How to convert PHP array to JavaScript or JSON ?
PHP provides a json_encode() function that converts PHP arrays into JavaScript. Technically, it is in JSON format. JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation.
Statement: If you have a PHP array and you need to convert it into the JavaScript array so there is a function provided by PHP that will easily convert that PHP array into the JavaScript array. But before using this function you need few things that first make sure you are using PHP version 5.2 or above. Next, use the library function json_encode() to convert the PHP array to JavaScript array.
json_encode( $my_array );
Example 1: This example uses json_encode() function to convert PHP array to JavaScript JSON object.
<?php // Array in php $myArr = array ( 'Geeks' , '' ); ?> <!-- Converting PHP array into JavaScript array --> <script> var arr = <?php echo json_encode( $myArr ); ?>; document.write(arr[1]); </script> <?php ?> |
Example 2: Here you will see converting single dimensional PHP array into javaScript array by using json_encode($myArr). Passing the php array and then using json_encode, we convert it into javascript array.
<?php ?> <script type= 'text/javascript' > <?php $php_array = array ( 'geeks' , 'for' , 'geeks' ); $js_array = json_encode( $php_array ); echo "var javascript_array = " . $js_array . ";\n" ; ?> document.write(javascript_array[0]); </script> <?php ?> |
Example 3: Here you will see converting multi-dimensional PHP array into javaScript array by using json_encode($myArr). Passing the php array and then using json_encode, we convert it into javascript array.
<?php ?> <script type= 'text/javascript' > <?php $php_array = array ( array ( 'Geeks' , '' ), array ( 'for' , '' ), ); $js_array = json_encode( $php_array ); echo "var javascript_array = " . $js_array . ";\n" ; ?> document.write(javascript_array[0][1]); </script> <?php ?> |
Note:It should be noted that json_encode() function is only available in PHP 5.2 or after versions.