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How to Generate API URL for Public Instagram Feeds in Android?

Last Updated : 27 Jan, 2021
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If we are want to display any data from Instagram inside our application, then we will have to add an API URL for Instagram to load data from Instagram. So we have to generate this URL to get data from our Instagram account. In this article, we will take a look at creating an Instagram API using No Code API

Step by Step Implementation for the generation of Instagram API

Step 1: Go to NoCodeAPI Site

Browse the site inside your browser. You can click here to go to that site. After going to this site you have to simply sign in with your email and password just like we do on Geeks for Geeks. After creating and verifying your account, you will get to see the below screen. 

Inside this screen Click on the View Marketplace option to explore different APIS and you will get to see the below screen. 

Inside this screen click on the Instagram option as we are generating API for Instagram public feeds. After clicking on Activate option on Instagram you will get to see the below screen. 

Inside this screen click on the Make Instagram API option and you will get to see a page to add your app name and token. You can get to see the below page. 

Inside this screen add your app name. After adding your app name now we have to generate our access token so we can get the URL for our API. 

Step 2: Generating token for Instagram API

Click on the link which is shown in in above image, you will get to see the below page. Make sure you have login to your Facebook account to use this.  

Inside this screen, now we have to create a new app on Facebook to generate our access token for using Instagram API. 

Step 3: Creating a new app in your Facebook account

Click on Create app option to create a new app. After clicking on create app option you will get to see the below screen. 

Inside this screen add your app name and email will be automatically detected and select no business manager account selected option and click on create app option to create a new app. After clicking on the next option you will get to see the below screen. 

Inside this screen click on the basic display setup option as we want to get data for Instagram feeds. After clicking on Instagram’s basic display setup option you will get to see the below screen. 

Inside this screen you have to scroll to the bottom position and click on Create New App option to create a new app. After clicking on create new app option you will get to see the below screen. You have to scroll to the bottom to navigate the Instagram tester option as shown below. 

Inside this screen click on Add Instagram tester option to add new Instagram tester option. After clicking on this option you will get to see the below screen. 

Step 4: Adding a test user in our Instagram tester

After proceeding above step you will get to see the below screen.

Inside this screen, click on Add Instagram tester option to add a new Instagram tester. After clicking on this option a search box will appear. Inside that add your Instagram user name and select your account and then click on submit option. After clicking on submit option you will get to see your Instagram tester has been added.

Now we have to verify the tester in the Instagram account. As the status of the added account is currently showing as pending. So we have to verify this account to remove the pending status.  

Step 5: Verifying the tester account on Instagram

Go to this url or you can simply go to your Instagram profile > Settings option > Apps and Websites > Tester Invites and you will get to see the invite there, you have to approve that invite which is shown below. 

You will get to see the above screen. Inside this screen click on Accept option, it will prompt for verifying your Instagram account. Verify your Instagram account and then go back to the Facebook developer page and refresh that page which we left in the previous step. After refreshing that page the pending status will be removed from there. 

Step 6: Generating access token for your Instagram profile

To generate the access token for your Instagram profile. Inside the page of step 4. Navigate to left window, click on Instagram Basic display option > Basic display option you will get to see below screen. 

Inside this screen click on Generate token option it will prompt you for verification of your Instagram account and after that, you will get to see your token in a popup menu. Inside that check on I understand option and you will get to see your access token. Now copy that access token. 

Step 7: Generating API URL for Instagram feeds

Now go to step 1 where we have added our app name in No Code API website. Inside that second field Long-lived access token, paste your access token, and click on Create option. Now your URL has been generated and you can use that URL to fetch the data from your Instagram profile in the form of JSON. And you are done!!

If you are unable to follow each step you may refer to the following video for the complete process:

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