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Data Table In Excel : One Variable and Two Variable (In Easy Steps )

Last Updated: 08 Sep, 2023


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Data Table is a tool present in Microsoft Excel as one of the three What-If Analysis tools namely Scenario Manager, Goal Seek, and Data Table. It is a tool, that allows one to try out various input values for the formulas present in their sheet and see how changes in those values affect the output in the cells. To apply a data table tool anywhere in the Excel sheet, there must be a table and the formula whose values will be replaced by the row and column values must be kept in the top-left corner or the top-right corner of the table according to the variables used to replace the formula values. In this article, we will learn about data tables in Excel.

What is a Data Table in Excel

Excel data tables shine brightest when dealing with intricate formulas that rely on multiple variables. With the ability to manipulate diverse inputs and witness the ripple effect on formula outcomes, data tables provide an invaluable avenue for comparative analysis and insightful decision-making.

Currently, two variations of data tables grace Excel’s repertoire: the one-variable data table and the two-variable data table. While the two-variable data table is restricted to a maximum of two distinct input cells, its potential for exploration remains boundless, allowing you to traverse a wide spectrum of variable values and delve deep into the heart of data-driven discovery.

What is Use of Data Tables in Excel

Data tables can be used to replace the values of a formula present in the sheet with the values present in either the column or row of any table. With data tables, one can replace at most two values in the formula present in the sheet.

For example, we can see in the below figures, there is an Excel sheet that is used to calculate simple interest over a given amount for a given number of years for a given rate of interest per annum. With the help of a Data Table, we can calculate the interest for the same amount with different numbers of years and with different rates of interest. We can also, calculate the interest for different amounts, for different numbers of years for a fixed rate of interest very easily.

example of data table, with input example of data table, showing the formula

How to Create Data Table in Excel with Different Types

One Variable Data Table

In a one-variable data table, only one of the formula values is replaced with the row or column values of a table of data. 

For Example:

Let us say we want to find interest on the principal amount of the loan for 4 years for various interest rates, we can do this by placing the interest rates in either the row or column of a table and then using the data table we can replace the interest rate values with the row or column values, in the example below, we have placed the variables in the column of a table. The cell containing the formula is placed in the top right corner which contains empty cells for storing the calculated interest but do remember to keep the cells containing the other values in the formula linked with the cell containing the formula. The process is done as shown below:

one-variable data table example,

How to Create a One Variable Data Table in Excel

Embrak on a journey of formula exploration with the potent tool of a one-varible data table in Excel. This dynamic feature serves as a portal to a realm of testing and analysis, enabling you to dissect the intricate relationship between a single input cell and its profound influence on a connected formula’s outcome.

The essence of a one-varible data tables lies in its ability to scrutinize a range of values attributed to a solitary input cells, unveiling the mesmerizing interplay between these variations and the resulting formula outputs. As you traverse this domain of experimentation, a vivid tapestry of insights emerges, guiding your decison-making process with newfound clarity.

Step 1: Top Right Cell Contains Formulas

The top right cell is the cell that contains the formula for simple interest and it is linked with the cells containing the value of principal amount, number of years, and interest rate. The formula is =B3*B4*B5

showing interest rate formula in example of data variable one.

Step 2: Select the Table With All Inputs and Select Data Table

To use the data table tool, we need to select the table with all the inputs and the cell containing the formula. Go to what-if analysis, and select Data Table. A Data-Table dialogue box appears. Add, Column Input cell value as $B$5. Click Ok

adding value of column input cell, in one-variable data table

Step 3: Follow the Above Step for Row

If the variable interest rates were kept in the rows then we would have done the same thing but instead of putting B5 in the column input, we would have placed it in the row input. Below, are shown the values of Interest in the excel sheet. 


Two-Variable Data Table

In a two-variable data table, two of the formula values are replaced with the row and column values of a table of data. Two is the maximum number of values that can be used as variables in a data table since the values are replaced with row and column values which is a 2-D structure.


For Example:

Let us say we want to find interest on the principal amount of the loan for various numbers of years along with various interest rates, we can do this by placing the interest rates in either the row or column of a table and placing the numbers of years in the other row or column of the table mentioned before, then using the data table we can replace the interest rate values with the row or column values and numbers of years with the other row or column, in the example below we have placed the interest rate variables in the column and numbers of years variable in the row of a table. The cell containing the formula is placed in the top left corner. Do remember to keep the cells containing the principal amount in the formula linked with the cell containing the formula. The process is done as shown below:

How to Make a Two Variable Data Table in Excel

A two-variable data table is your window into understanding the dynamic relationship between two different set of inputs and their collaborative effect on a formula’s output. It’s like watching a carefully choreographed performance, where each change in these inputs pairs results in a unique transformation of the final result.

Thes steps to create a two-variable data table in Excel are basically the same as in the above example, except that you enter two ranges of possible input values, one in a row and another in a column.

