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How to Change the Case of Texts in Microsoft Excel

Last Updated: 10 Jun, 2024


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Changing the case of text in Microsoft Excel is a powerful yet often overlooked feature that can help you standardize your data and improve readability. Whether you need to convert text to uppercase, lowercase, or capitalize each word, mastering this skill can significantly enhance your data presentation and consistency.

In this article, you will learn the easy steps to change the case of texts in Microsoft Excel. With a few simple techniques, you’ll be able to transform your data effortlessly.

Let’s explore how to efficiently change the case of text in Excel and take your data management skills to the next level!

Change the Case of Texts in Microsoft Excel

Different Ways to Change the Text in Microsoft Excel

Using Formulas

UPPER, LOWER, PROPER functions: These functions change the case of the text. UPPER converts text to all uppercase, LOWER to all lowercase, and PROPER to proper case (the first letter of each word is capitalized).

TRIM function: This function removes extra spaces in your text. This can be useful when you have data that comes from other sources and there might be irregular spacing.

SUBSTITUTE function: This function replaces existing text with new text in a text string.

Using VBA

Change Case: You can use VBA to change the case of text in Excel. Here’s a simple example that changes the case of the text in the selected cells to uppercase.

Replace Text: You can use the Replace function in VBA to replace text in a string or a range of cells.

Excel Functions for Changing Text Cases

There are many built in functions in excel which can be used to change the case of text. These functions are powerful tools for standardizing and formatting text within your spreadsheets. Here are the primary functions for changing text cases in Excel.

Function DescriptionSyntax ExampleResult
UPPERConverts all letters in a text string to uppercase.UPPER(text)=UPPER("hello world")HELLO WORLD
LOWERConverts all letters in a text string to lowercase.LOWER(text)=LOWER("HELLO WORLD")hello world
PROPERCapitalizes the first letter of each word in a text string and converts all other letters to lowercase.PROPER(text)=PROPER("hello world")Hello World

How to Change the Text Case Using Formulas in Excel

Formulas in Excel are like magic spells that help transform your data effortlessly. Let's explore three handy ones for changing text cases: UPPER(), LOWER(), and PROPER() functions.

UPPER() Function

This function takes any text you give it and converts it to all uppercase letters. For example, if you have the text "geeksforgeeks" in a cell, =UPPER(Cell number) will turn it into "GEEKSFORGEEKS".

How to Use UPPER() Function in Excel

Step 1: Enter text into the sheet

Step 2: Click on the cell where you want the result

Step 3: Write the Function


Step 4: Preview Result

Upper Function in Excel

LOWER() Function

Conversely, LOWER() does the opposite. It converts text to all lowercase letters. So, "GEEKSFORGEEKS" becomes "geeksforgeeks" with =LOWER(Cell Number).

How to Use the Lower() Function in Excel

Step 1: Enter the data into the Sheet

Step 2: Select the Cell where you wants the result

Step 3: Use Formula


Step 4: Preview Result

Lower Function in Excel

PROPER() Function

Now, PROPER() is a bit more sophisticated. It capitalizes the first letter of each word in your text. For instance, if you input "GEEKSFORGEEKS" into a cell, =PROPER(Cell number) will give you "Geeksforgeeks".

How to Use Proper Function in Excel

Step 1: Enter the Data into the sheet

Step 2: Select the cell where you want the result

Step 3: Use Function


Step 4: Preview Results

Proper function in MS Excel

How to Convert Text case with VBA Macro

VBA, or Visual Basic for Applications, is like the behind-the-scenes wizardry of Excel. It lets you write custom programs, called macros, to automate tasks, including text manipulation.

What is VBA(Visual Basic for Applications)?

VBA is a programming language built into Excel that allows you to create customized solutions for specific tasks. It's like giving Excel superpowers!

How to Write a VBA Macro for Text Case Conversion

You don't need to be a coding expert, don't worry. Writing a simple VBA macro for changing text cases is quite straightforward. You essentially tell Excel what you want it to do with your text.

Creating and Running a Simple VBA Macro

  • First, you open the VBA editor in Excel by pressing Alt + F11
  • Then, you write a short script that tells Excel to convert text to uppercase, lowercase, or whatever you need
  • Finally, you run the macro, and voila! Your text case has been changed.

Flexibility and Power

The beauty of VBA is its flexibility and power. You can create macros to handle complex text formatting tasks, customize them to suit your exact needs, and even integrate them with other Excel functions and features.

Change Case:

Sub ChangeCase()

Dim rng As Range

Dim cell As Range

Set rng = Selection

For Each cell In rng

cell.Value = UCase(cell.Value)

Next cell

End Sub

Replace Text:

Sub ReplaceText()

Dim rng As Range

Dim cell As Range

Set rng = Selection

For Each cell In rng

cell.Value = Replace(cell.Value, "old text", "new text")

Next cell

End Sub

Drawbacks and Complexities

  • However, using VBA for text case conversion might not be as straightforward as the other methods.
  • It requires some basic programming knowledge, and creating more advanced macros can be time-consuming.
  • Also, macros can sometimes behave unexpectedly if not written correctly.

But if you're willing to invest a little time to learn, VBA opens up a world of possibilities for automating tasks in Excel, including text case conversion. And once you have your macro set up, you can reuse it over and over again, saving you time and effort in the long run.


In conclusion, mastering text case formatting in Excel is key to maintaining consistency and readability in your spreadsheets. Whether you're dealing with large datasets or crafting detailed reports, ensuring that your text is properly formatted can greatly enhance the professionalism and clarity of your documents.

FAQs - Ways to Change the Case of Texts in MS Excel

How do you change the case of text in Excel?

There are two main ways to change text case in Excel,

  • Use special codes: These are like shortcuts (formulas) you type in Excel that tell it to change all caps to lowercase, lowercase to all capitals, or just capitalize the first letter of each word.
  • Built-in options: Excel itself has tools hidden away to change capitalization. You just pick the text you want to change, then find the option for uppercase, lowercase, or proper case (first letter capitalized).

What is the shortcut for changing text cases in Excel?

The shortcut for changing text case in Excel is:

"Ctrl + Shift + [desired text case letter]"

For example:

  • "Ctrl + Shift + U" for UPPERCASE
  • "Ctrl + Shift + L" for lowercase
  • "Ctrl + Shift + P" for Proper case

How do I change a case in Excel without a formula?

You can change the case in Excel without using formulas by using the built-in text case options.


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Change Text Case in Microsoft Word

Microsoft Word or MS Word is a well-liked word processing software particularly used for creating documents such as Resumes, Writing reports, Letters, Assignments, brochures, Question papers, publishing PDFs, etc. It was released in 1993, and it is considered to be one of the Microsoft Office Suite's Applications because of the powerful feature of integration with other Microsoft programs. MS Word is popular among the market because of its wide variety of features like Adding Visual Effects to your text, Turning your text data into graphs, Adding visual impact to your document. Changing Text Case Microsoft Word provides the user with some hands-on option to convert any text case to another text case. Example: lowercase to UPPERCASE and UPPERCASE to lowercase To change the text case, find the "Change Case" button on your Home bar as shown below: You will find some options termed as Sentence Case, Lower Case, Upper Case, Toggle Case, Capitalize each word. Steps to Change Text Case The following are the steps to be followed to change the case of a particular text/paragraph. Step 1: Select the required text to be converted. Step 2: For text to be converted into Sentence Case select
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