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Differences Between Functional Components and Class Components

Last Updated : 18 Mar, 2025
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Both Functional Components and Class Components are essential in React for building reusable UI elements, but they are structured differently and have unique characteristics. Functional Components are simpler and more concise, especially with the introduction of React Hooks, which allow them to manage state and side effects. On the other hand, Class Components are more traditional, relying on lifecycle methods and the ‘this’ keyword for handling state and events.

In this article, we will explore the key differences between Functional Components and Class Components in React, their strengths and weaknesses, and how modern React development has shifted towards the use of functional components. We will also provide guidance on how to choose the right type of component based on your project needs and development preferences.

Functional Components vs Class Components

Here is a detailed comparison of Functional Components and Class Components based on various features


Functional Components

Class Components

State Management

Can use Hooks (e.g., useState, useReducer) for state management

Uses this.state and this.setState() for state management

Lifecycle Methods

Uses useEffect Hook for lifecycle methods (e.g., componentDidMount, componentWillUnmount)

Uses built-in lifecycle methods (e.g., componentDidMount, componentDidUpdate, componentWillUnmount)


Returns JSX directly inside the function

Uses a render() method to return JSX


Faster and more lightweight due to simpler structure

Slightly heavier due to the overhead of class instances


Can use React hooks (useState, useEffect, etc.)

Cannot use hooks; relies on lifecycle methods and state

This Keyword

Does not use this keyword

Uses this to access props and state

Code Complexity

Less boilerplate code, easier to write and understand

More boilerplate code, especially for state and methods

Use in Modern React

Preferred for new development, especially with hooks

Used in legacy codebases or when hooks are not supported

Event Handling

Simple and direct event handling

Requires method binding for event handling

Functional Components

A functional component is a simpler way to define components in React using JavaScript functions. Unlike class components, functional components do not require a constructor or lifecycle methods. They are typically used for components that are presentational and do not manage complex state or lifecycle events


const Car=()=> {
      return <h2>Hi, I am also a Car!</h2>;
import React, { useState } from "react";

const FunctionalComponent = () => {
    const [count, setCount] = useState(0);

    const increase = () => {
        setCount(count + 1);

    return (
        <div style={{ margin: '50px' }}>
            <h1>Welcome to Geeks for Geeks </h1>
            <h3>Counter App using Functional Component : </h3>
            <button onClick={increase}>Add</button>

export default FunctionalComponent;


In this code

  • Functional Component: FunctionalComponent uses useState to manage the count state, starting at 0.
  • Increase Function: The increase function adds 1 to count when the button is clicked.
  • UI: Displays a heading, current count, and an “Add” button to trigger the state update.

Features of Functional Components

  • Simplicity: Functional components are simple and concise, making them easier to understand and write.
  • Hooks: Functional components use hooks (e.g., useState, useEffect) to handle state and side effects.
  • Performance: Functional components are generally faster than class components because they don’t require this or class instances.

For more details follow this article => ReactJS Functional Components

Class Component

A class component is one of the two ways to define components in React, the other being functional components. Class components are ES6 classes that extend React.Component and can hold and manage internal state.


class Car extends React.Component {
      render() {
        return <h2>Hi, I am a Car!</h2>;
import React, { Component } from "react";

class ClassComponent extends React.Component {
    constructor() {
        this.state = {
            count: 0
        this.increase = this.increase.bind(this);

    increase() {
        this.setState({ count: this.state.count + 1 });

    render() {
        return (
            <div style={{ margin: '50px' }}>
                <h1>Welcome to Geeks for Geeks </h1>
                <h3>Counter App using Class Component : </h3>
                <h2> {this.state.count}</h2>
                <button onClick={this.increase}> Add</button>


export default ClassComponent;




In this code

  • Class Component: ClassComponent extends React.Component.
  • State: count state is initialized to 0 in the constructor.
  • Increase Method: Increments count by 1 when the button is clicked.
  • UI: Displays heading, count, and “Add” button.

Features of Class Components

  • Lifecycle Methods: Class components offer lifecycle methods like componentDidMount, componentDidUpdate, and componentWillUnmount, which are useful for handling side effects.
  • State Management: Class components use this.state and this.setState() to manage and update state.
  • Complexity: Class components are more complex and require additional boilerplate code for state management and lifecycle methods.

For more details follow this article => React Class Components

Key Differences Between Functional and Class Components

1. State Management

  • Functional Components: With the introduction of hooks, functional components can manage state using the useState hook or other hooks like useReducer.
  • Class Components: State is managed using the this.state object, and the state is updated using the this.setState() method.

2. Lifecycle Methods

  • Functional Components: Before hooks, functional components didn’t have lifecycle methods. Now, the useEffect hook in functional components provides a way to manage side effects, including mounting, updating, and unmounting.
  • Class Components: Class components have dedicated lifecycle methods, such as componentDidMount, componentDidUpdate, and componentWillUnmount.

3. Simplicity

  • Functional Components: Functional components are simpler and more concise, requiring less boilerplate code compared to class components.
  • Class Components: Class components require more boilerplate code, especially when managing state and handling events.

4. Performance

  • Functional Components: Functional components are more lightweight and perform better because they do not have the overhead of class instances and this binding.
  • Class Components: Class components involve extra overhead due to the need for this binding and class instantiation, making them slightly less performant than functional components.

5. Hooks

  • Functional Components: Hooks like useState, useEffect, useContext, and useReducer allow functional components to handle state, side effects, and context management.
  • Class Components: Class components do not have hooks and rely on lifecycle methods and class instances to manage state and side effects.

When to Use Each Component

Functional Components

  • Recommended for most new development: Functional components, especially with hooks, are now the preferred choice for new React projects due to their simplicity, performance, and flexibility.
  • Ideal for smaller components: If the component is simple and doesn’t need complex lifecycle methods or state management, a functional component is the best choice.
  • Modern React development: Since React hooks were introduced, functional components are used extensively in modern React development.

Class Components

  • Legacy code: Class components are still common in older React codebases. If you’re working with an existing project that uses class components, you may need to continue using them.
  • Compatibility with third-party libraries: Some third-party libraries may still rely on class components or need to be used with class-based components.
  • LifeCycle Methods: For components where lifecycle events like componentDidMount or componentDidUpdate are essential.


Both Functional Components and Class Components serve the same purpose in React: building reusable UI elements. However, Functional Components have become the standard due to their simplicity, flexibility, and ability to manage state and side effects through React Hooks. Class Components, while still in use in legacy projects, are generally more complex and require more boilerplate code.

For most modern React applications, Functional Components are the preferred choice, and the use of Hooks has made them even more powerful. If you are working on a new project or learning React, it’s advisable to use functional components. However, class components are still relevant, especially in existing codebases, and understanding both is important for React developers.

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