Explain about rest parameters and arguments in TypeScript
In this article, we will try to understand all the basic facts or details which are associated with Rest Parameters and Arguments in TypeScript.
Rest Parameters:
- Rest Parameter allows us to accept zero or more arguments of the specified type.
- A function (or a method) has only one rest parameter.
- This parameter appears at last in the function’s specified parameter list.
- Since here it is TypeScript being into the picture, so the type of rest parameter is of an Array type (further the array could be string data type or number data type or anything).
Syntax: Following is the rest parameter syntax provided in TypeScript.
function function_name (...rest_parameter_name : type[]) { }
Here these “…” (triple dots) represents the rest parameter syntax followed by name of the rest parameter followed by the type of that rest parameter (must be of Array data type).
Rest Arguments:
- These are arguments that we pass in while merging two data types (suppose concatenation of two arrays) using the same “…” (triple dots).
- These types of arguments are generally used for merging or concatenation or for any other operational purpose itself.
Syntax: Following is the syntax of using the Rest Arguments in TypeScript (explained using an example).
let array_1 : number[] = [1 , 2 , 3]; let array_2 : number[] = [5 , 6, 7]; array_1.push(array_2);
The following examples will help us in order to understand the above-illustrated facts in a more clear manner (in case you don’t know, these examples could only be runnable in your local PC if you have installed typescript in it, otherwise you may choose some online typescript compilers).
Example 1: In this example, we will get the sum of arguments of integers which are passed in a function using the rest parameter syntax.
function getSum(...numbers: number[]): number { let sum = 0; numbers.forEach((num) => sum += num); return sum; } // Function call console.log(getSum(10 , 50 , 30)); console.log(getSum(-50 , 50 , -10 , 5)); |
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Example 2: In this example, we will concatenate several strings which are passed inside the function as arguments.
let generateGreeting = (greeting: string, ...names: string[]) : string =>{ return greeting + " " + names.join( ", " ) + "!" ; } // Function call console.log(generateGreeting( "Hello " , "GeeksforGeeks " , "ABCD " , "Apple" )); |
Hello GeeksforGeeks , ABCD , Apple!
Example 3: In this example, we will perform multiplication of all the numbers which are passed in a function as arguments.
let multiply = (a: number, ...numbers: number[]): number =>{ return numbers.reduce((acc, curr) => acc * curr, a); } // Function call let result1 = multiply(2, 2, 2, 2, 7); let result2 = multiply(2, 3, 2, 5, 8); // Printing data console.log(result1); console.log(result2); |
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Reference: https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/functions.html#rest-parameters