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How to Clone Android Project from GitHub in Android Studio?

Last Updated : 06 Jan, 2025
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Android Studio provides a platform where one can build apps for Android phones, tablets, Android Wear, Android TV, and Android Auto. Android Studio is the official IDE for Android application development, based on IntelliJ IDEA. One can develop Android Applications using Kotlin or Java as the Backend Language, and it provides XML for developing Frontend Screens. 

Git is an open-source version control system. It means that whenever a developer develops some project (like an app) or something, he/she constantly updates it catering to the demands of users, technology, and whatsoever it may be. Version control systems keep these revisions straight, storing the modifications in a central repository. It allows developers to easily collaborate, as they can download a new version of the software, make changes, and upload the newest revision. Every developer can see these new changes, download them, and contribute. Git is used to storing the source code for a project and track the complete history of all changes to that code, while GitHub is a cloud-based platform built around the Git tool. So it’s necessary to upload your android project on GitHub. Sometimes it is necessary to import or clone the already stored project on GitHub for learning purposes, or it may be for testing purposes. So in this article, we are going to discuss the step-by-step process to clone the Android project from GitHub in Android Studio.

Step by Step Implementation

Find the appropriate android project according to the requirement in GitHub. You may also go through this link to find a project on COVID-19 Tracker Android App. So for demonstration purposes let’s clone this project in this article. 

After redirect to the above web page click on the green-colored Code button then copy the hyperlink as shown in the below image. You may copy the link manually or by just click on the Copy icon. 

Clone Android Project from GitHub in Android Studio

Method 1

Step 1: Open your Android Studio then go to the File > New > Project from Version Control as shown in the below image. 

Clone Android Project from GitHub in Android Studio

Step 2: After clicking on the Project from Version Control a pop-up screen will arise like below. In the Version control choose Git from the drop-down menu. 

Clone Android Project from GitHub in Android Studio

Step 3: Then at last paste the link in the URL and choose your Directory. Click on the Clone button and you are done.

Clone Android Project from GitHub in Android Studio

Method 2

Step 1: Click on the Checkout Project from Version Control. In Version control choose Git from the drop-down menu.

Step 2: Then a pop-up box will come. Paste the link in the URL and choose your Directory. Click on the Clone button and you are done.

Note: If you want to upload a project on GitHub from Android Studio then you may refer to How to Upload Project on GitHub from Android Studio? 

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