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DBMS Tutorial – Learn Database Management System

Last Updated : 12 Dec, 2024
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Database Management System is a software or technology used to manage data from a database. Some popular databases are MySQL, Oracle, MongoDB, etc. DBMS provides many operations e.g. creating a database, Storing in the database, updating an existing database, delete from the database. DBMS is a system that enables you to store, modify, and retrieve data in an organized way. It also provides security to the database.

In this Database Management System tutorial, you’ll learn basic to advanced topics like the ER model, Relational Model, Relation Algebra, Normalization, File Organization, etc.

DBMS Tutorial

Prerequisites: Basic understanding of computer fundamentals, and familiarity with data concepts (tables, rows, and columns) will be helpful. Knowledge of basic SQL is recommended but not required.


  1. DBMS Introduction | Set 1
  2. DBMS Introduction | Set 2 (3-Tier Architecture)
  3. DBMS Architecture 2-level 3-level
  4. Need For DBMS
  5. Data Abstraction and Data Independence
  6. Database Objects
  7. Multimedia Database
  8. Interfaces
  9. Categories of End Users
  10. Use of DBMS in System Software
  11. Choice of DBMS | Economic factors
  12. Disadvantages of DBMS

Entity Relationship Model

  1. ER Model
  2. Enhanced ER Model
  3. Minimization of ER Diagram
  4. ER Model: Generalization, Specialization and Aggregation
  5. Recursive Relationships
  6. Impedance Mismatch

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Relational Model

  1. Relational Model and CODD Rules
  2. Relational Model
  3. Keys in Relational Model (Candidate, Super, Primary, Alternate and Foreign)
  4. Number of possible Superkeys
  5. Anomalies in Relational Model
  6. Mapping from ER Model to Relational Model
  7. Strategies for Schema design
  8. Schema Integration
  9. Star Schema in Data Warehouse modeling
  10. Data Warehouse Modeling | Snowflake Schema
  11. Dimensional Data Modeling

>> Quiz on ER and Relational Model

Relational Algebra

  1. Introduction
  2. Basic Operators
  3. Extended Operators
  4. Inner Join vs Outer Join
  5. Join operation Vs nested query
  6. DBMS | Tupple Relational Calculus
  7. Row oriented vs. column oriented data stores
  8. How to solve Relational Algebra Problems for GATE
  9. How to Solve Relational Algebra Problems for GATE

Functional Dependencies

  1. Functional Dependency and Attribute Closure
  2. Finding Attribute Closure and Candidate Keys using Functional Dependencies
  3. Armstrong’s Axioms in Functional Dependency
  4. Equivalence of Functional Dependencies
  5. Canonical Cover


  1. Introduction
  2. Normal Forms
  3. Minimum relations satisfying 1NF
  4. The Problem of redundancy in Database
  5. Dependency Preserving Decomposition
  6. Lossless Join Decomposition
  7. LossLess Join and Dependency Preserving Decomposition
  8. How to find the Highest Normal Form of a Relation
  9. Domain Key normal form
  10. Introduction of 4th and 5th Normal form
  11. Denormalization in Databases
  12. DBMS | Data Replication

>> Quiz on Normal Forms

Transactions and Concurrency Control

  1. Introduction
  2. ACID Properties
  3. Concurrency Control -Introduction
  4. Implementation of Locking in DBMS
  5. Concurrency Control Protocols – Lock Based Protocol
  6. Concurrency Control Protocol | Graph Based Protocol
  7. Concurrency Control Protocol | Two Phase Locking (2-PL)-I
  8. Concurrency Control Protocol | Two Phase Locking (2-PL)-II
  9. Concurrency Control Protocol | Two Phase Locking (2-PL)-III
  10. Concurrency Control Protocol | Multiple Granularity Locking
  11. Concurrency Control Protocol | Thomas Write Rule
  12. Concurrency Control | Polygraph to check View Serializabilty
  13. DBMS | Log based recovery
  14. Timestamp Ordering Protocols
  15. Introduction to TimeStamp and Deadlock Prevention Schemes
  16. Dirty read in SQL
  17. Types of Schedules
  18. Conflict Serializability
  19. View Serializability
  20. How to test if two schedules are View Equal or not ?
  21. Recoverability of Schedules
  22. Precedence Graph for testing Conflict Serializabilty
  23. Transaction Isolation Levels in DBMS
  24. Database Recovery Techniques
  25. Starvation in DBMS
  26. Deadlock in DBMS
  27. DBMS | OLAP vs OLTP
  28. Types of OLAP Systems
  29. DBMS | Types of Recoverability of Schedules and easiest way to test schedule | Set 2
  30. Web Information Retrieval | Vector Space Model
  31. Why recovery is needed?

