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Excel Date and Time Formats With Examples

Last Updated: 21 Mar, 2024


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Excel has a built-in time feature that is simple to use and can save you a lot of time. We can insert current Data and Time into a worksheet cell using Excel’s built-in functions. When you enter a date or time into a cell, the date and time are displayed in the cell’s default date and time format. The regional date and time settings entered in Control Panel determine this default format, which changes when those settings are changed in Control Panel. Numbers can be displayed in a variety of date and time formats, the majority of which are unaffected by Control Panel settings.

We can use Excel time features to

  • Convert time to decimal numbers
  • Add the time of two different units
  • Calculate elapsed time

Note: Elapsed time is the amount of time between the start of an event or task to its end.

Date and Time Format in Excel

Microsoft Excel supports the 1900 Date System. In the 1900 data system, the first day supported is January 1, 1900. When we enter a date, excel converts it into a sequential number which represents the number of elapsed days starting from January 1, 1900. Microsoft Excel treats time as a portion of days, and internally it is stored as a decimal fraction.

For Example:

  • 00:00:00 in Excel, stored as 0.0
  • 23:59:59 in Excel, stored as 0.99999
  • 12:00 PM in Excel, stored as 0.5

Decimal Representation of Time

In order to get the decimal representation of time in Excel: 

  • Select the Cell Containing Time and then Right-Click on it
  • Select Format Cells (Here, we are using 2:32 PM as the time in the cell)

Note: We can also use shortcut to open formatting cell popup. For this we need to select the cell containing time and press ctrl + 1.

Select Cell Containing Time and then Right-Click on it and then select Format Cells.

Fig1 –  Format Cells

  • Once we click on the Format Cells option, Excel will open a format cells dialog box
  • Select Number tab and then click on General under Category, you will see the decimal in the Sample box. 
Format cell dialog box will appear, here we need to select general under number tab.

Fig2 – Decimal representation of time

We can review the values in the Sample tab, which gives the decimal representation of the time we entered in the cell.

How To Change the Default Time Format

Microsoft Excel by default recognizes the time we enter into a cell, depending on our time zone

For example:

If we enter 3:00 PM, excel will interpret it as time and display it as 3:00 PM, 15:00, or 15:00:00 depending upon our default time format.

We enter 3:00 PM in a cell, but it shows default time format.

Fig3 – Default time format

In order to change the Time format:

  • Select a desired Cell 
  • Then press Ctrl + 1, to open the format cell dialog box 
  • Select Number tab, then in Category choose the Time option
  • You can Choose Time Format as Per Requirement.
for changing the time format again dialog box appears here select time under number category.

Fig4 – Changing default time format

Once we’ve selected our desired time format, we need to click on the OK button. Excel will change the default time format to our specified time format.

Excel will change the default time format to our specified time format.

Fig5 – Time format output

How to Create a Custom Date and Time Format in Excel

Excel provides a lot of useful time format features, one of them is creating a custom time format. In order to create a custom time format, We need to open the time format cell tab.  

  • Select a desired Cell 
  • Press Ctrl + 1 to open Format Cells dialog box.
  • Select Number tab and in Category select the Custom option 
  • Under Type, you can Fill the Desired Time Format.
  • Review the Sample value to check if it’s formatted as desired.
  • Click OK to save the changes.

For example: 

To format a date time value like 1-Jan-2023 10:30 AM, utilize this code: d-mmm-yyyy h:mm AM/PM.

For custom time format again need to open the dialog box and then select number and choose custom and in type write any time format.

Fig6 – Custom time format

Once we fill in our desired custom time format (Here, we are using h:mm AM/PM), Excel will update the default time format to our specified time format.

The custom created time format will be in the Type list the next time you need it.

Excel will change the default time format to our specified time format.

Fig7 – Custom time format output

Add Today’s Date & Current Time using NOW() Function

Excel provides an in-built NOW() function, which is used to retrieve today’s date and the current system time.

