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Difference between Flow and TypeScript

Last Updated : 29 Dec, 2022
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1. Flow : Flow is developed and maintained by Facebook. It is a static type checker, designed to quickly find errors in JavaScript applications. Nothing more, nothing less. It’s not a compiler, but a checker. It can work without any type of annotations and it is very good at inferring types. To enable type checking in flow add // @flow at the top of the file. It checks types locally and doesn’t have a language server or type definitions like TypeScript. 2. TypeScript : TypeScript is an open-source object-oriented programming language. It was introduced on October 1st, 2012. It follows JavaScript syntactically but adds more features to it. It is a superset of JavaScript. It is launched and maintained by Microsoft under the license of Apache 2. It does not directly run on the browser and requires a compiler to compile and generate a TypeScript file. 
Difference between Flow and TypeScript :

1. It is developed by Facebook in 2014. It is developed by Microsoft in 2012.
2. The main features of Flow are Precision, Real-time feedback, Easy to integrate, Reliability, Speed, High throughput, Path sensitivity, Low latency, Type inference, Easily understandable JavaScript patterns. The main features of Typescript are Compile-time type checking, Enumerated type, Interfaces, Namespaces, Type annotations, Type erasure, Type inference, Generic, Tuples.
3. Its utility size is 68.4 MB. Its utility size is 42.4 MB.
4. It is best choice we are working on React as it is easily integrated with babel and the already present infrastructure. It is best choice when we are working on Angular 2 or higher versions.
5. It doesn’t really support encapsulation. It supports encapsulation with public, private, protected modifiers and readonly since TypeScript 2.0.
6. It is only supported by React. It is much better because it support major frontend frameworks like Vue, Angular, and Facebook’s own React.
7. It support very few library. It support many library.
8. Along with the provision of static typing, it also provides us a wide range of inter-procedural analysis and develops an in-depth understanding of our code. Along with the provision of static typing, it also provides us with great language services and appropriate tooling that includes code refactoring, navigation, and auto-completion.

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