VBA Logical Operators in Excel
Logical operators are used for performing logical and arithmetic operations on a set of values or variables. VBA allows you to use the Logical operators AND, OR, NOT, and XOR to compare values. The operators are considered “Boolean” which means they return True or False as a result. In Excel VBA, logical operators are used to perform logical comparisons and combine multiple conditions.
VBA Logical Operators- AND, OR, NOT,XOR
AND Logical Operator
This is used to combine more than one condition. If all the condition is true AND evaluates to true. If any of the conditions is false AND evaluates to false.
For Example: Assume variable A holds 10 and Variable B holds 0, then
a<>0 AND b<>0 is False.
OR Logical Operator
This function is used to combine more than one condition. If any of the conditions evaluate to true OR returns true. If all of them are false OR return false.
For Example: Assume variable A holds 10 and Variable B holds 0 then
a<>0 OR B<>0 is true.
NOT Logical Operator
This works like an inverse function. If the condition is true, it returns false, and if a condition is false it returns true.
For Example: Assume variable A holds 10 and variable B holds 0, then
NOT(a<>0 OR b<>0) is false.
XOR Logical Operator:
It is the combination of NOT and OR Operator. If one, and only one, of the expressions, evaluate to be True, the result is True.
For Example: Assume variable A holds 10 and variable B holds 0, then
(a<>0 XOR b<>0) is true.
VBA If AND Operator(LOGICAL AND Operator)
If both the conditions are True, then the Expression is true.
If Condition1 and Condition2 are true Then
“Code to execute if both Condition1 and Condition2 are TRUE
End if
Example: Assume variable A holds 20 and variable B holds 0, then a<>0 AND b<>0 is False
Private Sub Demo_Loop()
Dim a As Integer //Declaring variable
a = 20
Dim b As Integer// Declaring variable
b = 0
If a<> 0 and b <>0 Then
MsgBox (“AND LOGICAL Operator Result is: True”)
MsgBox (” AND LOGICAL operator Result is: False”)
End If
End Sub
AND LOGICAL Operator Result: False
VBA If OR Operator( Logical OR Operator)
If any of the two conditions are True, then the condition is true.
If Condition1 OR Condition2 then
‘Code to execute if either Condition1 or Condition2 are True
End if
Example: Assume variable A holds 20 and variable B holds 0, then a<>0 OR b<>0 is true.
Private Sub Demo_Loop()
Dim a As Integer //Declaring variable
a = 20
Dim b As Integer //Declaring variable
b = 0
If a<> 0 OR b <>0 Then
MsgBox (“OR LOGICAL Operator Result is: True”)
MsgBox (” OR LOGICAL operator Result is: False”)
End If
End Sub
OR Logical Operator Result is: True
VBA If NOT Operator Logical NOT Operator)
Reverse the result. If a condition is true, then the Logical NOT operator will make false.
If Not Condition then
‘Code to Execute if the condition is False.
End if
Example: Assume variable A holds 20 and variable B holds 0, then NOT(a<>0 OR b<>0) is false.
Private Sub Demo_Loop()
Dim a As Integer //Declaring variable
a = 20
Dim b As Integer //Declaring variable
b = 0
If a<> 0 NOT b <>0 Then
MsgBox (“NOT LOGICAL Operator Result is: True”)
MsgBox (” NOT LOGICAL operator Result is: False”)
End If
End Sub
NOT LOGICAL operator Result is : False
VBA If XOR Operator Logical XOR Operator)
It is the combination of NOT and OR Operator. If one, and only one, of the expressions, evaluate to be True, the result is True.
If Condition1 XOR Condition 2 then
‘code to Execute if either of the conditions is true but not both
End if
Example: Assume variable A holds 20 and variable B holds 0, then (a<>0 XOR b<>0) is true.
Private Sub Demo_Loop()
Dim a As Integer //Declaring variable
a = 20
Dim b As Integer //Declaring variable
b = 0
If a<> 0 XOR b <>0 Then
MsgBox (“XOR LOGICAL Operator Result is: True”)
MsgBox (” XOR LOGICAL operator Result is: False”)
End If
End Sub
XOR LOGICAL operator Result is : True
A Sample Program showing all the Operators is included below along with the outputs:
Private Sub Demo_Loop()
Dim a As Integer //Declaring Variable
a = 20
Dim b As Integer // Declaring variable
b = 0
If a<> 0 and b<>0 Then
MsgBox(“AND LOGICAL operator Result is: True”)
MsgBox(” AND LOGICAL Operator Result is False”)
End If
If a<> 0 Or b<> 0 then
MsgBox (“OR LOGICAL Operator Result is: True “)
MsgBox (“OR LOGICAL operator result is: False”)
End if
If NOT( a<>0 or b<>0) Then
MsgBox (” NOT LOGICAL Operator Result is: True”)
MsgBox (” NOT LOGICAL Operator Result is: False”)
End If
If (a<>0 XOR b<>0) Then
MsgBox (“XOR LOGICAL Operator Result is: True”)
MsgBox (“XOR LOGICAL Operator Result is: False”)
End if
End sub
AND LOGICAL Operator Result is: False
OR LOGICAL Operator Result is: True
NOT LOGICAL Operator Result is: False
XOR LOGICAL Operator Result is: True
FAQs on Logical Operators in Excel
Can I use Logical operators in Excel Formulas?
Yes, Logical operators can be used as Excel formulas to create conditional expressions. Using logical operators, Functions, and cell References together, can solve Complex logic operations in Excel.
Can I combine multiple conditions using Logical operators in VBA?
Yes, you can combine multiple conditions in VBA code using logical operators such as ‘AND ‘ and ‘OR’ by specifying the conditions and using these operators to join the, You can create complex logical expressions to evaluate in Excel.
How many Logical operators are present in Excel?
There are mainly four logical operators in Excel that are ‘AND’, ‘OR’,’ NOT’, and ‘XOR’. These operator helps you to combine conditions based on logical relationships.
What does the ‘XOR’ operator do in Excel?
‘XOR’ (combination of NOT and OR) operator in Excel checks for the conditions. It returns TRUE if one and only one condition out of two is TRUE and if none or more condition is TRUE then it will return FALSE.