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How to implement a Stack using list in C++ STL

Last Updated : 14 Jul, 2021
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In this article, we will discuss how to implement a Stack using list in C++ STL.

Stack is a linear data structure which follows. LIFO(Last In First Out) or FILO(First In Last Out). It mainly supports 4 major operations:
1. Push: Push an element into the stack.
2. Pop: Removes the element by following the LIFO order.
3. Top: Returns the element present at the top of the stack.
4. Empty: Returns whether the stack is empty or not.

Below is the implementation of the above approach:


// C++ implementation of stack
// using list STL
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
template <typename T>
// templating it so that any data type can be used
class Stack {
    list<T> l;
    int cs = 0;
    // current size of the stack
    // pushing an element into the stack
    void push(T d)
        // increasing the current size of the stack
    // popping an element from the stack
    void pop()
        if (cs <= 0) {
            // cannot pop us stack does not contain an
            // elements
            cout << "Stack empty" << endl;
        else {
            // decreasing the current size of the stack
    // if current size is 0 then stack is empty
    bool empty() { return cs == 0; }
    // getting the element present at the top of the stack
    T top() { return l.front(); }
    int size()
        // getting the size of the stack
        return cs;
    // printing the elements of the stack
    void print()
        for (auto x: l) {
            cout << x << endl;
int main()
    Stack<int> s;
    s.push(10); // pushing into the stack
    cout << "Current size of the stack is " << s.size()
         << endl;
    cout << "The top element of the stack is " <<
         << endl;
    s.pop(); // popping from the stack
    cout << "The top element after 1 pop operation is "
         << endl; // printing the top of the stack
    s.pop(); // popping
    cout << "The top element after 2 pop operations is "
         << << endl;
    cout << "Size of the stack after 2 pop operations is "
         << s.size() << endl;
    return 0;


Current size of the stack is 4
The top element of the stack is 40
The top element after 1 pop operation is 30
The top element after 2 pop operations is 20
Size of the stack after 2 pop operations is 2

Time Complexity: O(1) for both push and pop operations in the stack.
Auxiliary Space: O(N)

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