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How to Create a Dynamic Chart Range in Excel?

Last Updated: 01 Jun, 2021
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A Dynamic chart range is the range of a data set which automatically updates on any modifications in the original data set. It is beneficial because at some point in time we need to add or delete data from the original data set. So, we want a method to automatically update the chart on performing any modifications in the source data set. This is known as Dynamic Chart Range in which as the source data changes, the dynamic range updates, and within a fraction of seconds the chart associated with the data set automatically gets updated.

In this article, we are going to see how to create a dynamic chart range in Excel. Basically, there are two methods :

  • Using the Excel Table made with the data set.
  • Using the Formula method.

Let’s consider an example shown below and see how to create a dynamic chart range using the above-listed methods.

Example: Consider the data set shown below which consists of the data about the number of students enrolled in our famous courses. We will create a dynamic range so that if any new data are either added or deleted the chart gets modified automatically.

Dynamic Chart Range using the Excel Table:

This feature is available from Excel 2007 version and higher which we generally use nowadays. It is the most efficient method because when we add new data to the original source table it gets automatically updated.

The steps to create a dynamic chart range using a table are as follows :

Step 1: Select the table.

Step 2: Click on the Insert tab from the top of the Excel window.

Step 3: Click on the Table.

Step 4: The Create Table window opens. Since the above table has headers “Courses”, “Number of Students” check the box as shown below and then click on OK.

The shortcut to the above two steps is CTRL+T which will open the Create Table window directly.

Dynamic Range Excel Table

Step 5: Now select the entire table and go to Insert and from the Chart Group sets select the 2-D column. You can choose any chart as per requirements.

Step 6: Now we insert new data in the Excel table and observe what happens in the chart.

It can be observed that as we enter the new data the chart gets automatically updated. 

Using the Excel Formula:

It is an alternate method that can be used in any version of Excel. The functions used for generating formulas are “OFFSET”, “COUNTIF”.

OFFSET: It is basically used to create a reference offset from a starting point. To create a dynamic range we need the OFFSET function.


= OFFSET(reference,rows,cols,[height],[width])

arguments : reference,rows,cols,[height],[width]

COUNTIF : It is basically used to count cells that match the criteria or a single condition. In criteria, we use LOGICAL OPERATORS like (<,>,>=,<=,<>) and wildcards like (*,?) in case of any partial matching.


= COUNTIF(range,criteria)

arguments : range,criteria

Now, let’s discuss the key steps to be followed to create a dynamic range chart.

Step 1 : Select any cell in Excel and write the formula as shown below for both “Courses” and “Number of Students”. Copy this formula and store it somewhere, probably a notepad as we need it again.

The cell range is taken from Row 3 to Row 102 which is 100 cells in total. So, we created a dynamic range for the user to enter new data into the existing data set.

For example : For “The Number of Students” column the cell range will be from B3 to B102.

Step 2: Now go to the Formulas tab and select Name Manager.

Step 3: Now specify a new name in the Name Manager window.

In Refers to: Copy paste the previously written formula for the Number of Students column and click OK.

Similarly, do it for the “Courses” column by providing a new name GeekCourses.

In this step basically, we are creating two new ranges GeekCourses and GeekStudents which refer to the original data set values. Now, if we add any new data in the previous data set it will automatically be updated in the ranges created in this step.

Step 4 : Now we will create a new dynamic chart associated with the Dynamic Range created using the formulas in the above step.

Insert a blank chart and then go to the Design tab and click on Select Data.

Step 3: The Select Data Source dialog box opens. Now click on Add.

In the Series Value enter the following command :


Name_Ranged_Formula : The dynamic range created using the Formula.

In our case it is :


Now click OK. We can observe that the blank chart is now updated with the data set values. However, the Horizontal-axis (for Courses) is not yet correct. For that, we need go to the Edit tab and write the axis label range as :


Click OK. The Dynamic chart is now ready.

Now, enter new data in the original data set and it can be observed that the chart automatically updates. Also, if you delete any data the chart will delete those entries and modifies itself automatically.

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How to Create Dynamic Chart Titles In Excel?