NOW() function features:

  • NOW() function retrieves present date (today’s date)
  • It retrieves the current system clock time.
  • It is a volatile function that causes the cell with the NOW() function to recalculate the current date and time, every time the worksheet is re-opened.
  • In order to force excel to recalculate the current time or date in an open worksheet, we can use F9 + Shift key to recalculate.
In this we are just using =NOW() function.

Fig8 – NOW() function

After writing the =NOW() function, we need to just press Enter key, Excel will automatically fetch the current date and time of the system.

It will automatically fetch the current date and time of the system.

Fig9 – NOW() function output


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VBA Date and Time Functions in Excel

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How to Combine Text with Date or Time in Excel?

Microsoft Excel allows its users to store and manage different varieties of data in the form of rows and columns and store it inside an Excel workbook. Since Microsoft Excel allows its users to not only store data but also manipulate that data later on as per their needs. Combine Text with Date or Time in Excel Let's assume a scenario where a user is having data in two different columns. In the first column, the user has some text and in the second column, the user has either date or time values and the user wants to manipulate this data in such a way that he/she can combine the data of both of these columns in a third column. Text Date Final Form MS Dhoni was born on07/07/1981MS Dhoni was born on 07/07/1981Virat Kohli was born on 05/11/1988Virat Kohli was born on 05/11/1988 Now, we can observe that our goal is to append data of one column with data of another column. Microsoft Excel provides us with two useful ways using which we can combine these two elements. The first one is the Ampersand (&) symbol/operator and the second one is the CONCAT() function. Method 1: Combining text with date/time using Ampersand (&) operator We can use the & operator to combine two elem
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How to Remove Time from Date/Timestamp in Excel?

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Excel Date Functions with Formula Examples

There are many functions in Microsoft Excel that may be used to work with dates and timings in Excel. Each function completes a straightforward task, but by combining numerous functions into a single formula, you may handle trickier and more complicated problems. The purpose of discussing DATE functions in Excel is to help different people perform more complex and challenging tasks by combining several functions within one formula. The DATE function is used to calculate dates in Excel. To work with these formulas you first need to insert the dates in Excel. Excel provides different functions to work with dates & times such as TODAY, NOW, WEEKDAY, EOMONTH, etc. which we will discuss here with examples. Excel DATE function ListDATE Function Get the Current date and TimeTODAY- It returns today's date.NOW- It returns the current date and time.Converts Dates to / From textDATEVALUE- Helps to Convert date in the text format to date format TEXT- It helps to convert a date to a text value.Retrieve dates in ExcelDAY- It returns the day of the monthMONTH- It is used to return the month of a specified dateYEAR- It is used to return the year of a specified dateEOMONTH- It returns the last
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How to Automatically Insert Date and Timestamp in Excel?

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How to Sort by Date in Excel?

Excel provides various types of sorting formats e.g. “sort A to Z”, “Sort Z to A”, “Sort by color” and “Sort by date” etc. Sorting in Excel is nothing but arranging data into some meaningful order to make it easier to understand, analyze, or visualize. Here, we will be discussing how to sort by Date in Excel whether it may be Years, Months, Days, or weeks. How to Sort by Date in Excel? How to Sort by Date in Excel?Chronological or reverse chronological order is the easiest way to sort data by date. This sorts the data in ascending or descending order. In Excel, you must have the dates in one single format to sort the data by date otherwise they do not always work. To sort the dates in chronological order follow the below steps: Step 1:  Select the dates which you want to sort in ascending or descending order. Step 2: Click Home tab -> Click on the arrow under Sort & Filter, and then click Sort Oldest to Newest. As a result, data is sorted from oldest to newest. Step 3:  If you want to sort dates from Newest to Oldest, then Click Home tab -> Click on the arrow under Sort & Filter, and then click Sort Newest to Oldest. As a result, data is sorted by newest to oldest. Ho
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