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CSS Margin Collapse

Last Updated : 02 Jul, 2021
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The CSS margin property is used to set a margin on all four sides of an element. 
When two elements are next to each other on a page vertically, one of the elements might lose its vertical margin. This means the top and bottom margins of elements are sometimes combined into a single margin. The single margin is equal to the largest of the two margins getting collapsed.


<!DOCTYPE html>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en" dir="ltr">
               margin: 20px 0 10px;
               background-color:rgb(79, 236, 119);
<p>This paragraph's bottom margin is collapsed.</p>
<p>This paragraph is 20px below the above text.</p>

You would expect the margin between the two paragraphs to be 30px (10px bottom margin of 1st paragraph + 20px top margin of next paragraph). But in CSS the bigger margin overrides and the actual margin is the bigger one (20px).

If one element has a negative margin, the negative margin is subtracted from the positive margin. For example, resultant margin of 40px and -30px will be 10px (40px-30px). If both the margins are negative, greater negative value is used. For example, resultant margin of -20px and -50px will be -50px.
The margins of floating and absolutely positioned elements never collapse. 
Some specific cases of margins collapse: 

  • Between adjacent elements: 
    The margins of vertically adjacent elements collapse as we saw in the previous example.
  • Between parent and child elements: 
    Adjacent margins of parent and child elements collapse when no padding, borders, or content exist between the adjacent margins.



<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en" dir="ltr">
              margin: 0;
              background-color: rgb(79, 236, 119);
               margin: 30px 0 20px ;
               margin: 20px 0 10px;
               background-color: #f0f0f0;
        <h1>Geeks For Geeks</h1>
<p>This paragraph's top
              margin is collapsed.</p>


Here the margin between h1 and div is 30px and not 50px (30px + 20px).

Supported Browsers:

  • Google Chrome
  • Internet Explorer
  • Firefox
  • Opera
  • Safari

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