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Creating a Gantt Chart With Milestones Using a Stacked Bar Chart In Excel

One of the most common and effective methods of displaying activities (tasks or events) plotted against time is a Gantt chart, which is frequently used in project management. On the left side of the chart is a list of the activities, and at the top is a suitable time scale. A bar is used to symbolize each activity, and the location and length of the bar correspond to the activity's beginning, middle, and finish dates. The following elements are crucial to any effective Gantt chart: The task list, which can be divided into groups and subgroups, runs vertically along the left side of the Gantt chart to define project activity.Timeline: Displays months, weeks, days, and years horizontally across the top of the Gantt chart.Dateline: On a Gantt chart, a vertical line displays the current date.Bars: On the right side of the Gantt chart, horizontal markers indicate tasks and display status, length, and start and finish dates.Milestones: Yellow diamonds that identify significant occasions, dates, choices, and outputsDependencies are thin grey lines connecting activities that must occur in a specific order.The percentage of work that has been completed or the color of the bars can be used t
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Radar Chart or Spider Chart in Excel

Radar Chart is a pictorial representation of multivariate data. Multivariate data analysis in statistics is nothing but dealing with more than one outcome or observations. Radar graphs can be of two dimensions, three dimensions, or more on the basis of the multiple comparable variables used. The variables are represented on the axis starting from the same points with equal intervals on the axes. The number of axes in a radar graph solely depends on the number of variables used. The Radar Chart has various other names like spider chart, web chart, spider web chart, cobweb chart, irregular polygon, star chart, Kiviat Diagram, etc. The data from the observations in the form of tables are plotted on each axis and by joining all these points in the axes a polygon type structure is formed. So, the number of polygons is dependent on the number of observations. In this article, we will see how to plot a Radar Chart in Microsoft Excel for a given data set using two examples. Example 1 : Consider the table shown below which consists of the data of two Geek students who enrolled in our various courses. Our mentors have rated them on the basis of the student's performance in the individual
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Excel Dynamic Chart Linked with a Drop-down List

Dynamic Chart using drop-down list is very helpful when we deal with tons of grouped data and perform comparative analysis. For example, an E-commerce site sells different types of products. They can create a drop-down list for every product and in the chart, they can see the sales details in the last ten years. In this article, we are going to see how to create a dynamic chart with a drop-down list using a suitable example shown below. Example: Consider the table below which shows the details of the ratings provided by our mentors to different students in the courses they have enrolled in. The rating is on a scale of 0-5 based on their performance. The goal is to create a single drop-down list for the courses and associate a chart with it. Implementation : Follow the below steps to implement a dynamic chart linked with a drop-down menu in Excel: Step 1: Insert the data set into an Excel sheet in the cells as shown above. Step 2: Now select any cell where you want to create the drop-down list for the courses. Step 3: Now click on the Data tab from the top of the Excel window and then click on Data Validation. Step 4: In the Data Validation dialog box : In Allow: Select List.In So
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How to Make a Dynamic Gantt Chart in Excel?

The Gantt chart is named after Henry Gantt, an American mechanical engineer and management consultant who devised it in the 1910s. In Excel, a Gantt diagram displays projects or tasks as cascading horizontal bar charts. A Gantt chart depicts the project's breakdown structure by displaying start and completion dates as well as other linkages between project activities, allowing you to track tasks against their allocated time or preset milestones. A Gantt chart allows you to know at a glance which tasks are currently the greatest priority, as well as the expected completion date of the article. Steps to Create an Excel Gantt Chart Step 1: Create a table with columns for data such as articles, start date, and end date, as seen in the picture below. Step 2: Following that, we must build a date section by creating a timeline and inserting the date formula: =DATE (year,month,day) After that using the =D5+1 formula, we extend the timeline by one day till 10 Jan 2021. Step 3: Now we are going to apply Conditional formatting by using this logical formula: =IF(AND(D$5>=$B6, D$5<=$C6),"YES","NO") Explanation: It will return "YES" if the D5 (01-Jan-2021) falls between B6 (01-Jan-2
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Dynamic Organizational Chart in Excel

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How to Create Dynamic Range Based on Cell Value in Excel VBA?

Dynamic ranges in excel VBA provide us with the flexibility to define ranges beyond the specific values. The dynamic range enables the program to perform transformation and data management steps with ease without the worry of changing the range of the data set. The dynamic range in excel VBA promotes code reusability and does not make the programming logic to be redundant. By utilizing the range object and cells object, the dynamic ranges in Excel VBA can be defined and created. There are many ways in which dynamic ranges can be created. Following are the methods listed below: Variable initialization to the range and cell object.Create a Dynamic range passed as the value in another excel cell. The following examples help in illustrating the above methods, Variable Initialization to Range and Cell Object With the change in the size of the data, it would be useful if the range object that is used to refer to the ranges can be modified. The following code helps in counting the last row and column in an excel as shown below Sub test() Dim EndR As Integer Dim lastCl1 As Integer Sheet2.Activate EndR = Sheet2.Range("A1").End(xlUp).Row lastCl1 = Sheet2.Range("XFD1").End(xlToLeft).Column Ms
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