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Difference between Component and Unit Testing

Last Updated : 19 Jun, 2024
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Unit Testing involves testing individual components or modules of software to ensure they work correctly as per their design. It’s done by developers and focuses on catching bugs early in development. On the other hand, Component Testing checks larger parts of software, ensuring they function properly when integrated together. It’s performed by testers and validates the overall behavior and usability of software components in real-world scenarios.

What is Component Testing?

Component Testing is a type of software testing in which usability of each individual component is tested. Along with the usability test, behavioral evaluation is also done for each individual component. To perform this type of testing, each component needs to be in independent state and also should be in controllable state. Each component of the software should be user comprehensible. 


What is Unit Testing?

Unit Testing is a type of software testing in which individual units of software i.e. group of computer program modules, usage procedures and operating procedures are tested to determine whether they are suitable for use or not. It is a testing method using which every independent modules are tested to determine if there are any issue by the developer himself. It is correlated with functional correctness of the independent modules. 

 Testing Scope and Focus:

Difference between Component and Unit Testing

Aspects Component Testing Unit Testing
Testing Scope and Focus Component Testing involves testing each object or part of the software separately. Unit Testing involves testing individual programs or modules for program execution.
Team It is performed by the testing team. It is performed by the development team.
Testing Approach Component testing is black box testing. Unit testing is white box testing.
Knowledge of Internal Architecture The tester doesn’t know the internal architecture of the software. The tester knows the internal design of the software.
Which testing performed first? Component testing is performed once the unit testing is performed. Unit testing is performed before the component testing.
Defect Detection Detection of defects is a little difficult as compared to unit testing. detection of defects is easy in unit testing.
Sequence in SDLC Once the whole software is developed then only component testing is performed. Unit testing is performed after every development step.
Validation Focus It validates test requirements. It validates design documents.
Execution Level The execution level of component testing is at the application level. The execution level of unit testing is at the method level i.e. granular based.
Evaluation Component testing validates the use cases and test specifications.  Unit testing is evaluated using the design documents.
Applicability Component testing is appropriate for small applications. Unit testing is appropriate for large-scale applications because of its flexibility and ease to use.
Scope Component tests provide a more comprehensive picture of the application.  Because of granularity results of unit tests may not accurately reflect an application’s actual behavior in practice.
Independence in Testing Isolated test assertions in unit test leads to independent execution. When developing component tests, we must ensure the functioning of entire application as a whole, and the interaction between different components also needs to be taken care.
Depth of Testing Component tests can only validate the functionality of primary code path and cannot verify about the non-existence of alternate execution paths. Unit tests will be able to capture the circumstances that component tests miss.

Frequently Asked Questions on Component vs Unit Testing – FAQs

1. Is component testing white box or black box testing?

Component testing is black box testing.

2. Is unit testing black-box testing?

Unit testing is white box testing.

3. Who is responsible for component testing?

Once the component’s development and unit testing are completed, the QA team will test it.

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