Step 1: Top Left Cell Contains Formulas

The top left cell is the cell that contains the formula for simple interest and it is linked with the cell containing the value of the principal amount. The formula is =B3*B4*B5

starting from top-left cell in two-variable data table

Step 2: Select Data Table and Fill Details Followed by Pressing OK

To use the data table tool, we need to select the table with all the inputs and the cell containing the formula. Go to what-if analysis, and select Data Table. A Data-Table dialogue box appears. Add, Column Input cell value as $B$5, and Row input cell value as $B$4. Click Ok

adding row and column input value, in two-variable data table

Step 3: Interchange Values

We can interchange the values in the rows and columns but accordingly we have to change the row and column input values in the data table. Below, are shown the values of interest for the various number of years

final-output of the two-variable in data table

Data Table to Compare Multiple Results

Imagine having the ability to gather insights from not just one, but multiple formuals all in one go. With your data table as the canvas, you can now embark on a journey of formulaic exploration like never before.

Expanding the horizons of your data table is a simple as it sounds. If your data table is organized vertically in columns, you can add new formuals to the right of teh existing ones. On the other hand, if your data table is organized horizontally in rows, the additional formuals find their place just below the first one.

For the “multi-formula” data table to work correctly, all the formulas should refer to the same input cell.

Data table in Excel : Things to Remember

The important points related to data tables of Excel are listed as follows:

  1. Precision in Selection
  2. Insights Through Comparison
  3. Immutable Tabular Presentation
  4. The Orchestra of TABLE Formulas
  5. The Dynamic Aura

Precision in Selection

Data tables empower you to cherry-pick input values that align perfectly with your business needs. By handpicking these values, you optimize outcomes and harness the potential of your formulas.

Insights Through Comparison

A data tables serves as your comaps in giving different outputs. Through its consolidated presentation, you gain a panoramic view, enabling insights comparisons that unveil patterns, trends, and possibilities.

Immutable Tabular Presentation

The results are unveiled before you on a steadfast tabular format. This steadfastness, through, comes with a twist- the outcomes are resolute and cannot be altered or undone with a swift “Ctrl +Z” shortcut. Only the deliberate act of selection followed by the “Delete” key wields the power to erase.

The Orchestra of TABLE Formulas

Enter the arena of TABLE array formulas, the magicians behind the scenes. For precision, the “row input cell” and the “Column input cells” must be chosen thoughtfully, asking t fine-tuning an instrument. Their shared stage? The same worksheet as the data table, a crucial harmony for accurate results.

The Dynamic Aura

Unlike Pivot tables that requires a refresh, Excel data tables pulsate with dynamic life. A mere shift in source dataset values or formulas sparks an automatic update, ensuring your insights remain current and vibrant.

How to Delete a Data Table in Excel

Excel does not allow deleting values in individual cells containing the results. Whenever you try to this, an error message “Cannot change part of a data table” will show up:

You can easily clear the entire array of the resulting values. Here’s how:

Selection Precision

Depending upon your requirements, meticulously highlight either the entire range of data table cells or specifically focus on cells harboring the results you seek to obilerate.

The Eloquent Keystroke

With your selection poised and ready, summon the “Delete” key with a decisive press. They array of data table values you’ve chosen shall bow to your command and vanish, leaving behind a blank canvas.

How to Edit Data Table Results

It is not possible to change the part of an arrayin Excel, you cannot edit individual cells with calculated values. You can only replace all those values with your own one by performing these steps:

Step 1: Select all the resulting cells.

Step 2: Delete the TABLE formula in the formula bar.

Step 3: Type the desired value, and press Ctrl +Enter.

How to Recalculate Data Table Manually

When dealing with a hefty data table filled with numerous variable values and complex formulas, you might notice your Excel application slowing down. But now you can follow the below stepa to recalculate data table manually:

Step 1: Go to the Formulas Tab.

Step 2: Now select the Calculation Group.

Step 3: Then Click Automatic Except Data Tables.

Recalcualte-Data Table Manually

This will turn off data table calculations and speed up recalculations of the entire workbook.

To manually recalculate your data table, Select the cells with TABLE() formulas, and press F9.

FAQs on How to Create a Data Table In Excel

What are Data Table in Excel?

Excel data tables shine brightest when dealing with intricate formulas that rely on multiple variables. With the ability to manipulate diverse inputs and witness the ripple effect on formula outcomes, data tables provide an invaluable avenue for comparative analysis and insightful decision-making.

How to Create a one-variable data table in Excel?

To create a one-variable data table, follow these steps:

Step 1: Set up your input cells with the desired formulas.

Step 2: Create a column or row of values that you want to test as inputs.

Step 3: Select the range of cells that includes both the input cells and the formula cell.

Step 4: Go to the “Data” tab, click on “What-If Analysis,” and choose “Data Table”.

Step 5: In the “Column Input cells” box, select the input cell reference.

Step 6: Click “OK” to generate the data table.

Can we use data tables for multiple formulas at once?

Yes, you can evaluate multiple formulas simultaneously using a “multi-formula” data table. Enter additional formulas to the right of the original formula for a vertical data or below it for a horizontal data table. All formuals should refer to the same input cell for accurate results.

Data table can work with other Excel features?

Data table work harmoniously with various Excel functions and features. You can use them alongside other tools like charts, graphs, and Pivot tables to enhance your data analysis capabilities and gain deeper insights.


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