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Converting ArrayList to HashMap in Java 8 using a Lambda Expression

Last Updated : 17 Aug, 2021
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A lambda expression is one or more line of code which works like function or method. It takes a parameter and returns the value. Lambda expression can be used to convert ArrayList to HashMap.


(parms1, parms2) -> expression


Input : List : [1="1", 2="2", 3="3"]
Output: Map  : {1=1, 2=2, 3=3, 4=4, 5=5}

Input : List : [1="I", 2="love", 3="Geeks" , 4="for" , 5="Geeks"]
Output: Map  : {1=I, 2=Love, 3=Geeks, 4=For, 5=Geeks}


  1. Get the List to be converted into Map
  2. Create an empty Map
  3. Put the list values to the map using Lambda Expression
  4. Return the formed Map

Below is the implementation of the above approach.


// Converting ArrayList to HashMap
// in Java 8 using a Lambda Expression
import java.util.*;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Scanner;
// here we are making a class , and we will make
class ListItems {
    // key will act as an id of the value
    private Integer key;
    // value will be the value of the above key
    private String value;
    // create constructor for reference
    public ListItems(Integer id, String name)
        // assigning the value of key and value
        this.key = id;
        this.value = name;
    // return private variable key
    public Integer getkey() { return key; }
    // return private variable name
    public String getvalue() { return value; }
class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // Write your code here
        // Creating a List of type ListItems using ArrayList
        List<ListItems> list = new ArrayList<ListItems>();
        // add the member of list
        list.add(new ListItems(1, "I"));
        list.add(new ListItems(2, "Love"));
        list.add(new ListItems(3, "Geeks"));
        list.add(new ListItems(4, "For"));
        list.add(new ListItems(5, "Geeks"));
        // Map which will store the list items
        Map<Integer, String> map = new HashMap<>();
        // for (ListItems n : list) { map.put(n.getkey(),
        // n.getvalue()); }
        // the below lambda  performs the same task as the
        // above given for loop will do
        // put the list items in the Map
            (n) -> { map.put(n.getkey(), n.getvalue()); });
        // Printing the given map
        System.out.println("Map : " + map);


Map : {1=I, 2=Love, 3=Geeks, 4=For, 5=Geeks}

Time Complexity: O(N), where N is the length of Arraylist.


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