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How to Create a Rolling Chart in Excel?

Last Updated: 03 Jan, 2023


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A chart range is a data range that automatically updates as the data source is changed. This dynamic range is then utilized in a graphic as the source data. As the data changes, the dynamic range updates instantaneously, causing the chart to refresh. A common necessity when developing reports in Excel is to report on a rolling basis. This may imply the previous 12 months, the last 6 weeks, or the last 7 days.  Whatever era is being reported, this might involve spending a significant amount of effort modifying chart sources and algorithms to display the correct data. To make a rolling chart, first, make two dynamic named ranges. These will automatically collect data from the previous six months. One named range contains the chart data, while the other contains the labels. We will then utilize these specified names as the source for our chart.

Make a Dynamic Chart Range Using Excel Formula

Using Excel formula and named ranges, construct dynamic chart ranges. To make the named ranges dynamic, the OFFSET function will be employed. You may use this method to reference ranges relative to another range on a sheet. As a result, this may be used to grab the data. Example:

Step 1: Assume you have the following data set.



Step 2: Then, on the Ribbon, select the Formulas tab and then the Define Name button.



Step 3: After that, the Define Name dialogue box will display. You are free to use whatever name you choose. I named this one Monthsales and used the formula below in refers to section.


Explanation: This formula begins at cell B1. It then scrolls down to the bottom of the column. The column bottom is determined by counting the number of values in column B. The -6 and 1 at the end of the calculation are used to retrieve the cell’s last 6 rows and 1 column.



Step 4: We must now construct a new dynamic named range for the chart labels. The following OFFSET function will be utilized.


This function takes the previously provided name and chooses an equal height range one column to the left. 



Step 5: The next step is to insert a chart using the named ranges as the data source. Navigate to the Insert tab. Insert the ‘Line with markers’ chart by clicking on ‘Insert Line or Area Chart.’ The chart will be inserted into the worksheet as a result of this.



Step 6: Now the Chart will appear like this.



Step 7: Go to the Chart Design Tab and click on Select Data after selecting the chart.



Step 8: Click the Edit button in ‘Legend Entries (Series)’ in the ‘Select Data Source’ dialogue box that appears.



Step 9: Cell B1 has been chosen as the Series name. The name of the data series is taken from the Sales heading. The Monthsales designated range has been input for Series Values. Keep the sheet name in there as well, as shown in the figure below, and then click OK.



Step 10: Click the Edit button again in the ‘Labels’ Section in the ‘Select Data Source’ dialogue box. The Chartmonths designated range has been typed in the Axis label range section and then click OK.



Step 11: In Excel, a rolling chart is built. When you add new rows to the table, the chart automatically refreshes to display the most recent six months.




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Creating a Gantt Chart With Milestones Using a Stacked Bar Chart In Excel

One of the most common and effective methods of displaying activities (tasks or events) plotted against time is a Gantt chart, which is frequently used in project management. On the left side of the chart is a list of the activities, and at the top is a suitable time scale. A bar is used to symbolize each activity, and the location and length of the bar correspond to the activity's beginning, middle, and finish dates. The following elements are crucial to any effective Gantt chart: The task list, which can be divided into groups and subgroups, runs vertically along the left side of the Gantt chart to define project activity.Timeline: Displays months, weeks, days, and years horizontally across the top of the Gantt chart.Dateline: On a Gantt chart, a vertical line displays the current date.Bars: On the right side of the Gantt chart, horizontal markers indicate tasks and display status, length, and start and finish dates.Milestones: Yellow diamonds that identify significant occasions, dates, choices, and outputsDependencies are thin grey lines connecting activities that must occur in a specific order.The percentage of work that has been completed or the color of the bars can be used t
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Radar Chart or Spider Chart in Excel

Radar Chart is a pictorial representation of multivariate data. Multivariate data analysis in statistics is nothing but dealing with more than one outcome or observations. Radar graphs can be of two dimensions, three dimensions, or more on the basis of the multiple comparable variables used. The variables are represented on the axis starting from the same points with equal intervals on the axes. The number of axes in a radar graph solely depends on the number of variables used. The Radar Chart has various other names like spider chart, web chart, spider web chart, cobweb chart, irregular polygon, star chart, Kiviat Diagram, etc. The data from the observations in the form of tables are plotted on each axis and by joining all these points in the axes a polygon type structure is formed. So, the number of polygons is dependent on the number of observations. In this article, we will see how to plot a Radar Chart in Microsoft Excel for a given data set using two examples. Example 1 : Consider the table shown below which consists of the data of two Geek students who enrolled in our various courses. Our mentors have rated them on the basis of the student's performance in the individual
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How to Create Automatic Rolling Months in Excel?