>> Quiz on Transactions and concurrency control

Indexing, B and B+ trees

  1. Indexing and its Types
  2. B-Tree | Set 1 (Introduction)
  3. B-Tree | Set 2 (Insert)
  4. B-Tree | Set 3 (Delete)
  5. B+ Tree (Introduction)
  6. Bitmap Indexing
  7. Inverted Index
  8. Difference between Inverted Index and Forward Index
  9. SQL queries on clustered and non-clustered Indexes

>> Practice questions on B and B+ Trees
>> Quizzes on Indexing, B and B+ Trees

File Organization

  1. File Organization – Set 1
  2. File Organization – Set 2 (Hashing in DBMS)
  3. File Organization – Set 3
  4. File Organization – Set 4

>> Quiz on File structures

Advanced Topics

  1. RAID
  2. Query Optimization
  3. How to store a password in database?
  4. Storage Area Networks
  5. Network attached storage
  6. Data Warehousing
  7. Data Warehouse Architecture
  8. Characteristics and Functions of Data warehouse
  9. Difficulties of Implementing Data Warehouses
  10. Data Mining
  11. Data Mining | KDD process
  12. Data Mining | Sources of Data that can be mined
  13. Data Marts
  14. ODBMS – Definition and overview
  15. Architecture of HBase
  16. Apache HBase
  17. Architecture and Working of Hive
  18. Apache Hive
  19. Difference between Hive and HBase
  20. Difference between RDBMS and HBase
  21. Challenges of database security
  22. Federated database management system issues
  23. Distributed Database System
  24. Functions of Distributed Database System
  25. Semantic Heterogeneity
  26. Advantages of Distributed database
  27. Comparison – Centralized, Decentralized and Distributed Systems
  28. Characteristics of Biological Data (Genome Data Management)
  29. Data Management issues in Mobile database
  30. Future Works in Geographic Information System
  31. Difference between Structured, Semi-structured and Unstructured data

Interview Questions

  1. DBMS interview questions | Set 1
  2. DBMS interview questions | Set 2
  3. SQL Interview Questions
  4. SQL Query Interview Questions
  5. PostgreSQL Interview Questions
  6. PL/SQL Intevriew Questions

SQL Tutorial

  1. SQL | Tutorial
  2. Quiz on SQL

DBMS practices questions

  1. Database Management Systems | Set 1
  2. Database Management Systems | Set 2
  3. Database Management Systems | Set 3
  4. Database Management Systems | Set 4
  5. Database Management Systems | Set 5
  6. Database Management Systems | Set 6
  7. Database Management Systems | Set 7
  8. Database Management Systems | Set 8
  9. Database Management Systems | Set 9
  10. Database Management Systems | Set 10
  11. Database Management Systems | Set 11

Advantages of DBMS

There are some following reasons to learn DBMS:

  • Organizing and management of data: DBMS helps in managing large amounts of data in an organized manner. It provides features like create, edit, delete, and read.
  • Data Security: DBMS provides Security to the data from the unauthorized person.
  • Improved decision-making: From stored data in the database we can generate graphs, reports, and many visualizations which helps in decision-making.
  • Consistency: In a traditional database model all things are manual or inconsistent, but DBMS enables to automation of the operations by queries.

Disadvantages of DBMS

  • Complexity: DBMS can be hard to design, implement, and manage, needing specialized knowledge.
  • Cost: High setup costs, including hardware, software, and skilled personnel, can be expensive. Ongoing maintenance adds to the cost.
  • Performance Overhead: DBMS might slow down simple tasks due to their extra features and general-purpose nature.
  • Security Risks: Centralizing data can create security risks. If the system is hacked, all data could be compromised.
  • Resource Intensive: DBMS need a lot of memory, storage, and processing power, which can be costly.
  • Data Integrity Issues: Complex systems can lead to data integrity problems if not managed well.


Understanding Database Management Systems (DBMS) is essential for managing and organizing data effectively. This DBMS tutorial has introduced you to key concepts like database models, SQL queries, normalization, and data security. With this knowledge, you can design efficient databases, maintain data integrity, and improve performance.

  1. Last Minutes Notes(LMNs) on DBMS
  2. Quizzes on DBMS
  3. Practice Problems on DBMS

Database Management System(DBMS) - FAQs

What is Database?

A database is a collection of organized data which can easily be created, updated, accessed, and managed. Records are kept maintained in tables or objects. A tuple (row) represents a single entry in a table. DBMS manipulates data from the database in the form of queries given by the user.

What are different languages present in DBMS?

  • DDL (Data Definition Language) : These are the collection of commands which are required to define the database.
  • DML (Data Manipulation Language) : These are the collection of commands which are required to manipulate the data stored in a database.
  • DCL (Data Control Language) : These are the collection of commands which are dealt with the user permissions and controls of the database system.
    E.g, GRANT, and REVOKE.
  • TCL (Transaction Control Language) : These are the collection of commands which are required to deal with the transaction of the database.

What are the ACID properties in DBMS?

The full form of ACID is Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability these are the properties of DBMS that ensure a safe and secure way of sharing data among multiple users.
A – Atomic: All changes to the data must be performed successfully or not at all.
C – Consistent: Data must be in a consistent state before and after the transaction.
I – Isolated: No other process can change the data while the transaction is going on.
D – Durable: The changes made by a transaction must persist.

What are the Advantages of DBMS?

The followings are the few advantages of DBMS :

  • Data Sharing: Data from the same database can be shared by multiple users at the same time.
  • Integrity: It allows the data stored in an organized and refined manner.
  • Data Independence: It allows changing the data structure without changing the composition of executing programs.
  • Data Security: DBMS comes with the tools to make the storage and transfer of databases secure and reliable. Authentication and encryption are the tools used in DBMS for data security.

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