Express.js vs KoaJS in Node.js
Node.js: Node.js is an open-source and cross-platform runtime environment for executing JavaScript code outside a browser. You need to remember that NodeJS is not a framework and it’s not a programming language. Most of the people are confused and understand it’s a framework or a programming language. We often use Node.js for building back-end services like APIs like Web App or Mobile App.
Express Module: In order to use the express module, we need to install the NPM (Node Package Manager) and the following modules (on cmd).
// Creates package.json file >> npm init // Installs express module >> npm install express --save // OR >> npm i express -s
Import express module: Import express module and store returned instance into a variable.
var express = require("express");
Creating Server: The above syntax calls the “express()” function and creates a new express application which gets stored inside the app variable.
// Importing and creating express application const app = express(); var express = require("express")(); // OR
Sending and listening to the response: It communicates the request and response with the client and the server. It requires PORT <number> and IP <number> to communicate.
app.listen(PORT, IP, Callback);
Parameter: This method accepts three parameters as mentioned above and described below:
PORT <Number>: Ports are the endpoints of communication which helps to communicate with the client and the server.
IP <Number>: IPs represent IPv4 or IPv6 address of a host or a device.
Callback <Function>: It accepts a function.
The below example illustrates the Express.js module in Node.js.
Example 1: Filename: index.js
// Node.js program to create server // with help of Express module // Importing express const express = require( 'express' ); // Creating new express app const app = express(); // PORT configuration const PORT = process.env.PORT || 2020; // IP configuration const IP = process.env.IP || 2021; // Create a route for the app app.get( '/' , (req, res) => { res.send( 'Hello Vikas_g from geeksforgeeks!' ); }); // Create a route for the app app.get( '*' , (req, res) => { res.send( 'OOPS!! The link is broken...' ); }); // Server listening to requests app.listen(PORT, IP, () => { console.log(`The Server is running at: http: //localhost:${PORT}/`); }); |
Run index.js file using the following command:
node index.js
The Server is running at: http://localhost:2020
Now type OR http://localhost:2020/ in a web browser to see the output.
KoaJS Module: In order to use the KoaJS module, we need to install the NPM (Node Package Manager) and the following modules (on cmd).
// Creates package.json file >> npm init // Installs koa module< >> npm install koa --save >> npm i koa -s // OR
Import KoaJS module: Import KoaJS module and store returned instance into a variable.
var koa = require("koa"); // Importing koa module
Creating Server: The above syntax imports the koa module and creates a new koa application which gets stored inside the app variable.
const app = new koa(); // Creating koa application
Sending and listening to the response: It communicates the request and response with the client and the server. It requires PORT <number> and IP <number> to communicate.
app.listen(PORT, IP, Callback);
Parameter: This method accepts three parameters as mentioned above and described below:
PORT <Number>: Ports are the endpoints of communication which helps to communicate with the client and the server.
IP <Number>: IPs represent IPv4 or IPv6 address of a host or a device.
Callback <Function>: It accepts a function.
The below example illustrates the KoaJS module in Node.js.
Example 2: Filename: index.js
// Node.js program to create server // with help of Koa module // Importing koa module const koa = require( 'koa' ); // Creating new koa app const app = new koa(); // PORT configuration const PORT = process.env.PORT || 2020; // IP configuration const IP = process.env.IP || 2021; app.use( function *() { this .body = "Hello GeeksForGeeks!" ; }); // Server listening to requests app.listen(PORT, IP, ()=>{ console.log( "Server started at port" , PORT); }); |
Run index.js file using the following command:
node index.js
The Server is running at port 2020
Now type OR http://localhost:2020/ in a web browser to see the output.