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Difference Between OSI Model and TCP/IP Model

Last Updated : 01 Aug, 2024
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Data communication is a process or act in which we can send or receive data. Understanding the fundamental structures of networking is crucial for anyone working with computer systems and communication. For data communication two models are available, the OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) Model, and the TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) Model.

These models work as frameworks for organizing and understanding how data moves from one device to another across networks. While both models aim to achieve similar goals, they differ in their approach, layer organization, and practical application within computer networking. We will discuss these two models in this article and also see the differences between the two models.

OSI Model

OSI stands for Open Systems Interconnection. It has 7 layers Physical layer, Data Link layer, Network layer, Transport layer, Session layer, Presentation layer, and Application layer. Each layer performs its task independently. It was developed in 1984 by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).


OSI Model

Data Flow in OSI Model

The data flow in the OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) model describes how data is transmitted from one device to another through the seven layers of the OSI model. This process involves encapsulation and decapsulation at each layer to ensure proper data transmission and reception.

The data flow in the OSI model involves encapsulating data at each layer on the sender side, transmitting it over the network, and decapsulating it at each layer on the receiver side to ensure the data reaches its intended destination correctly and reliably.

OSI Model

OSI Model


  • Both connection-oriented services and connectionless services are supported.
  • It is quite flexible.
  • All the layers work independently.


  • Setting up a model is a challenging task.
  • Sometimes, it becomes difficult to fit a new protocol into this model.
  • It is only used as a reference model.

TCP/IP Model

TCP/IP stands for Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol. It has 4 layers named as Physical layer, Network layer, Transport layer, and Application layer.  It also can be used as a communications protocol in a private computer network. It was designed by Vint Cerf and Bob Kahn in the 1970s.



  • Many Routing protocols are supported.
  • It is highly scalable and uses a client-server architecture.
  • It is lightweight.


  • Little difficult to set up.
  • Delivery of packets is not guaranteed by the transport layer.
  • Vulnerable to a synchronization attack.

Similarities Between OSI Model and TCP/IP Model 

OSI and TCP/IP both are logical models. One of the main similarities between the OSI and TCP/IP models is that they both describe how information is transmitted between two devices across a network. Both models define a set of layers. Each layer performs a specific set of functions to enable the transmission of data.

Another similarity between the two models is that they both use the concept of encapsulation, in which data is packaged into a series of headers and trailers that contain information about the data being transmitted and how it should be handled by the network.

For more information, you can refer Similarities between TCP/IP model and the OSI model article.

Differences Between OSI Model and TCP/IP Model

The OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) Model and the TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) Model are two frameworks used to understand how data moves through networks. While they both help in organizing network communication, they have distinct structures and purposes. Understanding these differences is essential for anyone learning about or working with computer networks.



Parameters OSI Model TCP/IP Model
Full Form OSI stands for Open Systems Interconnection TCP/IP stands for Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
Layers It has 7 layers It has 4 layers
Usage It is low in usage It is mostly used
Approach It is vertically approached It is horizontally approached
Delivery Delivery of the package is guaranteed in OSI Model Delivery of the package is not guaranteed in TCP/IP Model
Replacement Replacement of tools and changes can easily be done in this model Replacing the tools is not easy as it is in OSI Model
Reliability It is less reliable than TCP/IP Model It is more reliable than OSI Model

Protocol Example

Not tied to specific protocols, but examples include HTTP (Application), SSL/TLS (Presentation), TCP (Transport), IP (Network), Ethernet (Data Link)

HTTP, FTP, TCP, UDP, IP, Ethernet

Error Handling

Built into Data Link and Transport layers

Built into protocols like TCP

Connection Orientation

Both connection-oriented (TCP) and connectionless (UDP) protocols are covered at the Transport layer

TCP (connection-oriented), UDP (connectionless)


In conclusion, while both the OSI Model and TCP/IP Model are essential for understanding network communication, they differ in their structure and practical application. The OSI Model provides a theoretical framework with seven layers, emphasizing clear separation of functions, while the TCP/IP Model, with its four layers, reflects the protocols used on the internet today. Each model offers unique insights into how data is transmitted across networks, catering to different aspects of network design, management, and troubleshooting.

Difference Between OSI Model and TCP/IP Model – FAQs

Which layers of OSI are relevant to TCP?

TCP primarily operates in the Transport layer of the OSI model. However, its functioning also involves aspects related to the Network and Data Link layers, as it relies on lower-level protocols and technologies for data delivery.

Are OSI and TCP concepts outdated?

The OSI model remains relevant as a fundamental concept for understanding networking, but TCP/IP has become the de facto standard for internet communication. Newer technologies and protocols have emerged, but TCP/IP’s widespread usage makes it a central consideration in modern networking.

Can TCP work without OSI?

TCP was designed based on the principles outlined in the OSI model, but it can operate independently of the OSI framework. However, the OSI model provides a conceptual foundation that aids in understanding how TCP and other networking protocols work together.

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