Microsoft created the spreadsheet Excel for Windows, macOS, Android, and iOS. Excel offers calculation, computation, visualization tools, pivot tables, and VBA. You will find a lot of cells in a spreadsheet. The names of the rows and the columns are both written in alphabetical order. The row and column addresses of each cell can be used to pinpoint its precise location. The spreadsheet's first top-left cell is A1. One spreadsheet contains 16384 columns and 1048576 rows in total (A to XFD). Automatic Rolling Months in Excel There are several ways to set up a series of Automatic Rolling Months: Using the Excel Toolbar's Fill Option By using the Fill Option from the Excel Toolbar, you can create a series of dates with automatic rolling months. Step 1: Enter the first date of the series in a cell. For instance, in cell C6, enter September 23, 2022: Automatic Rolling Months in Excel Step 2: Select all of the cells where you want the series to be inserted. Cells C6 to C17 were selected here: Automatic Rolling Months in Excel Step 3: Then, in the Editing Section of the Excel Toolbar, select Home>Fill. Select an option from the drop-down menu: Automatic Rolling Months in Excel Step 4:
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How to Create a Dynamic Pie Chart in Excel?

In Excel, Pie-chart is a graphical representation of different sections or sectors of a circle based on the proportion, it holds from the complete quantity. Pie-charts are generally categorized into two types: Static Pie-chart: A pie-chart created with static or fixed input values is known to be a static pie-chart. The values of these types of pie-charts don't change over time.Dynamic Pie-chart: A pie-chart created with dynamic or changing input values is known to be a dynamic pie-chart. The values of these type of pie-charts changes over time. In this article, we will discuss how to create a dynamic excel pie chart? Creating a dynamic pie chart in Excel means creating a pie-chart that automatically(dynamically) gets updated when new values are entered into the table, which is used for creating the pie-chart. Creating a Dynamic Excel Pie Chart in Excel is very easy. We can create a dynamic pie chart using two different methods: Using offset formulaUsing TableCreating a dynamic pie chart using offset formula We can create a dynamic pie chart using the offset formula. So to this follow the following steps: Step 1: Create a table and insert values in it. Apply the offset formula to ge
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How to Create a Gauge Chart in Excel?

Gauge chart is also known as a speedometer or dial chart, which use a pointer to show the readings on a dial. It is just like a speedometer with a needle, where the needle tells you a number by pointing it out on the gauge chart with different ranges. It is a Single point chart that tracks a single data point against its target. Steps to Create a Gauge Chart Follow the below steps to create a Gauge chart: Step 1: First enter the data points and values. Step 2: Doughnut chart(with First table values). Select the range B2:B7Then press shortcut keys [Alt + N + Q and select the Doughnut] or Go to Insert -> Charts -> Doughnut (With these steps you will get a blank chart). Step 3: Delete or hide the left portion of the Doughnut chart. Select the chart (left click on the chart) & double click on the left portion.Then right click -> format Data point... -> paint -> fill -> select "No fill". Step 4: Change the Angle Select the legend Icon & Change the angle to 271.Then you can change the doughnut hole size. Step 5: Set the Border & color Go to fill and line -> border -> No line.You can also change the colors of each data point. Step 6: Creating a pointer
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How to Create Pivot Chart from Pivot Table in Excel using Java?

A Pivot Chart is used to analyze data of a table with very little effort (and no formulas) and it gives you the big picture of your raw data. It allows you to analyze data using various types of graphs and layouts. It is considered to be the best chart during a business presentation that involves huge data. To add a pivot chart to an Excel worksheet, you need to use the "WorksheetChartsCollection.add" method.  Before Creating a Pivot Chart, one first needs to go through how to Create Pivot Table in Excel using Java. Now let's discuss the steps to create a pivot chart in an Excel file in Java using Free Spire.XLS for Java API. How to Create a Pivot Table in Excel using JavaStep 1: Load the Excel fileWorkbook workbook = new Workbook() String workbookName = "Geeks_For_Geeks.xlsx"; workbook.loadFromFile(workbookName); Step 2: Get the first worksheetWorksheet sheet = workbook.getWorksheets().get(0); Step 3: Get the first pivot table in the worksheetIPivotTable pivotTable = sheet.getPivotTables().get(0); Step 4: Add a clustered column chart based on the pivot table to the second worksheetChart chart = workbook.getWorksheets().get(1).getCharts().add(ExcelChartType.ColumnClustered, pivotTa
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How to Create a Dynamic Chart with Drop down List in Excel?

