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Difference Between @click and v-on:click in VueJS

Last Updated : 10 Oct, 2024
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Vue. JavaScript allows programmers to "hook" events into HTML elements using these unique event directives. One of them is the v-on directive, which is used to listen for certain events (clicks) and then run a method when that event occurs.

v-on:click is the full version of the command that binds a click event to an element. That makes it obvious that the v-on directive is what is dealing with the click event. @click Vue.js provides this shorthand to make your code simpler and more readable. You don't need to type the whole v-on:click, just @click, and it does the same thing.

These are the following topics that we are going to explore:

What is @click in VueJS?

This uses the whole v-on directive, so its more explicit. This is helpful for developers who are just getting their feet wet with Vue. js or for those who like to explicitly state which directive is listening to the event. @click The v-on directive is for event handling, i. e. listening for user interaction (click, in this case). When an element is clicked on, a method is called.




<button @click="handleClick">Click Me (@click)</button>

export default {
methods: {
handleClick() {
alert('Button clicked using @click!');

What is v-on:click in VueJS?

This is the full version of the command that binds a click event to an element. That makes it obvious that the v-on directive is what is handling the click event.

v-on: click is the directive used in Vue.js to bind a click event to an element. And it waits for the users click and calls a certain method. Its the long winded syntax for doing DOM events, @click is the shorthand for that.




<button v-on:click="handleClick">Click Me (v-on:click)</button>

export default {
methods: {
handleClick() {
alert('Button clicked using v-on:click!');

Difference Between @click and v-on:click in VueJS





Shorthand for event binding

Full syntax for event binding


More concise and easier to read

Verbose, longer syntax


Same as v-on:click

Same as @click

Ease of Use

Easier to use and type

More explicit, but requires more typing

Vue.js Version Compatibility

Available in all versions supporting Vue 2.x and 3.x

Available in all versions supporting Vue 2.x and 3.x


In Vue.js, both @click and v-on: Also click to bind click events to dom elements. The only difference is that @click is shorthand, so the code looks a lot cleaner and easier to keep up with. They're basically the same but the abbreviated version just makes the code a little more terse.

For most modern Vue.js applications, using @click is preferred due to its simplicity. However, knowing both approaches is valuable for understanding the flexibility Vue.js provides in event handling.

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