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How to Delete a Remote Tag in Git?

Last Updated : 21 May, 2024
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Git tags are important for marking specific points in your repository's history, often used for releases. However, there may come a time when you need to delete a remote tag. Here’s a simple guide to help you understand how to do this.

What is a Git Tag?

A Git tag is a reference to a specific point in your Git history. It's typically used to mark release points (e.g., v1.0, v2.0). Tags are lightweight and immutable, meaning once created, they cannot be changed. However, you can delete them if needed.

Why Delete a Remote Tag?

You might want to delete a remote tag for several reasons:

  • It was created by mistake.
  • It references an incorrect commit.
  • It's no longer relevant.

Steps to Delete a Remote Tag in Git

Follow these steps to delete a remote tag:

Step 1: Delete the Local Tag

First, ensure that the local tag is deleted. This prevents any potential confusion or conflicts.

1. List Tags: To see all tags, use the following command:

git tag

2. Delete the Local Tag: To delete a specific tag locally, use the following command:

git tag -d <tagname>

Replace `<tagname>` with the actual tag name you want to delete. For example:

git tag -d v1.0

Step 2: Delete the Remote Tag

After deleting the local tag, the next step is to delete it from the remote repository.

Delete the Remote Tag: Use the `git push` command with the `:refs/tags/` syntax to delete the tag from the remote repository.

git push origin :refs/tags/<tagname>

Replace `<tagname>` with the actual tag name. For example:

 git push origin :refs/tags/v1.0

Step 3: Verify the Deletion

To ensure that the tag has been deleted from the remote repository:

1. Fetch Remote Tags: Update your local repository with the latest changes from the remote repository.

 git fetch --tags

2. List Tags: Verify that the tag is no longer listed.

git tag


Deleting a remote tag in Git is a simple process. Remember to first delete the local tag to avoid confusion, then delete the remote tag using the `git push` command. This ensures your repository remains clean and organized.

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