& context) override {
        return left->interpret(context) + right->interpret(context);

    ~AdditionExpression() {
        delete left;
        delete right;

// Non-Terminal Expression (MultiplicationExpression)
class MultiplicationExpression : public Expression {
    Expression* left;
    Expression* right;

    MultiplicationExpression(Expression* left, Expression* right) : left(left), right(right) {}

    int interpret(Context& context) override {
        return left->interpret(context) * right->interpret(context);

    ~MultiplicationExpression() {
        delete left;
        delete right;

6. Interpreter

// Interpreter
class Interpreter {
    Context* context;

    Interpreter(Context* context) : context(context) {}

    int interpret(const std::string& expression) {
        // For simplicity, assuming expression is parsed and directly creating the expression tree
        Expression* expressionTree = buildExpressionTree(expression);
        // Interpret expression tree
        int result = expressionTree->interpret(*context);

        delete expressionTree;

        return result;

    Expression* buildExpressionTree(const std::string& expression) {
        // Logic to parse expression and create expression tree
        // For simplicity, hardcoding an expression tree
        return new AdditionExpression(
            new NumberExpression(2),
            new MultiplicationExpression(
                new NumberExpression(3),
                new NumberExpression(4)

Complete code for the above example in C++

Below is the complete code for the above example in C++:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

// Context
class Context {
    // Any global information needed for interpretation can be added here

// Abstract Expression Interface
class Expression {
    virtual int interpret(Context& context) = 0;
    virtual ~Expression() {} // Virtual destructor for correct polymorphic behavior

// Terminal Expression (NumberExpression)
class NumberExpression : public Expression {
    int number;

    NumberExpression(int number) : number(number) {}

    int interpret(Context& context) override {
        return number;

// Non-Terminal Expression (AdditionExpression)
class AdditionExpression : public Expression {
    Expression* left;
    Expression* right;

    AdditionExpression(Expression* left, Expression* right) : left(left), right(right) {}

    int interpret(Context& context) override {
        return left->interpret(context) + right->interpret(context);

    ~AdditionExpression() {
        delete left;
        delete right;

// Non-Terminal Expression (MultiplicationExpression)
class MultiplicationExpression : public Expression {
    Expression* left;
    Expression* right;

    MultiplicationExpression(Expression* left, Expression* right) : left(left), right(right) {}

    int interpret(Context& context) override {
        return left->interpret(context) * right->interpret(context);

    ~MultiplicationExpression() {
        delete left;
        delete right;

// Interpreter
class Interpreter {
    Context* context;

    Interpreter(Context* context) : context(context) {}

    int interpret(const std::string& expression) {
        // For simplicity, assuming expression is parsed and directly creating the expression tree
        Expression* expressionTree = buildExpressionTree(expression);
        // Interpret expression tree
        int result = expressionTree->interpret(*context);

        delete expressionTree;

        return result;

    Expression* buildExpressionTree(const std::string& expression) {
        // Logic to parse expression and create expression tree
        // For simplicity, hardcoding an expression tree
        return new AdditionExpression(
            new NumberExpression(2),
            new MultiplicationExpression(
                new NumberExpression(3),
                new NumberExpression(4)

// Client (Main function)
int main() {
    // Input expression
    std::string expression = "2 + 3 * 4";
    // Create interpreter
    Context* context = new Context();
    Interpreter interpreter(context);
    // Interpret expression
    int result = interpreter.interpret(expression);
    std::cout << "Result: " << result << std::endl;

    delete context;

    return 0;
Result: 14

When to use Interpreter Design Pattern in C++

  • When dealing with domain-specific languages:
    • If you need to interpret and execute expressions or commands in a domain-specific language (DSL), the Interpreter pattern can provide a flexible and extensible way to implement the language's grammar and semantics.
  • When you have a grammar to interpret:
    • If you have a well-defined grammar for expressions or commands that need to be interpreted, the Interpreter pattern can help parse and evaluate these structures efficiently.
  • When adding new operations is frequent:
    • If your application frequently requires the addition of new operations or commands, the Interpreter pattern allows you to add new expression classes easily without modifying existing code, thus promoting maintainability and extensibility.
  • When you want to avoid complex grammar parsers:
    • If building and maintaining complex grammar parsers seems daunting or unnecessary for your use case, the Interpreter pattern offers a simpler alternative for interpreting expressions directly.

When not to use Interpreter Design Pattern in C++

  • For simple computations:
    • If your task involves only simple computations or operations that can be easily handled by built-in language features or libraries, using the Interpreter pattern may introduce unnecessary complexity.
  • When performance is critical:
    • Interpreting expressions through the Interpreter pattern might introduce overhead compared to other approaches, especially for complex expressions or large input sets. In performance-critical applications, a more optimized solution, such as compilation to native code, may be preferable.
  • When the grammar is too complex:
    • If your grammar is highly complex, with numerous rules and exceptions, implementing it using the Interpreter pattern may lead to a proliferation of expression classes and increased code complexity.
    • In such cases, a dedicated parser generator or compiler may be more suitable.
  • When there's no need for extensibility:
    • If the requirements of your application are fixed and well-defined, and there's no anticipation of adding new operations, commands, or language constructs in the future, then implementing the Interpreter pattern may introduce unnecessary complexity.

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