The Dynamic Charts are the chart that gets updated itself when the range of underline data changes. In these types, of charts the dynamic range is used as the source data of the chart. So, as the data changes the dynamic range gets updated instantly which further updates the chart according to the new data range. These charts are very useful when we have a very large dataset and we need to perform a comparative analysis of that dataset. For example, in analyzing the revenue generated by different products of the company over a year. In this tutorial, we will look into a Dynamic chart with a drop-down list which will get updated itself, when we change the data of the drop-down list. Making Dynamic Chart with Dropdown List Now we are going to create a dynamic chart with a drop-down list for the revenue generated by different apps over a period of six months. (assume revenue in Cr.) Step 1: Create Dataset In this step, we will be inserting random revenue generated by various apps of google into our excel sheet. Below is the screenshot of the random data that we will use for the dynamic chart. Step 2: Insert a drop-down list In this step, we will insert a drop-down list. For this go t
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How To Create a Tornado Chart In Excel?

Tornado charts are a special type of Bar Charts. They are used for comparing different types of data using horizontal side-by-side bar graphs. They are arranged in decreasing order with the longest graph placed on top. This makes it look like a 2-D tornado and hence the name. Creating a Tornado Chart in Excel: Follow the below steps to create a Tornado Chart In Excel: Step 1: Open Excel and Prepare your Data table. Start writing your data in a table with appropriate headers for each column. Once this is done, make sure you select either of the columns and set all of its values to negative i.e., if the original value in Header Xyz is 2000, then change it to negative two thousand or "-2000" as shown below. Step 2: Select the entire table using L-Shift and the arrow keys. Then, go to the Data section from the top bar and select "Sort." Now, set the "Sort by" value to the Header of your Negative column and set the "Order" as "Largest to Smallest" as shown below, and click OK. Sorting the data Step 3: Representing the above data in Bar Chart Sorted data Now, select the entire table. Go to "Insert" and select Bar. Under "Bar", select the Stacked bar option and wait for your tornado char
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How to Create a Waffle Chart in Excel

The Waffle Chart emerges as a captivating masterpiece, transforming raw numbers into visual symphonies. Whether you'll illustrate work progress as a percentage of completion or showcase the balance between goals achieved and targets set, the waffle Chart unveils a canvas of insights with a mere glance. What is a Waffle ChartA waffle chart is a square grid chart that fills up to a certain percentage. It is used to visualize different types of data in a very simple yet effective way. One similar example of a waffle chart could be the Battery symbols on our modern-day smartphones. A waffle chart is a wonderful method of representation of numeric data, and it can be used as a replacement for a Pie Chart. Advantages of Waffle Chart The Waffle Chart has a number of advantages, rendering your data visualization journey not only captivating but profoundly effective. A few advantages are mentioned below: Visual interesting:Waffle Charts are like eye candy for your data. They turn boring numbers into a colorful, eye-catching pattern that's impossible to ignore. Numbers that speak loud and clear: They're like the superheroes of clarity. You can understand them with just a quick glance. Find
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How to Create a Tolerance Chart in Excel?

A tolerance chart shows how a particular data item compares to the maximum and minimum permissible values. In this article, we'll analyze the average results of the students of a class using a tolerance chart. Tolerance Chart Steps for creating a Tolerance Chart Follow the below steps to create a Tolerance chart in Excel: Step 1: The first step is to make your data table. This table must have three main attributes, Minimum, Maximum, and Range. Here, the range is the difference between the Maximum and the Minimum values. You can use this formula and apply it to all corresponding cells. Take a look at the following image for better clarity. Step 2: Next, select the entire table and click on Insert. Note: The menus may look different for different versions of Excel, but the basic principles remain the same. Step 3: Find Stacked Area Chart under the Charts sub-section, and click on it. You may delete the legend on the right-hand side if you want. Stacked Area Chart Step 4: Now, from the table, select all the values from the 'min' row. Then click Ctrl + C, to copy. Now, click on the chart and hit Ctrl + V, to paste. This will result in an additional layer being added to the stacked cha
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